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Deven Zoria

"Your a coward Deven...a spineless coward...there it was right before your eyes...and you just sat there...too afraid to even lift a finger...I could have....no I should have died back there...I should have died a long time ago...I deserve to...they died for me...and now the one chance I get to avenge them I let slip away because I was too much of a spineless coward to fight..." Deven said towards himself, not really caring how it looked seeing as he was alone. His hands had clenched into fists, his fear and confusion had began to shift to anger, anger that yearned for a target but found none but himself. An image of the demon, standing there between the crowds staring him down flashed into mind. His fists clenched even tighter to the point it was beginning to hurt, "it should have ended me then and there...it could have...why didnt it? Why did it just let me live, just leave me be? Why couldn't it just end this torture? Why is it toying with me?" He questioned. "have I not suffered enough?!" He exclaimed as though the Demon might be hiding around some corner nearby, waiting for him to hit his lowest point. "And what of that damned demonmancy teacher? Why did he summon it? What have I done to him to deserve that?" Deven questioned, he had un-clenched his hands and had begun pacing back and forth in the courtyard.

Deven sighed sadly, "Was it even real? Have I finally lost my mine? A dozen years of living with this torture and I have finally lost it?" He said sadly to himself. "Gods I just want answers!" He exclaimed once more, as though someone would answer, but there was no one, just the distant sound of music from the mess hall. "Then what of that pshycomancer? Are all the teachers mad here? Do they use the students just to punish them and make them suffer? And why did she spare me and Jenna? Does she have something worse planned for us?" He questioned the shadows, who gave no response. "To hell with both of them? Who are they to prey on those that cannot defend themselves? Who are they to threaten us and tell us we must be strong yet strike us with fear when we are weak? What good does it do to make us fearful then tell us to defend ourselves? There will always be that doubt from when we failed, there will always be that moment when when failed that will forever hang above us daunting us weakening us." Deven said angrily as though the two teachers were before him listening.

Then he fell silent, his gaze dropping to his feet as his mind got lost in his thoughts, he had managed to blow off some steam in his pointless rants. But he was still far from calm. Then a strange sound began to work its way to Deven's ears it was the sound of a large amount of rushing wind. It was faint at first but it quickly grew louder and louder until it was right a top him, Deven managed to lift his head just in time to see a figure falling from the sky, "Oh wait n-" He tried to say before the figure crashed into him knocking the air out of his chest and sending him to the ground, who ever the figure was falling on top of him. "Ow..." Deven groaned as he got the air back into his chest. He lay on his back with pain resonating from his chest and stomach, slowly he lifted his head to see who exactly it was that had just plummet into him and more so why. The first thing he noticed were the wings, then the blood, then the skin. It only took a few second for it to click in his head who it could have been. As his eyes settled on her face he recognized her as the fellow new arriving half Eysire, half human. It took little effort to spy where the blood was coming from, seeing half of the shaft of an arrow sticking out of the girls back. The other half having broken off in her crash. "Hey, are you awake?" He asked shaking her gently, he received no response.

A sense of urgency came over the situation, she was unconscious, bleeding and likely not without a few broken bones, he had to get her help and if he could stop the bleeding. He, slid himself out from under her, making sure to slowly let her body drop to the ground. Once he was completely free his mind began racing for options. He could remove the arrow but there would be no telling how much blood she would lose if he did. Perhaps he could remove the arrow then cauterize the wound so she would less blood, his mageblood would allow him to do this and he was sure the vitamancers here at the school could heal her wound and the burn should he choose to do it, but by doing so he would cause an extreme amount of pain to her. Come on Deven make up your mind! You can't sit here and think forever![I] He thought to himself.

His eyes bore into the arrow jutting from her back as he settled on what he would do. "If you can hear me, this is going to really hurt." He said took his knife from its sheath and reached for the arrow. As he wrapped his hand around the shaft of the arrow making sure to grab the point closest to the wound, he could not help but feel glad she was unconscious. He began to pull the arrow from the wound, slowly at first before increasing in speed, as he did blood gushed out from around the arrow, coating his hand in crimson and spilling out across her back. Then once he was sure he had gotten a majority of the arrow out he yanked it free blood splatering out as he did and more beginning to gush rapidly out. He dropped the arrow to his side as he did its metal tip created a faint cling as it hit the stone ground. His blood covered hand reached for his knife and he began focusing on using his blood to heat his blade, using the little training he had received as a guide, soon the blade began to glow orange, and heat radiated off of it. He looked to the wound then to her face. "Here we go." He said as he slowly lowered the side of the blade to the wound.

