Ok. Will get on getting something up tomorrow at some point. Been rather busy the past few days. Went on some nice hikes though. Wanna clarify, we ARE doing the time-skip to the Tyrant attacks? Also, would Ru have learned much about 'Misala' trying to probe her a bit whilst travelling?
Well yeah. You can write something about the supply gathering before they leave, but it's up to you. As for Misala, I will expand on her, but she would most likely reply to any kind of probing with "Curiosity killed the cat. Don't be that cat."
Damn, when I read your post it seemed like they already headed out. Worry not, I'll edit it in the beginning of Eddy's post. Or rather, you can have that segment before skipping to the next part. Sorry, my bad.
Guess I suck at descriptions then. The idea was that area fills the person with happiness and complete apathy to everything else while in that zone. As mentioned before, the edges of the zone where the mist isn't as thick isn't so overpowering unless...
So let me get this straight... The Mist is basically air-based, addictive drugs/relaxants? I mean, it helps out depressed people IRL at times xD
Sort of. It's very mild at the edges, unless you're not exactly happy with your life. Then it's effect is far, far more powerful. Deeper in, it's full on mind control/charm spell. Basically, it's a lingering charm spell cloud.
Moving the story on, without this staggered nonsense. While the mages are timeskipped a few days, eventually both groups will operate at the same time.
Two days later
The group was successfully approaching Kaosbund with little issues. En route, however, they encountered something... The scouting group had to stop. Something was a miss. Something was stalking them, unseen in the shadows. It was too dangerous to proceed. Eventually, the rear group caught up, while everyone was trying to figure out the situation. Obviously, whatever creatures were stalking them, were waiting for stragglers, but could not find any. The elf, even though an experienced tracker and hunter, had no idea what was following them. The big cats were known to ambush their prey from the trees, but NOT jumping from tree to tree completely invisible. Waiting for another sign of movement, Eddy quickly shot an arrow in that direction. A loud howl could be heard, as an arrow seemingly was stuck mid-air, with blood around it. And suddenly, the creature lost it's invisibility. It was not a wild beast, nor was it a scar mutant. It was something else.
"Oh shit, Tyrants..." Misala sighed. The wounded Tyrant didn't even seem to care about an arrow stuck in it's shoulder, as the rest of the pack attacked the group. Mastrix, overconfident and arrogant as ever, tried to command the beast to obey her, only for the creature to playfully tear off her limbs one by one. The creatures were incredibly fast, incredibly durable, and to Eddy's despair, completely unafraid of fire.
[This desperate battle for survival forces the group to adapt and improvise if they are to survive. Each character can either learn a new basic skill or improve an existing one, giving them that necessary edge to prevail.]
The Tyrants were slain. Very few came out unscathed. A lot of them injured. And Mastrix was very dead. The healers in the group patched everyone and themselves up, and it was time to continue. Misala walked over to one of the carcasses, flipped it over so it's face could be seen, and looked at the rest of the group. "I suppose you want to know what these things were... Chimeras. They were Chimeras. More specifically, Tyrants. Chimeras were created by mages of old, usually used as weapons. I don't think they were supposed to be able to breed, but somehow, they are doing just that. These things were designed to kill, and they are damn good at that, as you can see. There are more types of Chimeras, and even more unknown types. As for how I know about them, let's just say I hunted these things in the past, and leave it at that." Misala's mystery grew. Who in their right mind would hunt such things? But her standing before them, alive and well, proved just how good she was. But her motives remain unclear.
Luminous Knights
Their next objective was not far off. They were to collect something from a nearby Scar, a crystal formation which grows only there. That scar is said to be unique, and one of the least dangerous. "Allure's Mist this scar is called. I actually visited this place quite a lot when I was young. It was good money. Despite that I said it's rather safe scar, do not think it is not without it's dangers. The first time is especially difficult." Aela was explained to the recruits. Marching through forests, faint glimmers of carved stone and wood could be seen beneath the foliage. Within those three centuries, nature has reclaimed Altea, and it did not intend to let go. Coming upon a clearing, a faint pink mist could be seen in the distance. "This is it, dears. Remember, under no circumstance you should go deeper into the mist or separate from the group. You will not be able to leave the mist by yourself, nor we will be able to retrieve you. If you do everything right, this will be a rather pleasant experience."
Stepping into the mist, the recruits instantly felt at ease. This mist, this atmosphere was so relaxing. It seemed like all the worries of the world had been gone, and one could stay here forever. Thankfully, the mist wasn't as concentrated at the edge, and with some effort of willpower the paladins could focus on collecting the crystals which grew here like grass. Brittle and pretty, they needed quite a bit of them for something. They had to fill an entire large bag with them. Aela was right, this was pleasant. The brutal battle of yesterday seemed like a faint dream, a nightmare they will soon forget. "Not bad, huh? There are higher quality crystals deeper in the mist, but you wouldn't be able to handle it yet. Nor do we need them. Good thing none of you have depression or anything like that, people like that are affected by this mist much more severely.""Depressed? You mean like Alicia?" Varkasan said with an apathetic voice while turning around. "Oh, she's there." Alicia was seen slowly heading deeper into the mist. Captain Aela quickly rushed over and dragged her back, seemingly struggling herself to resist the zone's influence. Alicia was trying to resist, but strength seemed to leave her limbs. Dragged back to the group, she couldn't even get up anymore, only speak weakly... Due to the mist influence, the recruits couldn't even care about their teammates. Heck, they hardly cared about themselves, as long as they got to stay here.
