Ahh, delectable.
Dear Journal,
Perhaps Ferryway will not be as wearisome as I initially thought. I had found myself a quaint little family crypt to rest away the day and, come evening, who do I spy on my doorstep but some ignorant gentleman weedling away the hours with sketchpad and pencil? Ah, it is enough to make the soul weep. In my youth grave importance - excuse the pun - was placed on honouring the rest of the dead. These days, vampires and ghouls are the stuff of legends, mocked even, becoming a passing fad. If you are not avoiding the graveyard like a plague come dusk, something is deeply wrong.
It would please me very much to teach him a lesson before the week is out. But ah, I have never been in the buisness on thinking small. Let's make a sport of it, shall we? I think some plagues will liven Merryway or Ferrymay or wherever up nicely...
Sweetest Regards, Arianne x
Dear Journal,
Perhaps Ferryway will not be as wearisome as I initially thought. I had found myself a quaint little family crypt to rest away the day and, come evening, who do I spy on my doorstep but some ignorant gentleman weedling away the hours with sketchpad and pencil? Ah, it is enough to make the soul weep. In my youth grave importance - excuse the pun - was placed on honouring the rest of the dead. These days, vampires and ghouls are the stuff of legends, mocked even, becoming a passing fad. If you are not avoiding the graveyard like a plague come dusk, something is deeply wrong.
It would please me very much to teach him a lesson before the week is out. But ah, I have never been in the buisness on thinking small. Let's make a sport of it, shall we? I think some plagues will liven Merryway or Ferrymay or wherever up nicely...
Sweetest Regards, Arianne x