As the blade made contact with her patch of scale it produced a sizzling sound one would expect to hear while cooking meat and filled the air with the grotesque smell of burning flesh. It felt like hours before Deven lifted the blade and looked down at the now cauterized wound. He dropped the knife to the ground beside him which was still sizzling slightly. Deven swung his pack around and took out a extra shirt he hadn't unpacked from his bag, the grabbed his knife once more and began to cut out a long piece of cloth from the bottom to the top of the shirt. When done he threw the shirt back into his bag which had picked up a few streaks of blood from his blood covered hands. He then sheathed his knife and lifted the girl up so he could reach under her then began to tie the cloth around the wound to stop whatever other blood could reach the wound. Once done her he slung his pack over his shoulders reached under the girl and rolled her gently so she would be facing up then lifted her to his lap, once she was resting on his lap he reached with his left hand for the bloodied half arrow next to him and then replaced his hand under the girl the arrow pressed between his hand and her hip, his other hand holding her shoulders.

Slowly he began to stand, uneasy at first, but soon he was able to gain stable footing. He felt once more the tiring affects of using his blood, but was more then capable of carrying her. His head whipped around to the direction he had come from. "Lets get you to the mess hall, the vitamancy teacher will know what to do." He said partly to her and partly to himself, as he began trudging back to the mess hall.

Jenna Fellrien

After Deven left Jenna took a seat at one of the empty tables removing her bow and setting it so it leaned on the table next to her so she could sit comfortably. She looked around at the still thinning number of students, most of the teachers seemed to be staying for at least a little while after likely for questions, but very few people seemed to approach, seeing as many were probably set off by what some of the demonstrations had done. Her eyes drifted between the worse offenders, the phsycomancy and demonmancy teachers, their demonstrations having been brutal and cruel in driving their point across and likely made many fearful of the blood type and perhaps even scared to train in the blood type. [I]If this is what the teachers are willing to do opening day then I can only imagine what they will do over the course of our study.
She thought as she eyed them.

She sighed loudly and her gaze drifted down to her hands at the table, "Maybe it was a mistake.." She mumbled softly to herself. No...I shouldn't say that...father trusted me and Deven to come here to learn and become the best mages we could be, he believes we are capable of doing so and in no way will I let him down in that. We can put up with whatever they throw at us. We will not leave this school, we will do Wintercrest proud and will come back more powerful then ever. I shouldn't let a few puny demonstrations get in the way of my learning. Everyone back home is trusting us to go through with our study. And I, we wont let them down. She thought to herself pushing out the doubts that crowded her mind.

It was then that a voice spoke up from behind her, at first she thought it was Deven but the voice sounded different, she turned her head towards the source and saw a man, with pale white skin, and light blue eyes, she couldn't help but notice his distinct lack of hair but told herself not to make note of it for it could be rude. "Oh uh hello." She said a little awkwardly. "Yeah, I know there over, I am just waiting for a friend to come back, he said he just needed some air and would be right back. Come to think of it...I should have told him to just meet me at my room." She said partly thinking out loud. "Anyway, my name is Jenna, of house Fellrein. If I may, what might your name be?" She asked in a friendly tone.
Nalla's eyes whipped back to Allaina as she spoke, the Kahjiits mouth forming into a smile as she chuckled softly at the girls awkwardness. As the girl made her request Nalla did not shy away in the slightest or looked embarrassed in the slightest. "Of course you can, as our friend Kayal here could tell you I have little social boundaries in touching." She said gesturing with her head towards Kayal and shooting him a teasing look before looking back to Allaina. He only rolled his eyes in response. She stepped a little closer and turning her torso sideways so Allaina could stroke the length of her arm, "Anyway, go ahead, feel away." She said in a happy tone. Her tail lifting up from its usual drooping posture and slowly swayed side to side at her shoulder height. As Tagorn spoke up and elegantly introduced himself, she smiled again, "Seems I shouldn't judge a book by its cover. Good manors, I can respect that Tagorn." She said kindly, nodding her head towards him.
Also where is the Vitamancy teacher? Still in the mess hall hopefully?
Not, sure there would have to be some interaction before Deven signed on and I would prefer Jenna to be rooming with another girl.
Freeshooter92 said

I believe the proper statement due to the era this rp is set in would be.

