Avatar of Leophael
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  • Posts: 163 (0.16 / day)
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    1. Leophael 3 yrs ago
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2 yrs ago
Current Sometimes I choose not to wear pants because pants are society's worst invention.
2 yrs ago


Wanna 1x1?
Interest CHECKcheckCHECKcheckCHECK-a-CheckItOut!

Interested in:
Supernatural Horror
Supernatural Fantasy
Superhero Sterff
Medieval Settings
Modern Setting

Less Interested in (but still open to):
Futuristic settings
Slice of Life

Not interested at all in
Military RPs
Canon Character RPs
Pokemon RPs

Most Recent Posts

As he leaned himself up off the ground, he could feel his own pulse in his ears. His heart was racing and it didn't seem like things were ready to slow down. As reinforcements his the floor and called upon the meta-inducing drug, Link resigned to the fact that this had only begun and was about to get worse.

It was the flash of light at the end of the thug's gun barrel that sent Like into a state of near catatonia. A fraction of a second moved like an eternity. The loud, thunderous cracks of the bullets' combustion quickly stirred him back to reality.

He could see the glowing tip of a billet coming straight for his eye. he tried to scurry back, but his speed was no match for the projectile's velocity. With a frightening spark and static sound of electric discharge, Link witnessed the bullet's trajectory get rejected and refracted by none other than his personal protective shield.

Oh thank god, Link mentally exclaimed. He took advantage of the opportunity to fully push himself to his feet and make a mad dash for cover. In a single, liquid motion, Link dashed and dove toward the bar, awkwardly landing on the otherside where patrons weren't typically permitted.

He quickly patted his body down, trying to find any bullet holes or wounds. He appeared to be intact. As he peaked over the edge, he tried to determine how Talia had fared through the ordeal.
A rebel, I see. PERFECT!

I'm a Man looking for a Woman 1x1 RP partner. I prefer players over the age of 18. I do like the possibility of romance being explored in a story, but I am far less interested in smut. If a scene like that comes up, I'm open to playing it by ear, but I assure you those types of scenes are not ones I'm going to be directly aiming toward.

I like a variety of genres, which I will explore a little further. I prefer high-casual to advanced stories. I like character development, adequate writing prowess and several paragraphs within a single narrative contribution. I want a partner who is motivated and fairly active. I would hope that we could each get in, at minimum, 1 entry per week.

While I'm about to lay out some broad genres that we can explore, I'm very open to any storyline and plot ideas that you might like me to consider or even getting into some brainstorming sessions that we can both come up with from scratch.

My schedule lately has been less than predictable so I have tried to make sure that all the players that I RP with are in the know and aware of any time my offline happenings are going to affect my online availability. I will provide you that same courtesy and I ask that you return the favor. If you're not liking how the RP is going or feel as though you can no longer maintain activity, please just let me know. I won't give you a hard time. This is supposed to be fun and I want it to be enjoyable for both of us. If one or both of us aren't having fun, then we should totally hit the brakes and either come up with a remedy or cut our losses. There will be no hard feelings, either way.



Magic, Modern times, Medieval times, swords, elves, orcs, dwarves, royalty, castles... I like Fantasy. In a genre where anything is possible, it's hard not to gawk at the vastness of possibilities. Maybe we're enemies. Maybe we're friends. Maybe we're combining forces to take on a great foe. Maybe we are eachothers' great foe. It's hard to put together prompts just because, in this sort of genre, the possibilities are quite literally endless. We could potentially even dabble in a fantasy-inspired futuristic setting. Elves In Spaaaaaacee!


For one reason or another, the world has gone to shit. Zombies? Aliens? The destructive nature of humankind itself? You and I survived by one means or another and now we've got to figure out how to stay alive in this world turned upside down. Can we do it or are we destined to share the same fate as our fallen brethren?


It's a bird... It's a plane... It's you! And Me! Or at least one of us! We're in a world where superpowers exist and at least one of us, if not both of us, has them. What will we do with those powers? Are we even good guys or are we villainous? Does our story end with butterflies and rainbows or do the credits start playing after you and I are sitting on a throne after having ultimately dominated the planet? The options are legion!


Now here is one that may require a list. Note: I'm just listing fandoms off the top of my head. If you're interested in trying something that isn't specifically listed, hit me up! I'll let you know if I'm down. But don't shy away just because you don't see your particular thing listed below.

Fandoms I'm Interested In:
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Hard to tell, I know!)
Rick and Morty
Red Dead Redemption
The Witcher
Teen Wolf
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Assassin's Creed
Evil (TV Series)
Lucifer (TV Series)
What We Do In The Shadows


Werewolves, Witches, Ghost and Vampires... Technically all still belonging to the Fantasy genre, but Horror, in particular, is an attractive outlet in my opinion. I've always wanted to be able to hone my writing enough to actually induce chills and scares. I've got a long way to go, but the journey is fun! Do you want to confront the things that go bump in the night? Do you want to equally come up with a compelling story or would you prefer to be a tourist in a world of nightmares that I orchestrate for you to explore, or vice versa? Are we both creatures of the night or are we victims of the terror?

If any of these seem compelling or if you have an idea of a similar flavor, let me know! I'd love to build a world with you that we can both enjoy living in. In any case, I hope everyone finds what they're looking for. Cheers!
The teacher pulls Johnny aside after a test...

“Johnny I have a feeling that you have been cheating on your tests,” she says. “You know I can’t condone cheating.”

Johnny was astounded and asked the teacher to prove it.

"Well,” said the teacher. “I was looking over your test and the question was, 'Who was our first president?', and the student that sits next to you, Mary, put 'George Washington,' and so did you."

“So, everyone knows that he was the first president."

“Well, just wait a minute," the teacher continued. "The next question was, 'Who freed the slaves?' Mary put Abraham Lincoln and so did you."

"Well, I read the history book last night and I remembered that," said Johnny.

“Wait," said the teacher. "The next question was, 'Who was president during the Louisiana Purchase?' Mary put 'I don't know,' and you put, 'Me neither'."
@FrostWolf Title of this topic implies as much. Also, the mail thread still has the Apply status on. Go for it and good luck!

I'm very much considering a Beast Whisperer character. Will likely have a sheet tomorrow for review (the drinks have already started pouring tonight).
If I am ever writing in first-person, Jim Butcher (of The Dreden Files) employs a style I like very much and is one I try to emulate.
Makin' it work!
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