MagesWith the poor possessed souls destroyed, the demon had lost it's barrier. With a crack, the vines entangling the elemental wind-up another "squeeze", shattering the stone creature. Instead of the expected barrage of rocks, the creature simply evaporated like smoke, with the slain husks being returned to their human forms. The transformation had preserved their clothes - illustrious robes of centuries past when magic reigned supreme, made of finest silk, others with more common linen. Some robes were magically enchanted, though after all these years their magic had almost faded away. Finally, that strange feeling of dread faded away.
One final horrifying revelation came upon the mages after they inspected the courtyard floor. Strange markings on the stone floor, eroded in some places. After piecing together the findings - it was a giant ward. Wards - magical traps commonly used for various purposes, usually triggered by stepping on or touching them. Usually they are invisible to the naked eye until sprung. And this courtyard contained a giant ward, though it's magic has long since evaporated. Moreover, the center of ward was exactly where the earth demon was. A conclusion as clear as day - sabotage, probably by one of their own. Even more unnerving was that forced possession was possible.
But now, the mages were free to settle in. Even though the fortress itself was overgrown, it was not touched by any man since it's last inhabitants sprung the trap. It's smithies still had all their tools, armories still full of high quality, rust - resistant weapons and armor, a place to train, etc. Inside the keep and the mess hall remnants of unfinished meals could be found, like dirty plates and fallen over cups. The beds in the keep were rotten to the core and overtaken by moss and rot, but the steel bunk beds in the barracks still retained their frames. The library, now full of dust but least touched by nature, was massive. Books in unknown, ancient languages, books that could never be found anywhere else - almost all related to magic and it's study.
Some mages went to give the dead, both of their current and of the old times, a proper burial, some even took their amazing robes for themselves. Others headed out to make their own corner in this vast place. The other few rushed to the library and the vast knowledge contained within. The rest started preparing plans for repairs. The witch, however, ascended to the throne room, with the objective of "settling in".
[The recent ordeal has strengthened the survivors]
PaladinsThe battle was finally over. Nothing remained of the skeletal horrors but ashes. There were a lot of wounded, and the ones still standing were exhausted. But the relief would not come so soon. Two people teleported in. A man and a woman. Just like the last mage, their clothing, their appearance was unique. Furthermore, power radiated from the man like an aura, almost paralyzing, choking the paladins will lesser will. Most paladins could not even muster the willpower to dare and raise their weapons against them.
As if completely ignoring the paladin presence, they started talking. The female in particular never changed her facial expression and spoke in creepy monotone:
"Ok Astela, you were right. Again... Manaron wasn't able to accomplish his task."-
"Why are you are trying so hard to prove my predictions wrong, Master Revain? I'm NEVER wrong."-
"Yet!"Turning to the inquisitor who was watching the pair closely, this Revain offered Levran a trade: his amulet for the lives of everyone in the general vicinity.
"You do not get to make demands, Azure Sorcerer." he replied boldly. Releasing a bright flash of light which broke everyone of that paralyzing trance, he ordered to attack. Power of light and swords at the ready, the paladins rushed towards Azure, as the one known as Astela moved to the other side of the room, where another half of the paladins were, including the candidates.
Not moving an inch, and the paladins and their projectiles approaching, Revain snapped his fingers. A fast expanding bubble of blue energy burst from him, destroying any Light projectiles moving towards him and crystallizing everyone it touched. The reaction was instant - a man turned to a light blue crystal in mere moments. Those who tried to block it with light, and set the magic aflame did not fare any better, as their power was not even close to enough to block the spell, as the man-shaped crystal that remained is burned to nothingness by their very own light. It didn't end there, as a mere touch would spread the crystallization, as a few paladins screaming for their comrades quickly realized. The very few who were still standing back off, trembling in horror. But Levran still stood, not falling to Azure's spell.
On the other side, the others attacked the female. Or at least tried to. No matter how many attacked her, she always found a way to dodge in the most uncomfortable position for the paladin. As if mocking them, she closed her eyes. But even then, no one could touch her. Her every dodge and every move would bring one paladin tripping on something or falling due to a misplaced weight. She would casually trip others, usually causing a chain reaction. The twenty or so paladins looked like incompetent fools against her. But she wasn't trying to kill them, only exhaust them. And it worked - many could barely lift their weapons, let alone continuing the chase. Nor did the female payed much attention to the paladins - she was watching Azure's and Levran's duel. Eventually, so did the exhausted paladins.