Toxic Diamond said
It happened. I'm sorry for my horrible writing yesterday. I was... Tipsy when I wrote it. I'm very sorry, that won't happen again.

I refer to my previous statement in our private conversation.
Alright, it would appear I am not going to work today I have come down sick. So I should be able to post today. I'm sorry for holding everyone back.
Also hurray I posted, almost 20,000 characters of worth.

Not as much for you guys to react to as I had wanted but I like how this worked out as it is.
I left both Deven and Jenna open to be roomed with. Who ever Deven rooms with will have...a "fun" time dealing with his trust issues and such, while whoever rooms with Jenna, will have a happy go lucky, super friendly brunette on their hands. XD
The travel from Wintercrest to the twilight college had not been excruciatingly long. Only a few days of traveling would be required, but given the fact they were on horse back it made t even easier. They had received an escort of four other soldiers till they reached the small village of Raylea on Wintercrest's border. The village is primarily made up of farmers and herdsmen being built in an open plain. The village also serves as a major stopping point for traders and the like heading south. Its inn being a resting point on the last leg of the journey to the Twilight college for many students heading south. The soldiers, who were friends of both Deven and Jenna rode with them till they reached this town and then they returned home, from their Deven and Jenna had traveled with another group of prospective students along the last leg of their journey. Both Deven and Jenna had cycled off of their horses should anyone seem tired or hurt or anything of the sort. Deven wore his armor and sword while Jenna wore her armor but had her bow resting on hook on her saddle. Both of the saddles were custom made so they could store their weapons on the horses along with what ever other supplies they couldn't carry on their backs, something they had happily made use of.

The last leg of their trip went by fast with help from the company of the other students. Some of them seeming like they had fought in battles while others seemed as green as the grass they passed wearing nothing but simple farmers clothes. As they arrived at the college the view was breath taking, both Deven and Jenna had received descriptions of the land, how it seemed gray and lifeless with a constant twilight hanging over the land, but the descriptions never truly fit the sight. But their eyes would almost always slip fro the landscape to the castle in the distance, the castle that they knew to be the Twilight college. As they approached the gates it was even more breath taking, the colleges banners hung high, torches bathed the area in an array of colors, people from all races, ages and types went to a fro doing their business. To some it would likely seem like the early parts to a festival for a holiday of some sort, but this was no festival it was a welcoming for all the new students at the college. Students mumbled in amazement as they looked around, some spoke with their friends while others remained silent. The pair rode to the stables before dismounting, removing their gear and passing on the horses to the stable hands.

"This is it. We are finally here! Oh i'm so excited!" Jenna said happily. Deven looked at her and smiled before he spoke, "I know, all the stories about this place don't do it justice. I lo-" He tried to say before a Eysire's voice rang out silencing the whole mess of prospective students. Deven and Jenna both quieted down and listened as the Eysire spoke. He introduced himself as Khan Jevarath, the headmaster of the school. He gave them a warm welcome and informed them of the feast and the presentations that would go on during the feast. During the speech, Deven had taken notice to someone making their way through the crowd. This was given light by people exclaiming things or shouting expletives as whoever it was made there way to the front. It was then they burst forth from the crowd, it was a small snowelf who had been causing the trouble and who was continuing forward until her mad dash was brought to an end as she crashed into the head master. "Oh, that has to be embarrassing." Jenna chuckling slightly and forcing a slight flinch. Deven smiled and nodded, "Poor elf, sure am glad its neither of us in that situation." Deven said plainly. The situation seemed to resolve rather quickly and students began to voice their questions. One of which, a strange looking human, who had patches of scale a set of wings and a tail. Jenna's eyes had already settled on that girl when Deven looked to her. "What is she?" Jenna asked her tone curious. "She looks human, but she has a tail, wings and scales like the Eysire. I wasn't aware any half breeds existed." He said his tone matching Jennas. The pair fell silent once again waiting for the headmasters answers to the questions.

