Avatar of Leon5431
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  • Old Guild Username: Leon5431
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    1. Leon5431 11 yrs ago
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Lucius, I beckon thee.
Welp, that didn't work...I was going to post a funny gif but that didn't work..I'm sad now...
Check your PMs
Fallenreaper said
Auriel will kill you as well Zaad, it won't kill him. To be honest, he's one of the harder ones to kill until you do it right.

But it wouldn't technically have been me.... XD
Lucius, you think you will be on much longer? There is something I touched on a while back and I wanted to talk to you about it again.
Fallenreaper said
Have fun, just don't kick the glass statue of Zaad. He's happy where he's at right now, for once he's happy being trapped. XD

*Look at foot then looks at Zaad looks at foot then looks at Zaad* Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Think I'll pass for now, but one should know alien leg syndrome can be a hell of a thing XD
Alright, well now that my friend left I can get to posting. Me thinks Wintercrest has sat dormant long enough.
Hmm, let's see where this next post puts Deven and Jenna before we decide that.

Also, today I work so I will only be on for a short window while I'm home and then later tonight.
I feel as though I was overly soft on both Deven and Jenna this post but, I also really like how it turned out, hope the GMs don't mind what I did with some of the soldiers and guardsmen, I kinda took some liberties...hope you don't mind, I am all for it if you want to massacre them all or what not.

Though if you are alright with it and allow it then my next post would be focusing on them (Deven, Jenna and this little rabble of defenders) pushing for the door, so a lot of combat and death....lots of death.
What do you guys think, have my skills rusted in my absence?

Tht post also seriously favored Deven...I need to do more for Jenna, but besides freaking the fuck out and a lot of describing sights sounds feeling thoughts and such there isn't much for her to do....yet...she has a major part coming up.
As Auriel ran off with his dagger, Deven attempted to follow, he was gaining on her when he rounded a corner and ran directly into one of the college's many servants, who he accompanied in falling to the ground. The servant, dropping the array of items he was carrying to help set up for the nights events. "Gah, sorry, sorry, I didn't see yo-" Deven said before he realized who or more so "what" he had run into. It was one of the colleges many lesser demons they employed for manual labor. Upon the realization Deven doubled his efforts of getting to his feet and refrained from continuing his apology. Once on his feet, he did nothing to offer the demon any assistance in gathering the dropped items. Instead eyeing the demon distrustfully. The demon growled annoyed and glared at him as he moved away starting at a fast walk then quickly moving into a jog.

Eventually Deven reached the entrance to the mess hall giving up on finding Auriel he decided he would retrieve his dagger later. Instead he sighed and entered the hall.

As Ssarak got up and left Jenna said her goodbyes and sighed loudly. She watched Ssarak leave through the main door before settling back into her seat barely prepared to wait out the remaining time before Deven would arrive in silence. [i}I hate silence[/I] She thought to herself as she sat there arms crossed and legs resting on the seat of an adjacent chair. Yet, much to her pleasure, Deven walked into the hall a few minutes later.

He settled into a chair next to her and began explaining why he took so long. She gave him some shit for it but eventually gave up and resumed just making conversation and passing the time. After long enough the pair grew bored of the hall and made their way out and began strolling throughout the halls chatting and otherwise passing the time. As the day grew later the pair retired to prepare for the evening.

Also coming with the lateness of the day came a distinct rise in the number of demons patrolling the school. As this happened Deven's comfort level quickly skyrocketed to a level where he was nearly unable to be without his weapons and armor. Even Jenna had began to grow uncomfortable at the alarming spike in demon population. Though unlike Deven she saw the reason in having these demons standing guard in the open and making themselves seem as imposing as possible. The college had to do something to show more muscle then the Eanian and Djarkel forces and to keep the peace. Yet even this knowledge only managed to do away with most of her paranoia, Deven on the other hand, the knowledge did little to help.

What the pair had hoped would be a pleasant and relaxing evening where they could spend time with their uncle and friends and enjoy the day was quickly changing to a uncomfortable evening. Deven had changed his choice of attire from a formal/casual wear to his full set of armor, weapons and all. Something Jenna tried her best to dissuade him from, saying "Do you really think its going to paint a good picture for Trystan, seeing you wearing your full set of armor in the middle of the college where we are supposed to be safe?" But Deven only replied with, "I don't care, I don't trust these demons as far as I can throw them." Then continuing to point to a rather menacing ten foot tall demon that was patrolling the courtyard outside a nearby window. This left Jenna with little ammunition to fight back with.

Eventually Jenna herself caved in and agreed to carry around her sword for the night, because she herself had begun to feel uncomfortable. Though she refused to wear her armor, instead settling for pair of black wool pants, a white long sleeve linen blouse with gold accents topped by her same fur cloak. Both her and Deven wore their same fur cloaks from earlier in the day, on both the cloaks one would notice the symbol of House Fellrien in the middle on the back of the cloak. The white depiction of a wolf head with its muzzle tilted down slightly.