Conjuring forth a lance made of solid light in each hand, Levran was barely able to move towards Revain. The mage was throwing huge, man-sized shards of the very same crystal at Levran, at every increasing pace. With every small step, Levran had to swat the projectile out of the air, which destroyed both his lance and the attack. Step by step, he was inching closer. Nearly in range to stab Azure, All the crystallized paladins suddenly shattered, millions of tiny shards shooting towards the inquisitor. With a stomp, a circle of lances sprung around him, forming a wall and blocking the spell. Not content with playing around anymore, with a roar, Levran conjured an speeding, ever expanding wall of lances towards Azure - there was no away the mage could move out in time.
Just before the line reached him, Azure thrust his right arm forward, palm in front. For just a mere moment, it seemed like time froze. A deafening bang could be heard, as the inquisitors attack was shattered and repulsed completely. When the smoke (and the small light particles) settled down, the true power of that attack was evident. From the front, Levran had a huge hole in his chest. From the back... well... there was no backside of Levran anymore. Whatever was in his body, was now a thin red paste on the wall and the floor behind him. The front part of his body collapsed backwards with a splash. Ripping of the amulet of whatever was left of Levran's neck, he turned to the rest of the surviving paladins:
"Why must you always choose the hard way?". Turning around he approached the female, and without any further ceremony, they were gone - teleporting out.
It would take quite a while for survivors to process what just happened, but they all knew one thing - they had to report this back. But first, they were tired, and luckily for them, the beds were prepared and were not a trap - the village was attacked shortly before paladins arrived. It would not be easy to fall asleep, but everyone was too tired to go on.
[The recent ordeal has strengthened the survivors]
AliciaIt seemed it was finally over. Alicia apologized to Varkasan for forgetting him, and everyone was commending each other's performance. If there was any better way to forge bonds that battle, the girl could not think of any. Exhaustion, however, was quickly settling in.
Just as the paladins were starting to get more comfortable, two other mages teleported in. A man and a woman. The man's mere presence could be felt - Alicia did not need an expert to realize that that man was extremely powerful. Initially ignoring their presence, the two argued about some predictions - Alicia found it hard to even concentrate due to this overpowering aura. The man, Revain, most likely was the infamous Azure Sorcerer. He demanded Levran's amulet, to which he promptly refused. The female moved to the back of the room where Alicia and other candidates were. Receiving the order to attack, they went after Astela, however, no matter how they tried to surround or hit her, nothing would ever come close to hitting her. The mage's blank expression was even more unnerving. As if mocking the paladins, she closed her eyes, it did not make any difference however. Placing her foot in the way of a paladin's step just at a right time, just moving away at the right time - the chase was exhausting. One paladin tripping would quickly cause a chain reaction. Alicia recognized what the mage was doing - after all, her combat style relies on doing the same. Astela, however, was leagues above Alicia's focus and reaction time.
Eventually, the paladins chasing her got too exhausted to even stand up. But the female was not interested in harming them, only in watching the duel between Rivain and Levron. Even though Levron fought valiantly, in the end, he lost. The final, fight-ending spell shocked Alicia. There was no flashy effects, no boast or fancy hand waving, just a sudden, momentous feeling of static, a loud bang and bam. The Inquisitor - the one paladins rallied behind, their strongest fighter, was destroyed, just like that. The paladins who got crystallized, there was not even a body left - not a trace. Light burned away the crystal, along with the man it once was. Was it the end of her life? She felt powerless, completely and utterly. She trained all her life, and in the end, it did not matter at all. She could not even fight against Azure's mere presence.
However, after dropping his last one liner, Azure and the woman left. What now? What do they do now? Rest was now the only viable option. This recent ordeal, however, strengthened Alicia. She could just feel it - she could attain a far better focus and reaction time in combat, partly thanks to the female mage she spent chasing around.
"Alicia's reaction time and combat focus has improved."
WilliamThe demon was destroyed. But there were casualties among them. It's destruction reverted the husks to their previous human forms - their clothes intact. This was shocking - possession was considered irreversible, nor was it considered possible to be possesed by force. Moreover, closer examination of the courtyard revealed remnants of a massive ward - with the middle being where the demon stood. A traitor? An infiltrator? Either way, William ignored such trivialities as burying the corpses or finding a place to rest and prepare it for said rest - he rushed to the library. He was not the only one, as a young girl named Sera accompanied him, as they set out to analyze the maps of nearby area and the fortress. After all, places like this are chock full of secrets.
[The recent ordeal has improved William's stamina. He can now remain active for longer periods of time.]