Jamie’s face distorted with anger at Angelo’s answer and he shouted, “FOOL! The answer is obviously girl’s sw--!!” Just then Minah came flying across the room nailing the master in the face with a kick. “Shutup you perverted old man!!!!” She yelled furiously her eyes glowing red with anger, the air around her seeming to turn dark black with rage. Grabbing Jamie by the neck and lifting him off the ground she turned her head to Angelo, “You can go, leave this rotten guildmaster to me, I’ll beat some sense into him.” Not waiting to see if Angelo had left she started slapping Jamie silly, “Stupid.” *Slap* “Perverted.” *Slap* “Idiot.” *Slap* “Learn some control already!” She roared pulling her fist back and punching the guildmaster as hard as she could sending him flying across the room breaking any tables in the way of him before crashing into the wall, cracking it. Jamie slid down the wall onto the ground and a grin crept onto his face, “Swimsuits...are…lo--” He managed to croak out his hands struggling to form into a heart before Minah tossed the nearest chair at his face. Still seething with anger Minah turned and stomped out of the guild hall, sending anyone foolish enough to get close flying with a punch.