Once fully bathed and dressed for the occasion the pair met up outside of their rooms, Jenna making a snide comment about how she hopes he's comfortable in all that armor, to which he replied, "More comfortable then I would be without it." though he did keep his helmet off and in his pack. Once this was said and done the pair made their way to the mess hall to catch a bit to eat before enjoying some of the other events the festival had to offer.

The time breezed by filled with food, drink, chatter, laughter, games, dancing, music. All the while when not busy, Deven could usually, be seen eyeing the demons that were standing guard distrustfully. As the night went on, still both Deven and Jenna saw no signs of their uncle and the other Wintercrest Reps. Eventually, the pair, abandoned the group of fellow students they had been enjoying the festival with and retired to the mess hall, where they settled to one of the many tables and began to chat with each other, Jenna quickly bringing up the topic about what could be keeping Trystan.

"Bad weather, road delays, taking a longer route, there's a lot of things that could be keeping them. Don't worry about it, it's Trystan, he'll be fine," Deven said trying to reassure Jenna. "I dont know, still, i'm just worried, even if he's not endanger, he might have missed his chance to do what ever dealings he needed to Khan looks like he retired to he quarters." Jenna said gesturing towards the Headmasters table. Deven didn't even look, "It'll be fine, you've got nothing to worry about." Deven said with a reassuring smile. At this comment Jenna rolled her eyes, "Neither do you but, still, there you are wearing all your armor to a festival just because a few extra demons have you on edge." Jenna said as the pair got up to get themselves another round of drinks. As Jenna concluded her comment Deven stopped in his tracks and turned to face her, "This is hardly just a "few" extra demons, by the gods there's literally almost one ever ten feet!" Deven said angrily, gesturing to some of the nearby demons. Jenna didn't even turn her head instead she began her retort. But Deven wasn't listening to a word she said. Something had caught his eye. Slowly he settled his gaze on one of the demons he had gestured to. It seemed to flinch, or something of the sort and then began to smile a large toothy grin.

Deven eyed the demon suspiciously as Jenna continued to talk looking slightly annoyed. The demon then advanced forward drawing its crude spear like weapon. Still Deven watched the demon as it moved towards a group of students, all the while smiling monstrously. Deven's skin crawled and he felt a chill run down his back. Finally as the demon neared the group, it pulled back its spear then, like something out of one of his nightmares thrusted it forward, stabbing a girl through the stomach before lifting her up above his head. The girls scream echoed off the walls along with all those of the people nearby and those from the onlookers. Those that she had gathered with all stumbled back and looked on in horror as blood began to run down the spear and coat the demons arms in crimson. More screams and shouts of pain echoed out across the room.

Then out of the corner of his eyes, Deven saw something big moving. His eyes quickly turned to the source and there, behind Jenna advancing towards her from behind was another demon. Jenna who was busy eyeing the girl in horror had not noticed the demon approaching her. Rage, horror and a call to action rose up in Deven as the demon drew back its crude blade and prepared to end his friend there and now. Time seemed to slow as he surged forward, his left arm shoving Jenna out of the way and his body turning to the side so the blade would not plunge through him. The blade glided past Jenna as she fell to the ground and grazed across the chest plate of Deven's armor. His right hand fell to his sword and tore the blade from its sheath ringing as it did. In the same motion, Deven dragged his blade across the demons side, barely cutting through its flesh. As he completed the motion and came to a stop from his lunge just behind the demon.

He brought his left hand up to his sword, gripping the blade in both hands, turning the blade till it was facing downward. Then began to bring his blade down, spinning as he did, and then bringing his blade upward, the tip of the blade barely dragging across the ground at the bottom of the arc creating a array of sparks before coming up in an upward vertical strike dragging the blade deep through the demon's back. Then, continuing the movement using the already present momentum curved the blade along his left side before bring it into a horizontal strike dragging the blade across the demons back once more cutting deep from left to right across its back. Then, still using the same gathered momentum, continued the swing bring the blade around in a circle, letting go of the blade with his left hand so the sword could pass over his head and once more slash across the back of the demon, ending the attack once more with the blade on his right side. Once the motion was done, he grabbed the sword once more with both hands and stabbed the blade through the demons back throwing his entire weight into the stab, sinking the blade down to the hilt in the demons upper back.

The demon roared shortly before blood filled its lungs, it then began to fall to its knees. As the demon began to fall Deven tore his blade from its back. Then turned his blade and slashed horizontally at the demons neck. His blade cutting through the demons neck severing it's head from it's body. As the demon collapsed to the floor Deven tried to keep from stumbling as his world seem to go back to its normal speed. While he was in that state of pure adrenaline he hadn't heard a single sound but, the sound of his blade ringing through the air and slicing through the demons flesh. As he came back out of this state, all the screams and shouts and roars became deafeningly clear. Barely he managed to make out Jenna's voice as she shouted towards him. "Watch o-" She shouted before Deven felt something heavy impact on his chest and left arm. The impact wasn't enough to break his arm or seriously damage his armor, but it was enough to knock him off his already faltered footing. He was knocked back onto his back and looked up at the demon standing above him with crude club in hand. The demon raised the club over his head and went to bring it down on top of Deven but was stopped as a larger blade was driven through the demons stomach. The demon roared and lost its strength and dropped the club to its side.

