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    1. Mafu 9 yrs ago


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"Ah...I see. My name is Aurora, Aure for short. It's nice to meet you, Elizabeth." Aurora would blink before tilting her head to the side slightly. "You said last semester? I guess that means you have been here awhile?"
Aurora dusted off her coat and stood up before nodding in understanding. "I guess getting acquainted with everyone would be the first step." She leisurely began to make her way over to the small group of students, giving a small wave with her hand as she neared them. "Hello, I just fell from the sky and wished to meet and greet my fellow classmates...If you all are not busy, that is." She seemed to be trying her best to not to come across as reserved, or at least what her definition of it was.
@Aisling They are okay on their own, but they are happiest in pairs because of prey instincts and security in numbers. I'll go ahead and update my CS.
Aurora sat upright and scratched the back of her head out of reflex. "Ah...No, nothing particularly hurts, but..." She paused for a moment, as if going over the man's words a second time in her head. "Did you say magical talents?"
Aurora blinked as she laid sprawled out on the soft, green grass below her. She moved her arm up for a moment and pinched her cheek to make sure she hadn't just fallen asleep on the job or passed out, it hurt. Alright, so she could check off being in a dream off the list of why she suddenly had found herself in some kind of field.

She remembered she had been charged with unloading sculptures and various other pieces of art into a new art exhibit opening up in town soon as her odd end job for the week, but didn't exactly remember having left the exhibit after. The last thing she could think of doing was that she had passed by a painting that seemed to catch her eye on the way out, almost as if drawing her in with an invisible force. She had reached outed to touch the painting in her daze and then boom, here she was.

Aurora gave a slight shrug before going back to enjoying the view of the sky and the feeling of the grass, coming to the conclusion that she might as well enjoy wherever this was while it lasted. She may not know where this place was, but she did know it was pleasant enough for her to take her time leaving.
@Aisling I am assuming you want me to put this here, so here you go. Apologies in advance if you meant otherwise.

Name of your Creature: Nunbola

Your name to remember you by: Mafu

Animal Type: Rodentilia

Species: Frost rabbit

Magical Affinity: Ice, Water

Habitat: Typically found in the coldest regions of the mountains, usually near the mountaintops.

Food: Nunbola are complete herbivores and prefer to eat dried out or frozen vegetation, with dried fruits being given out as an occasional treat.

Life Span: 18-25 years

How it bears its young: Live birth in large litters

How long does the young stay with the parent: 3-4 months

NOTES: Nunbola are very small creatures resembling a rabbit with a squirrel-like tail, growing up to weigh no more than 5 pounds as a full grown adult. They survive in the mountainous regions of the north through blending in with the environment and having both quick reflexes as well as speed. When caught, their body temperature quickly drops to freezing levels as a fear response and normally causes a numbing sensation to the predator in order to force them to release the Nunbola. Their coats range from white, grey, or white-blue in color and can also be found in a mixture of said colors. Nunbola are covered in a very thick, soft fur to protect them from the harsh temperatures of their natural habitat and even huddle together most of the time for extra warmth. Because of their fur being so thick, snow and frost seem to quickly accumulate deep within it, especially so considering Nunbola roll around in very fine snow to clean themselves. Nunbola can be seen shaking out their fur to release this frost from their coat and creating small mounds of snow by the time they are finished. By nature, these animals are very skittish of strangers and will take time, kindness, and a whole lot of dedication before they full bond with their owners. They tend to operate in large groups and as a result, will crave a lot of attention from their owner when kept alone.

Young: Nunbola are born fully-furred and with a complete set of senses, however, their newborn fur is nowhere near as thick as an adults. Not only that, but the reflexes of a kit are extremely sluggish, so they are kept in the center of Nunbola huddlings until they are at least three months of age. At this point their fur and reflexes are strong enough to sustain the Nunbola outside of their den.

Adult: As an adult, Nunbola do not grow very much past their three month stage, but their speed and snow buildup does seem to increase as they age. They become very attached at this stage as well, so it is suggested that a nunbola not be given to an owner that does not think they will be able to take care of it for the rest of its lifespan.

Suggested equipment: A small insulated rocky den, chewing blocks, dried fruit treats, food, brush, water bottle, small collar, thick gloves for taming, pocket or other form of room on person to carry the Nunbola around in after bonding
Alright, picked out my dragon, but I had a question about the pets. I saw that on the old thread's ooc it said it was possible to create new pet options. Is that still possible to do in this one? If not, that's fine and I will just pick one from the list.
Posted my CS up on the characters tab. Let me know if I need to change or edit something on it or anything. Thanks!
Long Term Character

Name: Aurora Normann

Age: 17
Birthday: January 21st

Room: 4

Position: Student
Level: 1
Course: TDS

Rank of the Basic 4
1) Earth
2) Air/Wind
3) Fire
4) Water

Likes: Cloud-watching, star-gazing, coffee and coffee-based desserts, canines, rodents, exploring
Dislikes: Showing off/boasting, getting assistance, bookwork, feeling rushed

Personality: Aurora frequently zones out and prefers to take things at her own pace, which may include not thinking it through first. She doesn't mind talking to others or making conversation, though she doesn't seem to do so very often unless she is spoken to first. She tends to be very patient with others and pays extremely close attention to details when made to focus, but can be easily distracted again.

History: Aurora was born to a very large family that severely lacked in finances and as a result, she worked from a very young age in life and very seldom had time for studying, much less leisure. By the time she was 14, she made the choice to live on her own to be less of a monetary burden and had become very self-conscious of asking others for help. During the very rare time Aurora found to herself, she would use it to stare up at the sky and wander around her local area until it was time for her to go back to work or go rest.

Independent Courses: Auras & Basketry

Pet desired: Nunbola
Dragon: Pleseourous

Other: Follow the Rainbow
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