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I will be posting once I get home gotta get to the combat phase.
Kayal looked at Sharee oddly at first before she spun around and addressed the others of the crew. As she spoke he pushed himself off the rock he was leaning on and stood their listening as Sharee gave the word that it was time for them to start moving. Once she finished Kayal nodded to her and spoke, "It was a pleasure, see you when this is over." He said confidently. With that said he jogged off and met Zana and Nalla half way to the water. He felt oddly calm given what they were about to do. This wasn't his first fight and he felt confident that it would not be his last.

As Kayal reached Nalla and Zana he spoke up again, "You guys ready?" He asked while removing the water breathing potion from a pouch on his belt. Zana and Nalla both nodded. "As ready as I'll ever be." Nalla said as she looked past them towards the ship. "How many do you think will be on board?" Nalla asked. Kayal looked to her then behind him towards the ship, he took a few moments to think before looking back towards her, their time quickly running out. "Not as much as there could be. Part of the crew is off on shore enjoying their stay here at the city. We will likely only encounter some crewmen but primarily it will be guards. I wouldn't imagine the guard duty being too large, but its enough that you should stay on your toes. But this is just speculation, we will know for sure when we are on the decks." Kayal said giving it his best educated guess.

"Wouldn't that kinda be too late?" Zana asked her tone a little cynical. Kayal looked at her and shrugged his shoulders while nodding in agreement, "Yeah kinda, so that's why you should hope were lucky." Kayal said smiling reassuringly. "Oh that helps, thanks, I feel so much more confident in this mission now." Zana said sarcastically. "That's the spirit! Now turn that confidence on the enemy and we will be done in no time." Kayal said in a like tone. She glared at him for a moment before silently saying "I hate you." He only smiled in response before changing the subject, "Now come on, we need to go." He said turning and gesturing for them to follow. Once he reached the shore he pulled the cork off the bottle and downed the potion in one long swig.

Once the potion was gone he lowered it he coughed and shook his head, "Gods, at it could have been fruit flavored." He said jokingly. "Quit your whining." said Zana after she downed her potion. "It is pretty gross." Agreed Nalla. But Zana ignored her, for before them the group began to submerge themselves into the water. The Argonians were some of the first ones into the water, then came all the others. Kayal, Zana and Nalla were quick to follow after the Argonians. Slowly the wadded out into the cool ocean waters. Quickly the water went from their feet, to their knees to their chest until they were unable to stand. At that point Kayal dunked his head under the water and tried breathing in.

He was met with what he would describe as the oddest breath of his life, as the feeling of water rushing into his lungs and him not drowning was indescribably weird. He tried his best to ignore the odd feeling as he swam forward. Having spent most of his childhood on the seas swimming was something of a natural talent to him, though he still couldn't compare to most Argonians, he was very good for a human. As he followed after Sharee he couldn't help but let his eyes wander. The sight was not all too shocking close to the shore but as they got further and further out into the water that quickly changed. The vibrant see life of the bay quickly came to life around them in a underwater world. He suddenly found himself looking over every fish making sure their were no slaughter fish even with the knowledge that they preferred the running inland rivers instead of the open ocean.

Not only beautiful on the surface but beautiful under as well.He thought in amazement. For all his years out on the open sea he had never once thought to get himself a water breathing potion and enjoy it from a whole new level. He suddenly felt as though he was cheated out of a much funner childhood. But with that thought came darker memories and he tried his best to push them out, instead focusing on the mission at hand.

After long enough they began to near the anchored ship. It took him a few moments after the first people surfaced for he himself to surface. He was met again with an odd sensation as he breathed the water out of his lungs. How can anyone ever get used to that? He thought to himself as he grabbed a hold of part of the ship and hoisted himself up. Nalla and Zana followed quickly after they climbed up the side of the boat trying to the best of their ability to be as silent as possible. Eventually they neared the top and Sharee stopped. Waiting for everyone to get into position before she began. She slowly drew her blade and began to coat it in something he guess it was probably poison.

As Sharee did this Kayal reached down and drew out his longsword and awaited her move to leap over the rail and into battle.

Then finally after everyone had settled she grabbed a hold of the rail and pulled herself up and over. As soon as she did the others followed and soon even Kayal was over with his sword drawn in one hand and a fireball in the other.
Already getting a post written up, then its off to cram in some studying before bed.
I have been wanting to post terribly lately, sadly my other RP is running really slow as apposed to how it was running.

But with tomorrow being the last day before Finals I am going to have to do some cramming in for studying. I will likely not post once tomorrow.
Kayal chuckled lightly at Sharee's comment, she certainly lived up to her venereal reputation. As she continued Kayal settled in to just listening as she spoke her response. He certainly understood where she came from in not feeling confident in this rabble. In truth, he wasn't even confident in them, he wasn't even sure if he could be confident in her. He had heard of her skill, but he was yet to see this skill first hand, this would be the first time he saw her fight. She had managed to handle the two slavers the night before but, they were slavers. They likely didn't even deal in the actual capturing. Normally they just had to look scary and other wise have a mean bark, normally the slave's will would be broken or breaking by the time they were sold. Kayal was not just thinking in speculation, he had more experience then most living beings ever would or should have with slavers.