The larger blade was then torn from the demons stomach and spun around cutting nearly half way through the demons chest before coming to a stop. As the demon fell there standing over its corpse was Eanian soldier wielding a large greatsword. Both he and Deven locked eyes and a wordless thanks and your welcome was uttered between them. Before any real words could be shared the solder was beset by another demon. Quickly lifting his sword to parry on of its attacks before being dragged back into the chaos of battle. All around the mess hall similar scenes played out. Soldiers fought and died, students fought and died, demons massacred everyone in sight some even seemed to be fighting each other. In the short instance Deven had to gaze about the room before reality set back in, Deven saw familiar faces, slain before his eyes, people he knew who's lives were ended so preemptively. Taken from this world in brutal and cruel ways. But, he could not dwell long, he shock his head regaining his senses, just as Jenna dropped to her knees beside him he sword clattering to the ground beside her. "Deven! Deven are you alright?" She said loudly, her voice barely audible over the chaos. "I'm fine i'm fine! We need to move." Deven said as he quickly got back to his feet, pain pulsating from the bruise on his arm. He was first able to get himself to his knees where he took the chance to gauge their surroundings.

Most of the demons around them were preoccupied with either soldiers, guards, students or servants. Giving them a short moment to catch their breath at the extent of others lives. Deven took this moment to reach into his bag and take out his helmet putting it on and quickly dong the straps. "By the gods...what should we do?" Jenna asked terror present in her voice. "First we need to get out of here as fast as we possibly can." Deven replied in an oddly calm demeanor. "But wher-" Jenna tried to say before someone yelled in pain from nearby. Both Deven and Jenna's head shot to the greatsword wielding Eanian soldier from before. He had been slashed across his chest and had lost his footing stumbling backwards falling onto on of the benches and tables. The demon stood over him and raised its crude axe in its right hand ready to end the soldier where he lay. Without a word Deven shot to his feet rushing forward sword in hand. As he closed on the demon it began to bring its axe down. Then just in time, he lunged by turning his body and slashing the demons forearm severing its arm, the axe dropping harmlessly to the ground beside the soldier. The demon roared in both rage and pain, but was silenced as the great swordsman drove his large blade through its mouth and into its skull. The beasts body fell limp and as the blade was torn out. This time Deven quickly helped the soldier to his feet, both of them nodding to each other as they did. Jenna quickly joined them her sword in hand, looking shaken and somewhat ready to fight.

"Thank you for your help, brother." The soldier said quickly in a grim mono toned voice. "And you yours." Deven replied in the same like. "I must get to my officer, if you and I manage to survive this I will give you a proper thanks." The soldier said before rushing back into the fray. Quickly Deven looked back to Jenna as he began to try and form a plan.

All across the mess hall the demons were slaughtering people, many were putting up a fight, but already the number of dead was frightening. All across the hall people tried to bring some sort of order to those that were trying to fight but, so far it had yielded little results. The defenders were for the most part scattered and cause of this were dropping like flies. The mess hall had become a battle ground, filled with fighting soldiers, guards, students, demons, terrified servants and other students, frightened diplomats and more. The demons were using their fear factor to deadly effect, breaking the moral of the scattered defenders as they cut down person after person.

All across the hall, spells shot out from students even some from the teachers, the higher year students were using their magic to a deadly effect but still, they dropped like flies. From what a quick glance could tell the teacher might have been holding their own but, Deven could not look long, he needed to keep his head on a swivel, if anything approached, he was their best chance of stopping it from killing both of them. Until, Jenna could get her hands on a bow she would not be at her best.

"We need to get your gear. You need more protection then that." Deven said as his eyes scanned for a way out from the mess hall.

One the other end of the hall a demon had burst through the wall and was leading another party of demons on a rampage. Then Deven saw something in the chaos, a familiar face, Leith. He saw Leith standing before a burning demon just before he was tackled to the ground by another. Deven's heart sank in his chest as he refused to imagine what could have happened next. Deven did his best to push it out, there was no time. He had to stay focused, there was no time to mourn. There was only time for action.

"Everyone! on me! Push for the door, we need to make a way out of the accursed hall!" A man wearing Eanian armor that clearly stated his rank. Already a group of four soldiers had gathered on him and were charging through the demons carving a path to the door. More soldiers and guards men followed after them, as driven by the want to escape as their want to help others. "There, we'll follow them!" Deven said pointing to the group. "But what if-" Jenna tried to say before Deven cut her off. "It's our only chance, now I need you to stay close to me, we're getting out of here." Deven said before he turned back to the group and began charging after them.
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