Frettzo said
:P Feel free to do so either way.
If I did create one I would likely make him/her a social outcast. But not an outcast by choice, they would be wanting to be accepted to fulfill their natural desires but something would be holding them back, maybe not something they caused, perhaps the hand that they were dealt as in something that is out of their control. It would be something that would make them seem as below everyone else in the Sannid society. Than it would be a constant struggle in them whether they should fight to be part of the society, to be welcomed opened armed by their people, or to just submit to being an outcast to being below everyone.
Hmmm....I definitly just peaked my own interest with this right here XD I think I might make one when I have more time on my hands and am not struggling to keep up in my current RPs.
Fallenreaper said
That's what I did that with the officials, though at least the Eania one will pop up again later on but that's for another reason. :p
Oh yeah, just so you know there will be a band of Wintercrest reps making there way to the college soon, fashionably late of course XP