The Hero's as they progress and get betetr at the jobs they get get more and more powers as time goes on. They become demigods in the end but they mjsy earn their place in the gods trust as well some Hero's could be a bit evil and unfrounately fall to gods wrath as well. this is a world where no one is perfect not even the Hero's.
I didn't say you couldn't lay a priceable bu be warned if you are a priceable your orders come from the Lords themselves. Belive me a princeable angering a god is far worse then a Hero because a priceable is said to hold a high standing with the god they serve. They are higher then servants, but they are still the job holders of the realm, but they can easily be lowered to servants.
But I doubt nothing like that would ever happen XD the lords are only so lenient before they get pissed off enough to be rather ruthless.
But just tell me what dragon you like to play because, I will give ypu more background on that dragon as well because each one has a history and such.