Avatar of Major Ursa
  • Last Seen: 10 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Major Ursa
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 3728 (0.91 / day)
  • VMs: 4
  • Username history
    1. Major Ursa 11 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Wow, it’s been so long...
9 yrs ago
Wifi was down, what'I miss?
1 like
9 yrs ago
:D *trying exponentially harder not too be dead*
9 yrs ago
Still alive, kind of. The wifi hasn't been great to where I wanted it. Either this laptop is connecting and I make my posts tomorrow, or I'm going to the library to make some RP posts.
9 yrs ago
Again, sorry if I've been running slow...a whole other, months long RP was just shut down, nd that was kind of depressing.


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Most Recent Posts

3: <( <3 )

A reverse trap is still a trap, and a reverse trap acting as a standard trap is still a trap, if not a doubled trap.
*starts handing out cookies*

Alright, who needs others to post before they can post?
Uhm...role call?

*sweating intensifies*
I'm fairly certain this is alive...

I'm not dead!
@The ElvenqueenOh gods. Yes, about the editing thing...I'd also prefer if the guild added the deletion option back in, but I can see why they might choose not to.

One of the things that upset me the most is the GM of a forum RP site a few months back removed the option of editing less than an hour after I mentioned how happy I was that they had it. We've butt heads a few times on some subjects, but nothing felt more spiteful to me than when they did that, as by then they knew how much of a OCD perfectionist type I was.
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