"Well, it is good to hear you stay true to your word. Even in the world of thieves and murders or I guess more so pirates, there should be some honor." He said respectfully. "And I would expect no such confidence from you unless I display worthy reason for it." He said respectfully.

As he finished his gaze shifted out towards the waters again. "I must say, should this all go through smoothly and we do get our hands on that ship. I am looking forward to taking to the seas. It's been far too long." He said his, tone almost sounding reminiscent.
Kayal chuckled as Sharee spoke up, "My my, Captain, I believe you have misunderstood my intent." Kayal said with a playful smile. "I was merely giving my congratulations. If i was trying to "kiss your tail" I would have said some much more flattering things then that." He said with a sly smile. "But you have a point. We haven't accomplished our goal just yet but, sometimes it's good to be hopeful. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst." He said, repeating an age old saying. As Sharee continued speaking he listened intently as his eyes admired the beauty of the vessel before them. As Sharee finished a smile crept across his lips and he chuckled softly, "I know of your reputation ma'am, it will be quite the celebration, of that I have no doubt." He said, looking towards Sharee on the edge of his vision. "But," He continued, "As you said, let us take this ship and get it out to sea before we get caught up with thoughts of celebration.

As he finished their was a boisterous laugh from somewhere behind them. Kayal turned his head to the side for a second and looked towards the source of the laughter, eyeing them from the corner of his vision. It had come from a bearded Imperial who had gathered a group of three other crew members, he seemed to be telling them something that had them entirely enthralled in him. Slowly Kayal shifted his eyes back towards the vessel. "So, honestly speaking, how confident are you in this gathered crew?" Kayal asked, finally turning to face Sharee as he leaned on a nearby rock.
Well I will not be able I post right away but I can in like 3 hours.
Alright, posted, sorry for the delay, I have been obsessed with Dark Souls 2. The obsession managed to rekindled it's strength after I got Dark Souls 2 for my computer.
Kayal listened intently as Sharee gave her instructions. But he couldn't help it as his gaze shifted down to the water breathing potion in his hand. She has definitely put a lot of thought into this plan. Seems when she isn't drunk off her ass she is actually able to think up some very intricate plans. He thought to himself as he rolled the bottle between his hands careful not to drop it, he preferred to not have to deal with walking up to get a new one.

As Sharee came to the conclusion of her speech Kayal took the chance to look over the gathered crowd. Some of them seemed competent, others less so, while many were simply sailors who had come for the freedom and promises of gold.

"Quite the interesting crowd" Commented Zana, as she caught Kayal looking over the dispersing group. "That it is." Kayal commented as his gaze shifted over a cloaked Breton, an armored Nord and a female cloaked Breton before turning back to Zana. "This is going to be an...interesting...endeavor we have gotten ourselves into Zana." He said failing to think a a better word then interesting. "But it will be worth it." He commented again, this time his eyes were turned out towards the open waters before them. "To be out on the high seas again. To be out there, in the world of opportunity where our only limits are the ones we set for ourselves. There, were we could go anywhere, do anything we please. We can live our lives as we see fit not how other see fit for us. For all the trouble, the danger and the rush that it brings...it will be worth it." Kayal said hopefully, his eyes gleaming like the sunlight reflecting off the water as he spoke.

Besides him Zana listened following his gaze and starring out at the water before them, her eyes were filled with wonder and excitement but, they seemed to be hiding something underneath something that even she had not fully realized. Both he and she knew it would not be so easy and things would not be so smooth, but for now they had the chance to dream and to hope for the best of their future.

Then something caught Kayal's eye, a certain Argonian, who stood just at the edge of his vision. Kayal's eyes slowly settled on Sharee once more, his eyes losing the gleam they had once held. "If you'll excuse me Zana. I would like to go have a word with our Captain." Kayal said as his gaze shifted back towards the Bosmer. She looked towards Sharee and nodded, "Alright, we'll meet up before we dive, I'll be with Nalla if you should need me." Zana said gesturing her head to the Khajiit who was sharpening her blade on a nearby rock.

Kayal nodded in response before he stepped away, making his way through the now crowd of combatants towards Sharee. "Well, may I be the first to say congratulations Captain." Kayal said as he neared her, walking with one hand in the other behind his back. "You have thought up quite the plan for taking this ship and have also displayed some unique ingenuity" He said respectfully, gesturing with his head towards the now depleted bag of water breathing potions. "I hope you don't mind if we chat while we pass the time before the attack, aye Captain?" He said bringing his arms out from behind his back and taking a more relaxed stance, at least, more relaxed then before.
I think this about sums up the Khan section in Lucius' post:
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