Waiola sat herself next to Crystal, one of her hands resting on her belly, the other wrapped around Crystal's waist. She gently placed her cheek on Crystal's shoulders, silently listening as the speaker began.
Ryan kept his eyes glued on the floor. He really didn't want to look at anyone right now. He wasn't going to cry, he wasn't going to feel anything but Juliettee's touch. The service slowly moved forward, the seconds ticking by like snails moving across a sidewalk. He was thinking about nothing but counting the minutes that crawled past him. Another speaker came and went. Pretty soon, the actual wake was over and it was time to bury his father.
Ryan kept his eyes glued on the floor. He really didn't want to look at anyone right now. He wasn't going to cry, he wasn't going to feel anything but Juliettee's touch. The service slowly moved forward, the seconds ticking by like snails moving across a sidewalk. He was thinking about nothing but counting the minutes that crawled past him. Another speaker came and went. Pretty soon, the actual wake was over and it was time to bury his father.