Kayal listened intently as Sharee gave her instructions. But he couldn't help it as his gaze shifted down to the water breathing potion in his hand. She has definitely put a lot of thought into this plan. Seems when she isn't drunk off her ass she is actually able to think up some very intricate plans. He thought to himself as he rolled the bottle between his hands careful not to drop it, he preferred to not have to deal with walking up to get a new one.
As Sharee came to the conclusion of her speech Kayal took the chance to look over the gathered crowd. Some of them seemed competent, others less so, while many were simply sailors who had come for the freedom and promises of gold.
"Quite the interesting crowd" Commented Zana, as she caught Kayal looking over the dispersing group. "That it is." Kayal commented as his gaze shifted over a cloaked Breton, an armored Nord and a female cloaked Breton before turning back to Zana. "This is going to be an...interesting...endeavor we have gotten ourselves into Zana." He said failing to think a a better word then interesting. "But it will be worth it." He commented again, this time his eyes were turned out towards the open waters before them. "To be out on the high seas again. To be out there, in the world of opportunity where our only limits are the ones we set for ourselves. There, were we could go anywhere, do anything we please. We can live our lives as we see fit not how other see fit for us. For all the trouble, the danger and the rush that it brings...it will be worth it." Kayal said hopefully, his eyes gleaming like the sunlight reflecting off the water as he spoke.
Besides him Zana listened following his gaze and starring out at the water before them, her eyes were filled with wonder and excitement but, they seemed to be hiding something underneath something that even she had not fully realized. Both he and she knew it would not be so easy and things would not be so smooth, but for now they had the chance to dream and to hope for the best of their future.
Then something caught Kayal's eye, a certain Argonian, who stood just at the edge of his vision. Kayal's eyes slowly settled on Sharee once more, his eyes losing the gleam they had once held. "If you'll excuse me Zana. I would like to go have a word with our Captain." Kayal said as his gaze shifted back towards the Bosmer. She looked towards Sharee and nodded, "Alright, we'll meet up before we dive, I'll be with Nalla if you should need me." Zana said gesturing her head to the Khajiit who was sharpening her blade on a nearby rock.
Kayal nodded in response before he stepped away, making his way through the now crowd of combatants towards Sharee. "Well, may I be the first to say congratulations Captain." Kayal said as he neared her, walking with one hand in the other behind his back. "You have thought up quite the plan for taking this ship and have also displayed some unique ingenuity" He said respectfully, gesturing with his head towards the now depleted bag of water breathing potions. "I hope you don't mind if we chat while we pass the time before the attack, aye Captain?" He said bringing his arms out from behind his back and taking a more relaxed stance, at least, more relaxed then before.