Finally After such a large amount of work I can finally say with much joy, Telmeck's CS is complete.
Name: Telmeck'Rorta
Species: Rothian
Height: 8' 0''
Age: 596
Gender: Male
Appearance: Telmeck has bright yellow gold eyes and black scales covering his entire back, the top of his head, his face, all of his arms and tail as well as the outside of his legs. On his chest, stomach, the inside of his legs and on his neck and chin his scales turn to that of a faded white color.
Equipment: Telmeck wears armor similar to
this except outfitted for Rothians. His helm is outfitted with advanced vision filters giving him the ability for visibility in multiple situations. His armor is design to be able to take a beating but does add to weight as a downside.
Telmeck's primary
rifle is specifically designed for medium to long range combat situations but can carry it's own weight in close combat situations. Running of the same technology as all Rothian weapons but boasting a costume design.
sniper is for the most part the general issue Rothian sniper rifle only with a few advancements to the scope and attachments to make it more personalized and to Telmeck's liking.
pistol is a variant of the Fusion Hand-Cannon model, this model sacrifices power for a higher firing rate.
Skills: Telmeck's primary role in combat is a rifleman. He has great marksmanship when it comes to long or medium range engagements but can still hold his own in close quarters fighting. He is an excellent shot with most weapons and prefers precision to suppression based weapons. Telmeck also has extensive hand-to-hand training both from military training and from his childhood he spars regularly with anyone who would join him most of the time it being his squad mates. He has also received some field training when it comes to medical situations and can do enough work to keep someone alive should they be wounded in the field, though his medical knowledge works best when assisting a trained medic. Though when it truly comes down to it, Telmeck's main position in a fight is in the front, combat is his main forte.
Implant: Telmeck has managed to acquire himself several neutrium based implants either by military funding or by his own purchase. One such of his implants increase his hand eye coordination giving him faster reaction times, and steadier aim. Another of his implants increases his muscle density making him able to carry more, hit harder and other wise be stronger then his body naturally allows. His third and final implant allows him to turn of his bodies pain receptors at will making him unable to feel pain, a double edged sword as he is able to carry on when others would be stricken with pain but he can also be numbed to the danger he is truly in by a wound because of this he tries to cycle between having this implant enabled and disabled.
Background: The Rothian society has always held an air of prosperity and wealth to it. Their bustling cities with buildings that challenge the heavens themselves with their beauty and illustriousness. True cities of riches where someone with proper ambition and the right ideas can make a name for themselves and carve out an existence in this society. But for someone like Kova, the world is not such a forgiving place it is cruel and careless and if the world was, then so should he. He was an ambitious man, he wanted more for him and his wife Mara then what this life had to offer he was on the more unfortunate side of Rothian society but he wanted more then anything to be at the top and nothing would stop him. Mara on the other hand was a caring woman, she just wanted to see her husband happy she did not want to be as rich as she could be she just wanted enough so they could live happy and not struggle from paycheck to paycheck as they were.
He turned to the life of crime making money selling and smuggling drugs into and out of cities. Within a few years he began making a name for himself he was making money and people were noticing. One by one people came to him looking for work until he had a worthy cohort behind his back. As more people came to him he only made more and more. When rivals arose he offered them a place at his side or threatened to break them down. And after the first few that denied learned their lesson more and more people began giving way to him. Soon Kova's realized he had the ability to be more then just a drug dealer, the options were open to him and so long as he played his cards smart he could rise to the top...and rise he did much to the discomfort of his wife.
He began expanding his business and as he did his wealth grew until he was considerably wealthy. He had created himself his own little empire and he was looking to grow till he was a larger then any other. There was nothing he wasn't willing to do to make his way to the top, he would lie, cheat, steal, kill blackmail himself to the top. He was a cruel and calculating but brilliant. Every move he made was well thought and if it went south he always had a back up plan. He corrupted political officials in order to give his business more room to develop and breath. Soon he began expanding even more now purchasing legitimate businesses and using them as covers and as ways to gain even more income and he had now worked his way to riches, but no matter how wealthy he got he always wanted more, he would never be sated.
