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    1. Laue 11 yrs ago


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Hmm, I might have to try that, AGAIN. Also, one of my dilemmas are NPC vs NPC fights: up until now the PCs are in the sidelines, and they have a reason to be. However, they cannot be involved or see every single one - plot wise, it would be really lame. So, either PCs get to be spectators to nearly all NPC vs NPC epic fights like Grinnoc vs Rivain at his full power (spoiler - he currently has access to only ~10% of his power). Or Grinnoc vs The First/Luminesca/Oberat/Celestine/anything really.

Or they can happen in the background, but... that's no fun.
Tried it the first time, people have less interest when they join in the middle of the story. And I would really hate to restart this again, recycling the same opening posts over and over again.

The Grand Inquisitor invited the candidates for a walk after they were done shopping, leading them to the inventor of the stinger - The Grand Technicar. Described as utterly insane genius, the Dwarf has aided the Paladin Order tremendously, with both Runes and the Stinger created by him. For the unfamiliar, the Dwarven tunnels are a maze, as the candidates had no choice but to follow Sebastian deeper and deeper into the mountain. Outside the Grand Bazaar, the glamour perished, as it was easy to notice that not every dwarf was blessed with earth. It was reminiscent of human society, with it's rich and it's poor, with it's glamour and the hidden-away filthyness. Nevertheless, the Inquisition made it a point to help destitute Dwarves, usually by inviting them to Paladin ranks in exchange for not starving. Some Dwarves even join on their own accord.

As they were approaching the Technicar's workshop, screams could be hard. As they rushed forward, the dreaded azure crystal greeted them in the form of crystallized dwarves. And there was Azure Sorcerer himself, defending against... something, backing out of the workshop. A massive bolt shot past him, leaving a crack in the wall behind. A bolt at least fifty times bigger than the ones on stinger. The rest he blocked with his magic. Just as he was forced through the doorway, a massive stone slab crashed down, sealing the entrance. A loud, cocky, dwarfish voice could be heard before the slab fell down: "And stay out!". Sebastian motioned for the candidates to stay back.

Rivain, once he saw his opponent, changed his expression to one of rage instantly. "YOU!". Without any ceremony, he released the spell that decimated Levran towards Sebastian. Without flinching, Sebastian moved his left hand forward in the way of the shockwave, only it to be violently knocked back. While the inquisitor was not eviscerated, his whole left hand was bleeding, as well as his armor all torn off, revealing the Runes grafted on his skin. "So, you're the Azure Sorcerer. From your anger it appears that she was close to you, yes?". Rivain was seething with rage, and instead of answering, he casted several more shockwaves towards his opponent. This time, Sebastian dodged them. The candidates could not believe their eyes - the speed and reaction time Sebastian just showed were inhuman. The Shockwave spell was nearly instant, and he managed both to react to it and dodge it - it was really difficult to even track his movements - is this what you become when you gain the power of a Witch Hunter?

"Ain't gonna work, Sorcerer. Now, let's see how well you can defe...." Sebastian's taunt was cut short, as he was suspended mid air. "Just because I'm angry, it doesn't mean I'm a fool, Inquisitor. I promised you will pay for what you have done to Celestine, and today, I will fulfil my promise." As Rivain's shockwaves tore through the terrain of the battle, the full picture can now be seen - they were not random, nor was hitting them the main intention - the lines grafted into the ground completed a sigil of sorts, with Sebastian unknowingly standing in the middle. The sigil infused with energy glew brightly, as the Grand Inquisitor was helpless suspended mid air. Or was he? As Azure was preparing to deliver a blow that will not be avoided, Sebastian's runes started glowing, as bright flash dispelled and burned away the trap. Dozens of little orbs of light started appearing around Sebastian, glowing extremely brightly. Their heat could be even felt way back where the candidates stood. Not waiting for anything, Azure instantly conjured a crystal armor all around his body, giving him an even more terrifying visage. The orbs shot towards the mage, focusing their glow towards him. The outer layer of crystalline armor instantly caught fire, as light was starting to cleanse the magical conjuration. Teleporting behind the inquisitor, Azure tried to deliver an attack from the back, still clad in his crystal armor. Fearsome claws featured on his "gauntlets" sped towards Sebastian, as he managed to step away at just the last moment - a single touch of this crystal blight would mean certain death. Not being intimidated by this, the Inquisitor simply punched Azure in the face with his runed hand, shattering the armor on his head for that instant, as the ignited crystal was ejected, and new one took it's place. The fight continued in this manner, as Azure was teleporting around, avoiding the blinding orbs of light that were constantly following him, trying to hit his mark as the Inquisitor was busy dodging his attacks and trying to break through his armor. Sebastian's reaction time and speed was still unbelieveable, his movements almost like a blur.

