Avatar of Laue
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    1. Laue 11 yrs ago


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As much as I would like otherwise like to, my own RP has just taken off successfully. Maybe someone else will pick up the GM badge, though it's a shame, really.
Gargoyle said
If any one else wants to grab this whole thing, go right ahead. But yeah, I know i messed up with this >_>.

I don't see how you did. If it's the motivation and desire to continue, then that's an entire thing entirely.
Ha, you almost had me worried there.
Metronome said
So bored

Wait, what?
@Roleplaying: Forged citizenship papers, as a certain noble will set his grand plan in motion, which involves the help of the mages.

@RiteousTurtle: Honestly, I don't even know. I never categorized posts like that. As long as it has some content, and is adequately readable, I don't mind. After all, I'm not a very good writer yet either. So as long as I don't need to put unnecessary effort to read a post, I'm fine. Though I can't speak for anyone else.
Sure thing. It will give you a slight disadvantage, however.
@RiteousTurtle - It's ok. Though there will be plenty of opportunities for everyone to acquire new equipment later on.

And it has began, IC is up. Not the most perfect initial post I've done, but it should suffice and set the tone for the oblivious goofball Alicia is.

A strange voice could be heard by all the mages in Altea, one only they can hear. A voice promising hope, voice promising change, compelling to seek the Witch of the Black Forest. A mesmerising, alluring voice, and so, many mages have began their journey towards the infamous Black Forest.

There has been an unusual commotion lately, with the higher-ups looking far more nervous and twitchy. It all culminated in a direct order from the Inquisition for Paladins to gather in the capital's Grand Square. An Inquisitor gathering a small army was rather unnerving, even for the most seasoned Paladins. And so those who were called began their journey towards the Liria - the capital of Meldiniar.

Alicia was one of the Paladins called to rally in Lidia. Both the girl and her father would be very surprised if she wasn't, after all, it was by Deliah's initiative that the march will happen. For the first time in her life, Alicia will face real danger. Though unlike the rest, she knows the severity of it. This was the beginning of the end of her luxurious lifestyle. Nevertheless, Alicia was confident - she was preparing for this all her life. After her maids perfected her hair and packed up her items, she set off in her personal carriage.

The journey was short and uneventful, though one of her maids did tell a good joke. Lidia was bustling with activity and paladins from all over Altea. There were even a few dwarven ones. Alicia has never seen a dwarf before, only read about them, becoming almost mesmerized by her own curiosity. Standing in the middle of a busy street, gawking at a dwarf surrounded by maids, while wearing paladin armor, she was quite a sight. Eventually, after a maid poked the girl with an elbow, she finally remember to continue onward.

As they reached the square, a large checkpoint was formed, with higher-up paladins checking the citizenship papers of anyone who enters - only the called paladins were allowed in. Alicia grabbed her papers from one the bags that her maids were carrying, but the officer just stopped her, with a rather large grin:
"You must be the Eternus' girl." The girl was rather surprised, this man was no one she knew, how could he know her?
"Excuse me? Do I know you?"
"Watch out for a young, clueless looking girl who is accompanied by maids. That's what this letter says."- The officer lifts up a piece of paper with her father's seal on it. "How rude!" - Alicia exclaimed, trying to process the meaning behind this. Meanwhile, the line behind grew began to grow.
"Well, this is a letter from your father, which instructs me to only allow YOU through, and give these letters to your maids."
"Your father did tell you that we cannot come with you, M'lady." - one of her maids stated, as they were handed out the mysterious letters. - "But you will not be able to care of yourself, Miss Alicia. "
"Of course I will! I watched you do it all the time. How hard can it be?" - her voice betrayed her false confidence. As her maids read their rather short letters, each of them containing her family's emblem. Their faces lit up with happiness, as one of them began reading it aloud.
"For all the care you provided for my daughter, I hereby grant you this crest which allows you to complete various transactions on my account. You are hereby given a year of rest to do whatever you want. Any items of Alicia you are currently carrying are yours to keep." - with each sentence, the girl's face sunk further and further into horror, and the officer was trying his hardest not to laugh. As her maids ran off cheerfully, with all her expensive clothes and vanity items, she was left to endure this journey with the basics, just like everyone else. And finally, the line started to move again, as the officer motioned her to move on, finally giving in and bursting into a wild laughter.

Age: Nineteen
Sex: Female

Alignment: Mage
Affiliation: None; yet.
Personality: Anwen is a rather quiet creature, who is often found lurking in the shadows or waiting until the perfect chance to strike. Since she is not a malicious being, many people classically mistake her for a thief or a possible threat if she is nearby. She prefers to stick to herself, for loneliness seems to be the only thing that she has ever known. Despite this flaw in her character, when she smiles, it often is like the sunshine on a rainy day. She is not afraid to put her input in a conversation, but she is rarely the one to start it. She won't fight or become angered unless provoked, giving her quite the "mood swing" when she does get pissed off. She does not feel the need to speak loudly and is often forgotten about, but she is wise in what she says, so it is best to quiet down and listen to her words of advice. She has a strong sense of justice and will take it into her own hands if she feels like someone is being abused or neglected. She has the mind of a wise man and the heart of a vigilante.
Bio: Anwen was born into a rather poor family, both of her parents were unable to use magic, and so when it was discovered that she was able to use it, they decided that it would be best to keep her hidden from the world. They made it seem as if she had died after she was a few years old, oftentimes leaving her on their farm if they had to go into the nearby village for trading purposes. Alas, because she had promised her parents that she would never use her magic--not even to protect them--she was completely unstable. The Arcane that ran through her veins started coming out in bursts and flares whenever she felt any strong emotions. This frightened her parents and when their barn had burnt to the ground-- it drew attention to them. They forced her to repress her emotions, telling her that it would be her downfall if she ever allowed her Arcane to be controlled by her emotions. Slowly, but surely, her bottled up powers came out with such a force that it nearly destroyed her and everything else they held dear. Taking this as a sign that she was no longer able to be protected by them, they sent her out into the world, telling her that there may well be other Mages that may help her train her magical abilities.

She went out into the world when she was young, but after many years of honing her own skills to fit her own needs, she found that she didn't really need a mentor. She allowed the Arcane to do as it will with her spirit, and she became rather powerful despite herself. Now she simply wanders the world, acting as a vigilante. Alas, she has been sighted and noted for the Paladins to find. She has been marked as the "Raven", since her black cloak that covers her from head to toe is her "trademark" of sorts. She could even be considered a type of "Robin Hood" in this time period.

Power Description: Arcane; illusion and very basic magic spells.
Hidden Reflection - A spell that allows her to look into any reflective surface and use it to see through another reflective surface. If it's another's eyes, then she can see what they are seeing.
Shadow Blend - The ability to become one with the shadows. She can appear to even be another's shadow if she so chooses.
Glide - An ability that allows her to glide for short distances of time, but does not mean that she is truly "flying".
Fireball - Summons a simple fireball to be thrown at an enemy, or even used as a light source.

Reflexes/Speed - Anwen's reflexes are swift and honed to be very elusive--almost catlike.
Climbing - Anwen is a master at climbing swiftly and surely to higher places.
Lying - Anwen is an adept liar, can convince almost anyone of anything.
Fencing - She picked up this ability from a blacksmith whom she'd helped a while back. Taught her the basics, but she had practiced enough that she became a phenominal swordsman.

Equipment: Her long black cloak (hood is pointed downward to give it the "beak" like appearance). Also has a small rapier that she named "Reborn", as she found that her life was given a new meaning when she took on the world.
Other: Meh?[/hider]
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