Then the day came where Kova's wife Mara finally asked the question she had been wanting to for ages. Kova had always been a caring husband he was attentive and kind to her. She ran some of the legitimate businesses and showed she had her husbands talent at making money, but unlike him she cared about every person that worked below her she made sure they we safe and secure in their jobs. They had the life she had always wanted even if the means were dark and gritty, she was ready to start a family. But as the question was asked she saw a new side to Kova.
The process of applying for a child required many background checks and thorough reviews and could threaten that his business be discovered he denied but Mara pushed. Eventually the couple got into a terrible fight that ended in the two refusing to speak to each other for days. From that point their relationship was severely strained, the happy couple that had been was no more Mara had seen the true side to her husband and knew the kind of man that he was she no longer loved him and he her. She did not dare try to end the marriage for fear of his wrath not until she could ensure her safety and the safety of the child she discovered she was carrying. Over the past few months her belly had swollen as the egg developed. Mara's closest friend Jakra, was the only person she trusted to openly tell about the pregnancy. Jakra worked closely under Kova and managed many aspects of Kova's business but he was nothing like Kova, he was kind and caring only brought into this business by his family relations. Jakra promised that he would find a way to get Mara away so she could raise the child in peace. But fate had other things in mind.
Finally the time came when Mara laid the egg and at that point there was no hiding the pregnancy, Kova who had been suspecting this, was outraged. Any emotion or care he had felt for this woman was washed away in the waves of anger that came with what he considered this betrayal, the fact that she kept it secret from him only made him believe that the child was not his which only helped to swell his rage. If Kova had his way both Mara and the egg would have been disposed of. But mid way through the fight they were interrupted with something even more important to Kova then his "vengeance" his business. A rival had sacked one of his warehouses and taken everything in it and killed every guard taking millions worth in merchandise. As Kova began his campaign to bring about the destruction of his rival Mara and the egg had gotten themselves a reprieve.
When the time finally came for the egg to be hatched, Mara was given one of the happiest things in her life, she held in her arms her own child. As she lay there holding her newborn in her arms Kova entered the room only to deliver one malice soaked message. That in no way would that child be able to take his name. With that he left not speaking another work. But Mara had no intention to name her son after the monster she had married, she already had a name in mind for him Telmeck'Rorta.
As Telmeck grew his place his fathers eyes was made perfectly clear, he was kept away from sight he could barely see anyone save for a select few. He rarely saw his father and when he did he only received angry glares. When night fell he could hear the distant shouts of his parents fighting, he did not know what they fought about all he knew was the echoes of their voice from down the hallways. Jakra, was one of the few other people Telmeck was allowed to see. Jakra was a kind man he made sure Telmeck and Mara had everything they needed. He even pulled some strings to give Telmeck the best private tutors available.
Then one dark night when Telmeck was barely at the age of twelve, one of Mara and Kova’s fights took a much more violent turn that ended with the lose of his mother life right before his eyes and very nearly the lose of his own. Only because the realization of his actions finally dawned on Kova and he collapsed to the floor stricken with grief over what he had done to the woman he loved did Telmeck manage to survive.
The for the next few years of Telmeck’s life he was gripped by a dark depression. His days were spent away from sight only able to see the few people Jakra pulled the strings for him to see. When Telmeck reached the age of eighteen Jakra began training Telmeck how to fight hoping that one day, should Kova’s anger get the better of him and he try to kill or harm Telmeck, he would be able to do something to stand up to him.
By the time Telmeck turned twenty two fate finally presented an opportunity that would change Telmeck’s life forever. In a raid upon Kova’s home led by one of Kova’s rivals Jakra was finally given the opportunity he needed to fulfill his promise to Mara. In the ensuing chaos of the raid Jakra managed to sneak Telmeck away from Kova’s control before the situation was brought under control. Jakra then put Telmeck into hiding away from the constant threat of Kova and his underlings. While in hiding Jakra continued Telmeck’s training and even got Telmeck the psychiatric care he required after the trauma he had been dealt.
