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2 yrs ago
Current It's been 6 years, but I'm back, baby! Old 4 eyes is back, and hopefully less horribly cringe than I was when I was just starting out! Armed with a keyboard and wit, I'm back.
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7 yrs ago
Hello. It is I, Supernova. I am new here, and I am glad to be here!


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Hello there! I was wondering if it was possible for me to be able to join this roleplay as an abnormal human mutation? Of course, by the sounds of it, we are all technically mutations caused by mutated genetic code. That would allow the inhuman abilities we have of course, but I was wondering if I could have a minor physical mutation caused by self-caused genetic code manipulation. It would be something minor, but of course, I could explain this genetic code manipulation in full if you would like to hear it.
I agree with Dusty, let us get right to the fun part!
Oh no! Anything but that!
I have some good news and bad news. The good news is that I have returned and realized my friends are ready for a roleplay. The bad news is none of them know what the Animorphs series is due to them not reading any books or watching the TV show... I am aware only one of them played the PC game and cannot remember what it was about and cannot revisit it since they no longer have that computer they played it on. So, yes, I am unable to bring anyone new... Sorry for the failure...
Oh great! Sounds good, I hope to see a new face in this roleplay. On my side, I will try to see if any of my role-player buddies are able to do this roleplay to keep it alive, but since many of my old role-playing friends are either too busy with work, or in the case of my older friends of a few years, are busy trying to start a family. Also, those remaining would most likely be uninterested in this roleplay. But regardless, I will check to see if anyone is interested and is willing to join the site and join us. I will report back in 0-200 hours. Be back in a few.
Alright! So we should wait for the others, if we have any others still on this. When I am waiting, I will be working on learning some new recipes for Easter with what I have in my kitchen.
Edit: I realized I posted before refreshing the page and missed your last post @Dusty. Or maybe that is a fault of my old iPad, but anyways, yes, I will write my post now. Sorry.
So, like I tried to say last night before my laptop died and refused to charge to damage from being dropped on the floor, I am sorry to see you go ayz, and I hope we can see you again some other time. But, I will not let the loss of another great role-player discourage me from role playing. As for the first morph, I am deciding to pick Monty as Lalna's first morph, since not only is he used to being around cats since his parents have a cat at home, but he likes stealth and covert operations, and in his opinion, a cat would be perfect for spying on a controller in an urban environment.
Hmm, I would imagine that body modification as you mention wouldn't carry onto DNA, so they wouldn't carry onto our forms. I remember in book 7, when they were fighting the controllers in open combat inside an office building or similar, Rachael was very wounded in one of her forms, and since DNA doesn't get affected by physical damage, when going back to a human she was unharmed, albeit very tired, so I would assume modification does the same.
Soon enough, the sound of strange clanking metal, banging, and soft beeps and whirrs come alive. A wild Lalna, wearing what seems to be a retro-futuristic armour made from assorted metal painted white appearing to be angled to deflect light and perhaps projectiles, what appears to be a small retro-looking computer on his back, battery pack on his chest, a few small bits of tech like a floppy drive and a portable PDA heavily modified to work as a low res-monitor. He literally looks like a low tech ironman(from the comic books) suit made by an insane engineer and computer expert. He stands in the same area as Tammy and the dogs, and gives a salute, his armour groaning. He presses a button on the PDA, and with a electronic beep and a power down noise, the computer and electronics turn off, and he attaches the PDA to a holder on his hip. He smiles, pretending that this metal suit is the most normal thing in the world. He clears his throat, and flexes his back, dusting a bit of whitish grey dust off his chest and shoulder. He adjusts the visor on his helmet, and coughs from the dust he inhales, as he stands up as straight as someone as weighed down as him can stand.

"Ahem... Hello there Tammy. It is your favorite young scientist, Lalna, who is here in my finished proto-suit! I have spent months with several people to make this suit, and I am pleased to show you the first edition of a technology suit, inspired by my vivid dreams of aliens and their tech. It is nice to see you with a few dogs, and a cat! Hope they haven't been too much of a bother to deal with. I assume you have brought them here for... *quieter* our morphs *quieter*... I can understand why our scent would drive Emma away, since the deer instincts would likely be hard to fight off, as you have said. I hope that Emma is alright, as I would hate to see someone get hurt thanks to our morphing. And don't worry, I am good with cats, so I don't think Monty will hurt me." He replies, his voice having a crazy edge to it, but mostly the calm, smart tone he has typically.
Back again! I will start making my post now. :)
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