Kayal chuckled and shook his head, "I'll be sure to remember that." He said before she began to give orders to the gathered recruits. She ordered them into groups of three then gathered him, herself and a redguard woman into a group. As she made her comment about seeing him use his sword he only smiled and spun the bloodied blade. He took up his position in the front of the little group turning his gaze towards the other groups, "Best of luck lads, you all head what she said, don't lose your head, these bastards are going to be more scared then you are." He said supporting the Bretons speech. With that said and done Kayal turned his head back to the hallway before them. Behind him he heard a pair of spells get charged the released then both his blade and his body glowed faintly for a moment before returning to normal.
"Gotta love mages." He said almost to himself before he started off down the hallway. He cleared every room they passed making sure there were no guards hiding in them. When they were about halfway down the hall Kayal pushed open a half opened door only for a mace weilding sailor to jump out looking to end him in a surprise attack. But Kayal easily hopped back and dodged the attack before stepping forward and ending the sailor with first a slash to his stomach then a slash across his throat. He stepped over the sailors withering body and continued down the hall. Soon the small hall opened up into a larger room, in this larger room sat dozens of bunk beds making up the sailors sleeping quarters. Six guards stood before them in the center of this room, the three on the left were armed with a mace, a cutlass and a sword and sheild, the three on the right were armed with a cutlass, a longsword and dual maces. Kayal stepped out into the room standing a little to the left of the doorway, shortly after the Redguard joined him.
Kayal looked over the group gathered before them, his eyes drifting over each one of them before passing to the next. "Give up you stinking pirates! Your outnumbered!." One of the barked angrilly. Kayal smiled at the comment. You two take the three on the right, I'll handle the three on the left." He said confidently, the Redguard looked at him unsure and a little scared. He smiled reassuringly and nodded towards her, she nodded still unsure and looked back towards her foes. As she did Kayal turned back to face the Breton woman leaning in close to her, "Do everything you can to keep her alive, enough of our people have died. You can handle these cowards with ease." He whispered before pulling back and looking towards their still surprisingly waiting foes.
"I think we'll take the second option mates. You know, the one were you lay down your weapons and jump out the window? Oh did you forget about that one?" Kayal asked sarcastically. The guards only glared at him angrilly, "Oh well, your choice then, guess we can do this the hard way too." Kayal said as he spun both his sword and dagger in his hands. He walked a little ways out to the left and the Redguard walked a little ways out to the right. Out of the corner of his eye Kayal eyed the Breton girl hoping she would do as he suggested. But soon his attention was stolen away when he heard the rapid footsteps of the approaching gaurdsmen.
Kayal looked to see the charging cutlass weilding guardsmen. He easily parried the blade and knocked it to the side exposing the guardmen's right side. After a kick stab with his knife to an area just below the armpit Kayal cut deeply into the guardsmen's side with his blade as he stepped past him. The guards men collapsed to the ground behind him quickly dying from his sustained wounds. The two remaining guardsmen looked at each other nervously before looking back to Kayal with an angry fire burning in their eyes.
The two guards rushed forward, Kayal lifted his blades as he awaited their attack. The mace weilder struck out at him but Kayal side stepped the attack only to quickly parry the attack from the sword and sheilded guard. Then the mace weilder came again with another heavy attack striking at Kayal but hitting nothing but air. Then Kayal stepped around the guard putting the mace weilder inbetween him and the sheilded guard. Then again the mace weilder struck out at him this time Kayal side stepped the attack but quickly rushed forward pluing his dagger through the guards forearm, holding the guards weapon hand in place as he drove his sword through the guards stomach. Just then the last guard thrusted his sword under the now dead guardsmens arm hoping to catch Kayal in it, but Kayal barely managed to dodge it. Then using the guardsmens body and tore his swords out and sent her falling atop the last guardsmens blade.
The guard's blade was knocked to the side as the body fell but he lifted his sheild to protect himself. Kayal dropped his dagger into his right hand so both his sword and his dagger were in the same hand, then he charged a lighting bolt spell in his left hand and shot it into the guardsmens leg. The guardsmen cried out as the waves of electricity shot through his body and he collapsed down onto one knee. With that he passed his knife back to his left hand and kicked at the guardsmen's sheild with enough force to knock the guard onto his back. The guard collapsed back onto the floor still with his sheild rasied to protect him, now having let go of his sword he clutched his sheild with both hands desperate to survive. kayal slashed the guard across his now exposed waist before hooking his dagger around the sheild and prying it away, this distracted the guard and kept him focused on keeping the sheild in place, but left him exposed to a stab under his sheild. Kayal took advatage of this and stabbed his blade under the sheild, into the guard's chest, ending the fight.