After the group placed Rareth in the hold of the Hummingbird and fled like drunken fools Telmeck trudged into his and Rareth's quarters starting to struggle to get out of his clothes as soon as he was safely in the room. By the time he plopped drunkenly into the bed his clothes were scattered about fro, the door to the bed.
Telmeck rolled on to his back and starred up at the ceiling before sighing happily. "Hehe...I'm really going to come to regret that stupid little prank there." Telmeck said with smile.
He tried to the best of his abilities to keep his eyelids, which were slowly getting heavier and heavier, open. All the while his inebriated mind struggled to maintain his pleasant thoughts about the night he had just had. He had far more fun then he had originally anticipated he would have with the pair of Soverignty soldiers.
He really enjoyed Shiva, though it felt like he was forgetting something important about her, he wasn't sure if it was something bad or good, all he knew was that it was something to do with her. Shut on the over hand? Well he did but didn't like Shuo, he certainly respected him, he was a hell-of-a soldier according to his file but his personality just put Telmeck on edge sometimes. He wasn't all too talkative and when he was talking it was, for the most part, quick and to the point, at least when he was sober.
Slowly Telmeck's resistance weakened and his eyes began to close and he drifted off to sleep.
The next morning when Telmeck awoke he could faintly feel the after affects of the drinking from the night before, any pain he should feel was blocked, but still he could feel some of the other affects, though they were easy to shrug off. Considering Rareth wasn't in the bed or room with him that suggested she still hadn't woken up yet or at least just hadn't come to the room yet which gave Telmeck a chance to delay her rant about how uncreative and boring their prank on her was, an opportunity Telmeck didn't not kind taking advantage of.
He quickly cleaned up his mess of clothes and changed into something more presentable, he was no longer military so he wasn't required to wear a uniforme, but still he felt he might as well wear one which was a pleasant the change of pace.
Once dressed and overall more decent Telmeck made his way to the medbay looking to fulfill his promise and to remove himself of the pain he was blocking. Upon entering he flagged down one of the medics and explained his situation. Soon enough he was laying across one of the many cots as two medics, a Human female and Tempu male set to work in identifying his wounds.
Unfortunately he didn't have a medic with magical capabilities here to heal his wounds as Rareth did so his treatment would take a bit longer then it had in the past. But before too long the medics had identified his wounds, he had three fractured ribs in his back and some minor tissue trauma. Which could easily be taken care of with a stiminjection or two.
As the Tempu went about preparing the stims for injection the Human explained that they were going to use the medical equipment to apply the stims more directly to the affected area which should help the wound heal faster. Telmeck nodded his head in agreement as she explained the procedure. Soon the Tempu came back into view and said everything was set.
With that Telmeck removed his over shirt and undershirt as instructed and laid down on his stomach before relaxing and waiting for the equipment to do its job. He lay there on his stomach for several seconds as the machinery moved around above his back getting into position to inject the stims.
"There's going to be a slight pinching sensation." The Medic explained. Telmeck nodded in response, resisting the urge to make a comment that he knows what it feels like.
Sure enough moments later the pinching sensation came and went.
"Alright just two more injections and we'll be all ready to stir up some more trouble." Said the Tempu, Telmeck chuckled in response.
Telmeck gazed off down to the far side of the room as he waited for the final two injections to be administered. Soon enough there was a pat on his back and the Human medic spoke up.
"Alright big guy, you're all set." She said before handing him his clothes as he sat up.
"Thank you." Telmeck said happily as he started putting his clothes back on.
"Alright, well if you find anymore wounds after this just let us know and we'll fix right up." She said with a friendly smile, "And from a medical standpoint it's probably best you don't keep that implant of yours on all the time. Pain is pretty useful as much as it is aggravating." She added with a chuckle.
Telmeck jokingly rolled his eyes, "I know I know, trust me I've been yelled at about that before. Trust me, that's being hammered into my brain on the daily." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck.
After saying his goodbyes he was off on his way to the armory to go check on his gear and make any repairs needed and schedule any repairs he couldn't do himself. Once done with that he was back to his regular duties and passing time until their arrival to Pax. He spent most of his time in the small gym aboard the ship along with Shuo and whatever other time performing his duties or with Rareth.
Finally as they arrived at Pax, Telmeck put on some more formalish clothes deciding to finally try and exercise his privilege of not having to wear a uniform. Once properly dressed Telmeck grabbed his wrist computer and made his way to the shuttle they would be taking. He wasn't entirely sure what the plan was, but seeing as Rareth was packing light he decided he might as well do the same. Once they were ready Rareth began making her way to the shuttle, but Telmeck broke off to go check on the repairs to his gear which caused him to arrive some time behind Rareth.
As Telmeck neared the shuttle he noticed that along with Rareth, Shuo had already arrived. As he neared the shuttle he came up behind Rareth, making little effort to hide his footsteps before he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly "Hello darling, well my equipment is all set. Sorry it took me a bit." He said happily before taking a step back and looking over to Shuo, "Hello Shuo." He said with a nod of his head. "How are you today?"