Late in the 21st century, an unknown, dormant type of neural energy was discovered within humans. The Pulse, as it was named, broke nearly all laws of physics once activated. It could be controlled effortlessly by a human mind, and shaped into nearly anything. Humanity has discovered magic within themselves. At first, it was nothing more than a plaything, a novelty, requiring huge, complex machines to "awaken" the dormant pulse energy, for nothing more than minor telekinesis or a few conjured sparks. But the offspring of those who were testing Pulse's capabilities were far more adept, opening the way for Pulse's practical application. Generation after generation, the affinity to Pulse grew higher and higher within humanity, and the massive machines required to use it were a thing of the past. Evokers, a newfound term for what was pretty much mages, were a common sight, as The Pulse branched into various disciplines. After the social turmoil caused by The Pulse died down, it seemed as if humanity has entered their golden age.
But the progress did not stop there. The energy of The Pulse was tied to each individual, and quite limited, depending on one's proficiency. It was used for a lot of things, but powering machinery was not one of them. Using it as a source of clean energy was a dream of many. And it was discovered that humans, even with the Pulse dormant, radiated some sort of ambient, undetectable energy, even faster so when using Pulse. A by-product of The Pulse, it was eventually synthesized in a neutral form, able to be used as a source of energy for machinery, and an "energy drink" of Pulse for humans to use. Considering the massive population of Earth, and the time the ambient energy had time to accumulate, the energy was virtually unlimited. It was named ANPE (Ambient Neutralized Pulse Energy).
It had seemed that humanity will be able conquer any and all barriers, finally setting forth to The Final Frontier. Though that brighter future was not to be. A terrorist organization which called themselves Gods of Rebirth (GOR), set out to sabotage the worlds ANPE supply, inflicting cataclysmic amounts of damage to the world. They were organized, dedicated, and had members all over the world, and took everyone by surprise. Though the combined efforts of the world brought the majority of them down, GOR had already set Earth on it's way to destruction. Believing that they will rebuild the destroyed world in their imagine, GOR and their leader only known as Thanatos succeeded in their first step - destroying the world.
As Earth had no more than a month before a total collapse, a desperate idea was devised - to use the last remnants of ANPE to send a few chosen, gifted individuals far into the past, where civilizations had just only began, and steer the world away from the mistakes humanity did, as well as it's destruction. The New Beginning project was a success, partially. The ones designated to be sent back were not the ones to travel back to 2000 B.C. Driven by greed and ambition, by force or cunning they took the machines to become gods of this new world, The New Beginning.
But they were not the only ones who traveled back - so did Thanatos. However, his (or her) method didn't use any machinery at all, and the side-effects were catastrophic. Reduced to nothing more than a sentient, black mist, his very existence, a paradox, seems to twist the world around in a way that was never seen or imagined before. While Thanatos is yet weak, he/she will not stop, and it is up to the new "Gods" to face this threat, before they rip each other to shreds.