This Ordore fellow. He was wierd. He seemed to remember the map by just looking at it. He also seemed competent. Eddy was a little bit shocked named the group leader all of the sudden, but joining this scouting group would be wise. He's a tracker, he knows the wilds, and knows most of it's beasts. Hopefully, they will not run into any scar monsters or abominations. **"Sure, why not. I'll just let the others know we will be leading the way."**
A woman joined them, in a typical Undercity assassin/enforcer attire. Two small yet sharp in their sheathes, and a stance that screamed experience. She has been around, and is always ready to strike first. Eddy knew her types. That, and she easily dispatched the bandits in the battle prior.
**"I'm Misala. Mind if I join your little scouting group? Even if I'm not a hunter, I know a thing or two about the wilds. I will be able to help you."**
**"I don't. Dunno about Ordore. I'm just wondering something. People in your... occupation usually don't have problems finding a job. Why this?"**
**"Not nearly as well paid as this. Also, not nearly as exciting. Stalking some idiot, waiting several days for him to make a wrong move or something, it is kinda boring. Also, quite a bit more dangerous."**
**"Uhh, OK. Sure."**
There was something off about her, but Eddy could not put a finger on it. Good assassins are high in demand, and he never heard of anyone named Misala. She wasn't new, she was good, REALLY good. Her skills were certainly not self-taught. She had powerful employers, that was certain. However, who is she working for, it was not clear. Either way, her joining the group will be better. Eddy and Ordore could keep an eye on her. And watch each other's backs.