As the Headmaster spoke his answer to the questions Deven and Jenna both found themselves pleased with the responses. Soon after the answers were made the tour began. The students were divided into groups and went of on their tour. The remainder of the tour passed rather fast, Deven and Jenna making notes of the places they were taken to. As the tour came to an end the pair made their way back to the doors set on passing the time until the feast began. Jenna's eyes skimmed over the many doors that led to the rooms. "You think of anyone you may want to room with?" Jenna asked looking to Deven as they walked. Deven looked at her with a raised eyebrow, "Well I am not sure if they allow coed dorming so, let me go down the long list of new people I have met." He said sarcastically clearing his throat and looking like he was about to give a long speech. "Alright, alright, I get it you don't need to be such an ass about it." Jenna replied rolling her eyes in mock annoyance. Deven chuckled at her, "I am not even sure if I would room with anyone. I couldn't feel comfortable with a random strange sleeping in the same room as me." Deven confessed. Jenna nodded, "Yeah, I get what you mean, but that's part of the experience isn't it?" Jenna said optimistically. "Who says I want to experience it?" He replied. "I do." she retorted. "Well you would be wrong." He stated. "Ugh, at least give people a chance?" She asked. He sighed and glared at her, "I will try at the feast, alright, but I doubt there would be anyone I trust enough to sleep in the same room with." Deven said submitting. She smiled happily at him,"What was that? Did you just agree to do what I asked? My gods, someone get the record bool this must be recorded!" She exclaimed sarcastically looking at him with a smug grin. "And you call me an ass?" He replied. She merely laughed in response and he laughed along.

The rest of the time passed quickly and soon the feast was upon them. Deven and Jenna still wore their armor and had their weapons with them seeing as many of the others students still had theirs. They had picked adjacent rooms that were unoccupied and had dropped their gear off before joining back up and trying to pass time before the feast. Now the time had finally come for the feast to start. "I wonder what these demonstrations are going to be like." Jenna said as her and Deven neared the doors to the mess hall. "I'm not sure, but I am definitely excited." He responded. The two entered the hall and were met with the delicious smells of the wide assortment of food provided to the students, the feast was even greater then the one they had been in back in Wintercrest, maybe as much people but not as wide a variety of food. "Wow...talk about no expenses spared.." Jenna mused. "Yeah, I get what they meant when they said the opening feast would be beyond grand." Deven replied. Before he realized they were still standing in the door way. He noticed an annoyed looking Eysire standing behind them waiting for them to move. Deven grabbed Jenna's hand, "We may want to move." He said leading her away from the door, and the Eysire at that. "Oh yeah, that might be smart." She chuckled. As they moved away Deven let go of her hand and the two began weaving through the crowd walking side by side when possible.

The two sampled some of the food at first before picking their favorites and making a plate of them. Then made their way to the wall-o'-drinks, as Jenna had jokinly called it. She poured herself a glass of Rose wine, her favorite. Deven on the other hand got himself a mug of sapphire nectar. Made from fermented blueberries combined with a assortment of herbs and spice to create an extremely sweet, bright blue drink with a powerful punch to back. The pair found themselves a table and chatted away the time before the demonstration talking to each other or other adjacent people, Deven living to his word on trying to find someone he could possibly room with.

Eventually the demonstrations began, Deven and Jenna fell silent captivated by the sights they saw. They had long finished their food and had stood moving closer to the stage to get a better look. The demonstrations flowed by followed by amazement and a spike in interest, each one showing its powerful abilities and potential. Deven watched with doubled interest as the pyromancy display came on. The display had been nothing like he had expected focusing on the power to create, this brought a whole new light to his blood, something he honestly had not thought of before. The same was so for Jenna when the Vitamancy demonstration took the stage, she watched with awe and amazement as the teacher changed her physical features and took on the form of a wyvern. Of their course of their bloods Deven and Jenna exchanged excited looks towards each other both of them hopeful of their future with their bloods.