What soon came as a surprise was that, now that he was finally free from Kova’s influence, Telmeck quickly began to show his ability to cope with what he had witnessed and gone through and his mental health began to improve rapidly. Though remarkably strong willed for years to come Telmeck’s depression would return in episodes that would could nearly lead to him taking his own life. As Telmeck grew older he took more of an interest to the sparring and training that Jakra provided him with as well as advancing his studies.
Much to Jakra and Telmeck’s luck the cover story that Telmeck had been killed in the raid passed by Kova with ease bringing him almost pleasure at the news. Which brought great relief to Jakra as that meant there was no immediate danger to Telmeck nor was there any attempt to find him.
As Telmeck reached the age of thirty more news came down the line as a successful government raid took place on Kova’s headquarters which resulted in Kova’s death as well as that of many other kingpins.
As Jakra severed what little ties he had remaining to Kova’s organization. He and Telmeck both were finally able to breath a sigh of relief that this part of their lives was finally over. Jakra and Telmeck came clean to authorities with Telmeck’s identity and relation to the criminal kingpin Kova and Jakra’s relation to the two as well as how he had rescued Telmeck from Kova. By the end of it all Jakra and his wife Laria were granted legal custody over Telmeck and were granted amnesty for Jakra’s association with Kova in exchange for what had been done and the location and details of some of the surviving members of Kova’s organization.
Finally Jakra and Telmeck were able to wash their hands of the whole mess that had been Kova’s criminal empire. Telmeck continued on his life as free as can be, taking his required military training at the age of forty before enlisting in the Rothian military by the time he was 50. In the enlistment training he excelled, it seemed he had a natural edge when it came to fighting. His years of hand-to-hand training made him quite the fighter when it came to close quarters fighting and it was discovered he had something of a natural skill when it came down to using a rifle
By the time he graduated and was officially a fully fledged soldier in the Rothian armed forces he was top of his class and had caught the eye of several of his superiors. Over the next hundred years Telmeck proved himself a skilled soldier and loyal in the defense of the Rothian people.
When the contact war sparked between the Humans and the Sovereignty like all of those in the Rothian military Telmeck sat on the edge of his seat as he awaited word of whether or not the Rothians would step into the war effort. As news report after news report of entire planets and colonies falling or being wiped out to the onslaught of the Sovereignty Telmeck’s patience grew thinner and thinner, he felt they could not simple sit by and watch the humans suffer in this fashion.
But finally as it was confirmed the Rothian’s would step into the war effort Telmeck could not say so strongly that he was pleased to hear the news. For the first time in ages there was a war on a massive scale. Three civilizations clashed over populated planets decimating cities and even entire planets themselves. It was truly unlike anything they had experienced before, but through it all Telmeck’s dedication never faltered.
Throughout the bloody war effort Telmeck earned himself recognition and promotions, he was a skilled soldier and the powers that be were sure to recognize that. Finally it all came down to one mission near to the middle of the war effort when Telmeck’s unite was assigned to assist one of the Rothian spec ops scout squads in the assault on a Sovereignty position. Though the mission went badly and ended up costing multiple casualties on the part of both Telmeck’s unite and the Scout squad. But in the end the mission was dubbed a pyrrhic victory as the facility was taken but the losses were too great to celebrate.
During the mission Telmeck had proven his skill numerous times and played a pivotal role in the taking of the facility. Immediately after Telmeck was give a promotion and was transferred to the Rothian Spec ops Scout team were for the remainder of the war he took part in pivotal missions deep into enemy territory and right on the front lines.
As the war came to an end all sides breathed a heavy sigh of relief. But no matter the celebrations the casualties both civilian and military and the damage done was too great to tell. After the war was over Telmeck’s team continued to receive missions, many of which were classified, that took them into unfriendly planets for days at a time for reconnaissance, or to commence raids on facilities deemed worthy of the Rothian military's attention.