"Enough games!" Rivain shouted, as he started flailing his arms around flaily, leaving trails of energy behind. Sebastian, and his orbs wasted no time and charged towards the now still mage, using this opportunity to hit him. "Greater Shockwave!". A massive, deafening boom could be heard, disorientating the candidates. Sebastian has covered himself completely with hundreds of orbs of light - makeshift barrier. The wall behind the inquisitor... well, there was no more wall, as there was now a tunnel of several dozen meters of length instead. The power of this "Greater Shockwave" has carved out a new tunnel. Though as terrified as they were, the candidates had to give respect to dwarven stonecraft, as the tunnel was still holding strong, and there was no danger of any cave-in of any sort. "Even through all of my defences, you have shattered nearly every bone in my body, Azure Sorcerer. That is very impressive. But... As you said before, playtime is over." Most of apparel Sebastian had was torn off. His body, all bloody and bruised, was covered with runes that were now glowing. Even with such wounds, Sebastian was still able to move. His eyes were also glowing brightly white. Azure looked extremely exhausted - this spell he put all of his might, and yet it was not quite enough. Sebastian was now doing his own hand gestures: "It is only fair I use an advanced spell myself, right, sorcerer? Lux Decimata!" The hundred or so orbs around the Inquisitor turned red hot, as they shot towards the mage at incredible speed. However, the mage disappeared in a blue flash of light, as the orbs hit his location, violently exploding. After the barrage was done, the rock itself was melted, leaving many small patches of lava, which was already cooling off. "So, he raided the vault, didn't he. Blasted Teleportation Crystals. Sebastian turned to the candidates. "And now, I would really appreciate some medical attention." he said with gradually weakening voice, as he stopped glowing and fell down on the floor.

The first thing the templars prepared for Alicia was a new outfit, fitting effortlessly over her armor. A stylish, yet rather forgettable cloak, made to make blending in with the crowd easy. It was really exciting - Alicia did enjoy learning. And stealth and subtlety were useful skills indeed. Her role would be silently removing people that the inquisition deems harmful to the regime, or finding them. This usually involved paladins or even inquisitors who abused their power. For civilians, it was all about attaining proof of their misdeeds - their sentences were public. This way, The Paladin Order always remains pristine without question, as some questionable members of the order die to "bandits, mages or because of an accident". The need for templars emerged since the literal criminal underground is stronger than ever, and the only way to dismantle it was by causing havoc from within. Previous direct assaults didn't leave any lasting effect, as the outlaws just relocated to another part of extensive tunnels and ruins. Alicia could barely contain her laughter - if she were to actually follow her orders, she would have to hunt herself.

After the infiltration outfit was prepared, everybody's attention was caught by a massive unrest in the main hall. Rushing towards to see what is happening, Alicia sees her friends carrying an extremely wounded Sebastian. Something major has just happened.
Oh. Hmm. I guess I do. This is quite a pickle then. I can do a more... one sided narrative, but this changes things. Oh well, guess I'll post soon.

EDIT: And done. Mostly. Single sided narrative is what I was trying to avoid, hoping to create a war of ideologies in the end, as both groups have a common enemy but still hate the each other. Maybe I can make it work, hopefully.
Now for the rest of you to post.
About as collectible as a genocidal brat with a god complex.
So, I'm bored, so a little early sneak peek on the main antagonist.

Well my next schedule is kinda retarded. 3x days of 12h work, one free day, then another 2x12h work days, and then a normal 3 day "weekend".

So, I won't even have time to post for 3 days, so, uhh, you have time :D
You guys are suuure taking your time.
Pro-tip for paladins - you should get some equipment for that money. Standard issue equipment quite literally won't cut it later down the line.
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