Then came the Demonmancy demonstration. Deven who had been trying to the best of his ability to ignore the ever unwavering presence of the demons that seemed to be the colleges favorite tool. H eyed what ever demon moved near him with hateful distrust at times letting his hand fall to the hilt of his sword. And when the Demonmancy teacher stepped forth, his nerves were on edge. Jenna on the other hand was enthralled in the amazement of it all and did not think anything of it. The teacher spoke, Deven scowled at the man and smirked at his comment calling the demons, "citizens" of the inferno. he found it baffling that the murderous beasts of the inferno could even be thought to be called citizens. As his hands dropped to his sides and the demonstration began Deven could not stop the nervous lump from forming in his throat.

Slowly the room began to change, its chairs morphing and the walls vanished, Devens hand clenchd his sword tighter and tighter as the room began to change. Deven struggled to calm his nerves and maintain his composer but just as he felt he was making progress the entire room changed to the like of the inferno. An composer Deven once had was bashed into dust and he tore his sword from its sheath producing a metallic ring. But his seemingly nightmare did not end, all across the room demons appeared. Fear filled Deven's mind all of his worst fear were thrown into the light of his mind, images of what happened to his parents their gruesome murder, he felt as though it was happening all in front of him again. His heart sunk to his feet and his fists clenched around his sword. His eyes fell to the nearest demon, it was human sized and stood just adjacent to him and Jenna. Deven could not even begin to control the amount of rage and fear he felt, his body fell to just pure instinct as he lunged for the Demon who had its eyes set on to something else, what it was Deven could not tell. As it turned toward its target it was stopped in its tracks as Deven plunged his sword through its chest. The demon shrieked in pain but was silenced as Deven plunged his knife into its skulls. But he did not stop. He tore his blade and dagger free, and spun slicing his blade across the demons neck severing its head.

But Deven didn't stop overwhelmed by what was going on he was simply trying to defend both him and Jenna. A winged imp attempted to fly over head but was knocked out of the sky as a blade sliced through its wing. It plummeted to the ground in a small crash landing and was ended as a blade was brought down practically slicing it in half. Adrenaline rage and fear shot through Deven's body. he could barely even control himself. His eyes raised looking for the next target, he saw numerous demons assaulting their prey, he saw students fighting or hiding or stalk still with fear. But then Deven's entire body froze in place, his limbs went numb and dread began to flood into his body, overwhelming his instinct to fight and defend. In a small parting of the sea of what now seemed faceless figures Deven saw it, a demon as black as night, with small wisps of darkness rippling off of it, blade like claws extending several inches from it's fingers, its maw formed into a grin filled with razor teeth. The demon stood their un-moving its eyes fixed on Deven, with a look like a monstrous predator staring down its trapped, wounded prey. Deven's body began to tremble violently and his sword and dagger dropped from his grasp hitting the floor producing metallic rings. Somewhere in the distance a voice rang out, but Deven could not even make out a single word. He could not even will himself to move he could only gaze on in horror at the sight before him.

Then the crowd seemed to close in on the gap, hiding the demon from view and then parted again, leaving no sign of the demon that once stood their. Deven's eyes skimmed the room, looking for any sign of it, filled with dread and terror, not even paying any mind to any of the other demons. He could hear the demons terrifying shrieks echoing in its head, the grueling sound as it broke through bone and sliced through flesh, the terrible sound of his father gasping for air when his throat had been ripped out. Deven's movements began to grow more sporadic, he whipped his head around looking for anything, any sign of the demon. The sounds and the shrieks only growing louder and louder even as the next teacher stepped forward. cold sweat beaded down his face. He heard multiple voices in the distance but they were drowned out by the sound of the shrieks of the demon. Where is it? Where is it? I need to find it. I need to run. I need to get away. Deven you need to move! Do something! Run! Hide! Get awa-. Deven was jolted from his as someone grabbed his shoulders, his body tensed and his head whipped around, there before him he saw Jenna.

