Avatar of Light the Dark


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current Apparently I just love dropping off the face of the earth when I get even a little bit stressed. I wish I didn't.
1 like
5 mos ago
i've been rather out of sorts lately
7 mos ago
Been on my mass effect bullshit. currently focused on gaming when I'm not working.
11 mos ago
i have peopled so much today
11 mos ago
Thoughts: Do you have 12 pear trees at the end of the 12 days of Christmas? If so, that means you also end up with 42 swans a swimming and 42 geese a laying. And those birds are fierce.


Hey, Light the Dark here. I'm a mid-30's slightly crazy/somewhat obsessed with reading and writing/cute things loving/fantasy fan woman, with an apparent fondness for massive run-on sentences.

My current obsessions are The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom, Monster Romances, Tamora Pierce, Disney, and re-told fairy-tales. (Though, I'll admit, the last three are pretty much always an obsession.)

I like my roleplays with a little (or a lot) of romance: I'm a sucker for fluff and the 'falling in love' sort of romances in RPs. And while I don't mind drama or angst, I like the end of the RP to at least be a bittersweet or happy-for-now ending.


Reclaiming Lost Secrets & The Shifting of Power (Demons, Bargains, Fantasy, Romance?) with @Shifter_Master (July 2017-present)

Twilight Marriage (Paladins, Necromancers, Arranged Marriage, Fantasy, Romance) with @Shifter_Master (October 2017-present)

It Takes Three (Arranged Marriage, Demons, OT3, Guard/Prince/Demon, Fantasy, Romance) with @Level_5 (March 2023-Present)

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Updated November 22, 2023

Most Recent Posts

Bump bump
Bump 🌦
I want a new rp... I stare into the void, waiting for the magical ideas to spring forth. They never do.

BUT WAIT! I have old RPs that I never got to finish... what if we chase down their past glories? As long as I don't admit to it, it should be fine...


Okay, with that silly intro out of the way, hi. Light the Dark here. As some of my rp partners have been eaten by life, I'm looking for one (or mayyyyyyyybe two) new partner(s). I'm looking to rehash some older RPs I quite enjoyed, but am open to others plot ideas. Some of these plots are more fleshed out than others.

- - -The Necessary Bits- - -

Who I'm looking for: Anyone who is casual/high-casual who wants to RP with me is more than welcome to see if we click. ^^ I don't bite... hard. I'm looking for someone to play an any gendered character to my female or NB.
I'm much more interested in quality over quantity - I like depth in character development, and collaborative world building. A 5 paragraph post that rambles and isn't well written won't hold my attention like a couple paragraphs with insight into your character's thoughts and development.

Craving right now:
I'm a sucker for fluff.
I have a bit of a craving for something dark and gothic-y with heavy romance. (Though not heavy smut - I mean the romance is the driving force of the rp.)
Something heckin' queer. 🌈 (Maybe a polyamorous romance/'OT3'?)
Something with fantasy races? (Half-Dragons, Orcs, Demons, Merfolk...)

My Limits/Requests/Rules:
I'd rather RP over PMs, as it is easier for me to keep track of things.

While I don't mind mature things, I'd rather not go into heavily detailed mature scenes every time they happen. Making out, leading up to sex is fine, but then glossing over the rest or fade to black is my preference for at least half the time. I want a romance/love story. As the RPers, we might discuss what happens between the characters in the bedroom if we feel comfortable with it and if anything happens. As for language/violence, go for it, I have no problems with it unless it's against my character.

Other information: I'm sure there are many things I am missing at the moment, but for now this will do until I update things. I'm a 30-ish female, for those who like to know the age of their partners.
Typically you can expect a reply from me once a week-ish. (Please don't think a lack of reply is a lack of interest, I just can't write as fast as I used to.)
My current RPs are at a slow point, so I don't actually have that many active. That being said, I'm only looking for one or two new partners, to keep from being overwhelmed.
I tend to be drawn to fantasy RPs - more 'traditional' ones rather than urban/modern fantasy.

About my Characters:
I play characters of different shapes, sizes, and backgrounds. Not all of my characters are conventionally attractive - in fact most of them aren't. They'll have scars, or a too big nose, or a limp, or be fat. They might have anxiety, or a stutter, be devout or atheist. The world is full of different people, and I like to include that in my roleplays.

- - -The Fun Stuff- - -

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Writing Samples
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For every person, there will be another who completes their soul...

Once upon a time, two beings fell in love.

Character B is immortal and ageless, never dying, forever living. Character A is woefully mortal. When 'A' died, 'B's heart broke. But a few decades later, 'B' found another... and after their death, another. Each love so much like 'A' that 'B' couldn't help but love them. It took a century or two, and then 'B' realized... 'A' was being reincarnated.

Character A doesn’t remember their past lives, but Character B remembers each and every one. 'B' has loved 'A' in every past life, no matter what. They were made for each other. Each night that 'A' is alive, they visit each other in their dreams, however 'A' can't remember them upon waking... Until one day, after meeting 'B', Character A does.

- - - Side notes:
Character B does not strictly have to be 'immortal', but can be a very long lived race like an Elf or Fairy. Maybe even a Vampire.
Just because 'B' is searching for 'A' doesn't mean they always find them.
This can be in a world where Soulmates are common or uncommon
I'd prefer a fantasy setting over something 'real world', but am willing to possibly to do an 'Urban Fantasy' with the right characters
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Who I'm looking for: Anyone who is casual/high-casual who wants to RP with me is more than welcome to see if we click. ^^ I don't bite... hard. I'm looking for someone to play an any gendered character to my female.
I'm much more interested in quality over quantity - I like depth in character development, and collaborative world building. A 5 paragraph post that rambles and isn't well written won't hold my attention like a couple paragraphs with insight into your character's thoughts and development.

Craving right now:
I'm a sucker for fluff.
I have a bit of a craving for something dark and gothic-y with heavy romance.
I can see this particular RP going either way, though I'm currently leaning towards the darker side of things for this prompt. Think along the lines of David Bowie as the Goblin King in Labyrinth, as an example.

Other information: I'm sure there are many things I am missing at the moment, but for now this will do until I update things. I'm a 30-ish female, for those who like to know the age of their partners.
Typically you can expect a reply from me once a week-ish.
My current RPs are at a slow point, so I don't actually have that many active. That being said, I'm only looking for one or two new partners, to keep from being overwhelmed.

the daily bump~
Bumpity bump
Oh so dusty. *takes feather duster to thread*

Updated for feb 11 2021
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