Despite the close call, the task was done, and Alicia's mental breakdown shocked many. She was idolized. She was the star pupil. She was born into a great family. Most people assumed she was living the dream and envied her. This wasn't exactly the case. Leaving the mist, it's spell no longer affected the recruits. All the suppressed emotions and experiences came back crashing down and they had to stop for a bit. "It's ok. Take your time everyone. Especially you, Alicia. We got what we came for, we're not in a rush." Taking an hour to rest from this experience, everyone stayed silent. Not only because of Alicia, but just how easy the mortal mind was to seduce - and they experienced it first hand. Experienced the weakest version of it, anyway.
[The recruits gain increased willpower from their experience within Allure's Mist. Any effects that target the mind will have a harder time affecting the recruits.]
The mist was overpowering. Alicia was not prepared for this. Perhaps for the first time in her life, she felt at peace, that gnawing emptiness inside her filled with what she assumed was happiness. Forgetting her objective and the world around her, Alicia let go of any attempts of resistance. She did not want to resist. She wanted more. The world she left behind was long gone, and this blissful place was all that she needed. She had no reason to leave. And then a hand suddenly grasped her hand, pulling her back, with faint words blurring in the distance. Or maybe nearby. She couldn't tell. All she knew that she needed to go deeper. And this hand, this force was not letting her. But Alicia's strength was gone, as she was dragged back to the group by Captain Aela. As if all strength was sapped from her, Alicia could barely open her mouth. The mist's hold partially broken, all the emotions came she suppressing all her life came back rushing in.
So this is what happiness feels like. Is this what I never had... Alicia wept weakly. "My life was decided before I was even born. I was supposed to rejoice in my accomplishments I never wanted. Up until I was told to join the paladins, I did not even know what choice was. All those people, with their ideals and motivations, they chose this path. All along their lives, they chose their fate themselves. Mine was predetermined long ago..." Alicia couldn't help it. All that she held up within her, and what only very few suspected, like Varkasan, just came pouring out. It felt rather relieving. She no longer cared about opinions. Alicia just wanted this burden gone. Aela simply listened to her. "I've heard from your instructors that they never seen you smile, Alicia. Now I know why. You may feel like you lack purpose, lack a reason to exist. You simply know that you have to exist, to be a pretty idol to drive up recruitment. Never liked these "noble" families, never will. But I promise you girl, I WILL make you smile. Now get up." Aela comforted her and helped her stand. Alicia's teammates, still enthralled by the mist, but to a much lesser extent, quietly collected the crystals, and Alicia joined them.
Leaving the mist took great effort. As soon as she left, all her senses came back fully, and yet, she felt rather OK. This huge emotional burden she just dropped freed her. While still unable to find her reason to go on forward, she knew she had to move forward until she had one. She had people that trusted her, that looked up to her. To them, Alicia was more than just something to aspire to be, she was a friend. And now that Alicia is a paladin, the choices are hers to make. There are 20 years to make up for, so she better get started. No more illusions of happiness, she's going to find her own place in the world, even if it means carving her way towards it.
Ordore led Eddy and Misala into the tavern room. No one else was around. He told them that a high ranking Luminite was after him, who was also his childhood friend. "My dear, the Luminites are after every rogue mage. A lot of them have personal vendettas. But what is he going do, track and spy on you?" Misala remarked. After passing a few other words, they gathered what supplies they needed and set off. Then a few days later...
Something was following them. They had to stop. Something Eddy has never seen before. Taking up defensive positions, they waited for their rear to catch up. Strength in numbers, any wild beast recognizes that. Yet the rustling of branches continued, something moving from tree to tree effortlessly while still completely hidden. "Any idea what is stalking us?" Eddy asked, looking towards his teammates. Yet none of them had a clue either. Except Misala. "I REALLY hope it's not what I think it is. she said quietly. Eddy was preparing to inquire further, but the sounds were getting closer and closer - the creatures have surrounded them completely. Not waiting for them to make the first move, Eddy blindly shot an arrow into the canopy. A grunt of pain could be heard, and the arrow hit something. But it looked like it was floating mid air, blood dripping out. And then the creature lost it's invisibility, as the rest of the pack joined the fray.
The so called Tyrant which Eddy hit didn't seem to mind the arrow lodged inside it. The several more that Eddy hit only pissed it off more. Those were no wild beasts, as they cleverly dodged Eddy's fireballs, and simply ignored Eddy's trail of fire. While he did manage to land a Flame Crash, it simply didn't have enough force behind it. Already having received several wounds from these incredibly cunning and fast beasts, Eddy was starting to panic. No way he would die here, not to a beast. He had to do something. He had to improvise. The spellbook of pyromancy. He had one, and he read it all, though he understood nothing. His only achievement was the fireball, at it's most basic form. Eddy had to pull off something, as he will not survive another swipe. If only his Flame Crash had more power behind it. If only it was something like a molten rock. And a desperate idea was born. Quickly conjuring a fiery flame in his hand, he tried to create something like a rock within, and threw it skywards. The Tyrant was within striking distance, it was now or never.
With great speed, the molten rock hurled towards the tyrant. The force was so great it went through the beast, tearing it half, while the ground impact send molten shards flying out, ripping the beast to shreds. Bleeding, wounded, but alive. Eddy got himself up to try and help others.
[Flame Crash is now Molten Impact. Now more than just a ball of fire striking someone from a sky, the molten rock gains dangerous momentum and force, further shattering on impact to destroy anything nearby.]
The wounds patched up, and Misala sharing her knowledge about the Chimeras, and they were ready to set off again. Just who the hell was she? And unlike the rest of them, she was not hurt during the battle. At the very least she was not lying the she hunted those things before. Kaosbund was not far. And Eddy wished to never see another Chimera again.