Through the demonstration Jenna had mostly been paralyzed with fear and confusion, she saw some students including Deven fighting but many more cowering in fear. It wasn't until the Demonmancy teacher spoke that she realized the demons were only attacking other demons. At this she relaxed greatly and turned to see Deven, lookign around in a desperate attempt to find something, his eyes wide in shock and horror and his face a pale white as though he had seen a ghost. "Deven!" She shouted as she began to walk towards him, but he did not seem to even realize she had spoken. "Deven she tried again as she neared. "Deven! She shouted a third time this time grabbing his shoulders and forcing him to look at her. This seemed to break him from his trance. He looked at her with wide terrified eyes breathing heavily. "Deven calm down, they arent trying to harm anyone it was just a demonstration, they aren't hurting anyone just more demons." She said in as soothing a voice as she could muster. This seemed to calm him a little, he nodded. "Alright alright." He said in a shaky voice. "Deven are you alright? You look like you have seen a ghost." Jenna asked concerned. He seemed to hesitate for a moment before nodding, "Yeah...yeah I am fine, just give me a moment to calm down." he replied. She nodded and turned back in time to hear the last of the herbamancy teachers speech. Both her and Deven watched as the herbamancy teachers creations hunted down the demons that were summoned.

Deven calmed as the demons were eliminated, he did his best to pretend like nothing was bothering him anymore, but on the inside he was shaken to his very core. He leaned down and picked up his sword and dagger, as he retrieved them he noticed something odd, where the sword and dagger had been laying was now covered in scorch marks and steam rose off the blades as they cooled. He also noticed a faint tiredness in his movements. strange... he thought to himself. He barely paid attention to anything around him as he tried to calm down, telling himself it wasn't real, it was just his mind playing tricks on him, it couldn't have been real. He made up any excuse he could in an attempt to calm himself. As the herbamancy demonstration ended and the phycomancy demonstration began Deven payed no attention. And as people felt the affects of Satori's doing. Deven only found himself lost in his own thought. His eyes had settled on the seated Demonmancy teacher, his gaze filled in an immeasurable amount of hate and anger. As he struggled to calm his nervous.

It was as though one of his nightmares had come true right before his eyes. He had dreamed of that demons return and every time the Demon had claimed his life like it did his parents. He always tole himself he would be able to face it in reality, he would fight it and he would win, that was how he would calm himself but now, there it was before his eyes and all he had done was freeze, unable to move. He could do nothing but watch as the demon did as it pleased, it could have ended him right there and he could have done nothing, but it chose to torture him, to tear down anything he had built up about his ability to fight it. Had it even been real? Was it really there? Did this sick son of a bitch, this monster of a demonmancy teacher really summon the one demon that had taken everything from him? or had it been all in his imagination?

"Whats going on?" Jenna asked, breaking Deven from his trance yet again. He looked to her questioningly, unsure of what she meant. But then he began to notice. All across the hall students clutched their heads, cowered in fear or worse, some people cried out while others stood stock still. Deven looked around questioningly. "I dont know. Was it the demons? or th-" He fell silent as he looked to the phsycomancy teacher. She had proposed a toast, and was smiling looking out at the students. Then it occurred to Jenna, "It was her..." Jenna said silently, both her and Deven starring the teacher down. "She did something to the students.."She continued before falling silent. "But what? And why weren't we affected?" She asked silently not talking to anyone in particular. "I will be back." Deven said coldly. She turned to him as he began walking by. "Wait. Where are you going?" Jenna asked, not really wanting to be alone amid all the confusion. "I just need to get some air and I want some time alone away from all this madness." He said his tone still cold. Jenna stopped following him, "Alright, I will be here..." She said after him as she watched him go with concern plastered on her face. Her head turned back to the teachers, [I]Did we make a mistake coming here?[I] She asked herself. As she stood their alone.

Deven followed out with the crowd out of the mess hall, he made his way away from the crowds of people leaving the mess hall even bumping into some people and pushing others that got in his way. He did anything he could to get away from people, just wanting to be alone so he could work out his thought. His mind was still boiling with all the emotions he had been experiencing, all the hate and all the confusion all the shame and all the fear. He walked until he found himself, in one of the courtyard with no one around, with nothing but the open sky above and his own thoughts for company.
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