Avatar of Malice


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Apologies for being offline. As if the break up wasn't enough, my parents' house caught fire and is now uninhabitable and, despite the lockdown, I've been helping them sort all that out.
5 yrs ago
To my partners; apologies for the lax responses, I just split up with my boyfriend so things are a bit crazy.
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5 yrs ago
Playing catch up; I haven't (intentionally) ghosted anyone, sorry for my disappearance. <3
5 yrs ago
Apologies for disappearing; had a uni deadline. Will be responding to OC and IC posts this weekend. Thank you all for your patience. <3
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5 yrs ago
Apologies for the delay in responses; I kinda quit my job for a whole host of reasons, so needless to say, things are hectic.


Malice [mal-is] - noun -
  • Just your friendly neighbourhood goth
  • A drinker of obscene quantities of gin

British // Mid-twenties // Protector of Guinea Pigs
[[PhD Student :: Death Academic :: Forensic Anthropologist]]

  • Casual/Advanced Roleplayer
  • 10+ years experience
  • Plays M, F and NB (plus all pairings)
  • Likes dark, gritty fantasy
  • Also likes dumb, supernatural comedy
  • Dislikes having character traits dictated (e.g., must play dom/M)
  • Romance optional
  • Hit me up (or don't)

★ Current Games ★
  • Siege at Swordeye (high fantasy/expansive world/warfare) - Lysander L'Ecuyer, NB
  • Isle of Legends (reimagined Arthurian Legend) - Arturia Pendragon, F
  • They Walk Among Us (supernatural/slice of life) - Cosmin Ardelean, M
  • Contradictory (supernatural/slice of life) - Sam, FtM
  • Bayonetta May Cry (Bayonetta x Devil May Cry crossover) - Dante, M
  • The Devil You Know (Neptunia x Devil May Cry x Persona crossover) - Dante, M
  • You're My Heroin (contemporary/dark/gangs/sex work) - Zach Miller, M
  • Come As You Are (sci-fi/human experiments/war) - Tristan Verney, M
  • Luxor: Realm of Romance (isekai/otome) - Esther Arceneaux, F
  • Souls of Prejudice (high fantasy/exploration of oppression) - Khyren Iadian, M
  • Obsession of Red (supernatural/drugs/addiction) - Felix Webb, M

Most Recent Posts

Excellent, I'll write up a CS tonight or tomorrow, if that's okay? Also, what sort of roles have already been taken? Just the ones on the Characters tab?
Are you still accepting characters for this? It looks really interesting. =)
Hello and welcome to my humble search thread!

A little about me; I am Malice, I hail from the UK (so work on GMT) and I began roleplaying some twelve years ago. In that time I've tried many genres, styles and characters, but am still willing to try new things. I usually write high-casual to advanced, depending on the roleplay, and will mirror what my partner gives me. I play all genders (male, female and everything in between and beyond) and all sexualities, always have and always will. I'd prefer partners who are at least open to playing male and female characters, but if you're particular about what you play, don't hesitate to reply! I'm sure I can work around it.

That said, I enjoy roleplays that have zero or minimal romantic elements; I have a plethora of aromantic characters who very rarely get to come out and play, so I may love you forever if you give me chance to use them.

I'd prefer my partner to be 18+, but that does not mean the theme of the roleplay needs to go to those extremes, but I am happy for them to do so if it fits with the plot. 18+ for themes of gore, horror, etc. as well as romance. Oh, and also I, and many of my characters swear like sailors, so if it's a mature roleplay, expect cussing on my behalf.

So that is how I roleplay, but the more interesting question is what do I roleplay? See below for a brief list of current cravings; I usually keep my plots bare bones so that I can flesh out something unique with my partner. Let me know if anything takes your fancy, or feel free to suggest your own ideas!

Purgatory (Contemporary Fantasy)
Characters wake up in a large, grey expanse. This is not Heaven, this is not Hell. Although the characters know who they are, they have no memories of how they got there. Que a dark and introspective quest to find out why they are there, and maybe how they can get out. (Characters can either be humans or natives to Purgatory, who help guide the lost).

Gladiators (Dark Fantasy; setting of choice)
Welcome to the underground, where sentient beings are bartered off to the highest bidder. A favourite past time is to use these slaves to engage in illicit 'gladiator' style fights, for which the greatest recieve acclaim and reward, while the worst... Let's not mention them. Many come to place bets on their favourites, or buy prize fighters for a high price. (This one is likely to have a romantic element of some description.)

The Plague (Urban/Cyberpunk, with or without fantasy elements)
Survival in a dying city; the city has been hit by a plague and its borders have been closed to contain it. There is no way in, but also no way out. The city has become chaotic and tribal. What is life like for the survivors in this city? (This one can go anywhere, open to further development on this one.)

The Quest (Light hearted Steam/Dieselpunk Fantasy)
The city is a melting pot of different cultures and races; it is outside of the many other kingdoms and works on its own rules. It's the place that youngsters run away to to start adventures when they tire of their homes, or the place where spies and traitors meet to exchange information. The city is mercenary, but liberal. While wandering the ruins of the outer city (unihabited for hundreds of years), the characters come across an ancient being who needs to be returned to their people to prevent a world wide catastrophy. (Can play as this ancient creature, who needs help returning home, or as someone joining my character on their adventure to return said creature.)

And finally, some generic settings that I always enjoy playing around with;
-Dark Fantasy
-High Fantasy
-Gothic-Punk Fantasy (think World of Darkness)
-Cyberpunk (particularly anything involving 'human enhancement', e.g., cybernetics)

If any of these have piqued your interest (or you have ideas of your own), feel free to reply here or drop me a PM.
Good morning, afternoon and evening (depending on where and when you are when you read this).

My name is Malice and I am apparently not a new member, having created this account some four years ago (and then promptly abandoned it). Indeed, as I tried to register, someone had taken the username'Malice', to which I thought 'damn, time to roll out the next name', only to realise the taker had just me a previous version of myself.

So hello. I roleplayed for many years from my early to late teens; originally I started on forums with my basic one liners and, over the years, developed into the kind of roleplayer that can write a short novel for a response; I also roleplayed on online games, primarily on the granddaddy of them all, Ultima Online. When I went to college I branced out from online roleplaying to old school roleplaying, with D&D and oWoD, which I later went on from player to GM. The intention was to take my GMing with me to university and run regular games but, somehow between the drinking, the frivolities and the occasional lecture, this never quite got past the character creation stage. I also had more of an offline social life, so my online roleplaying life, too, faded.

This was some many years ago now and, for some reason, I feel the need to rekindle this old love, for roleplaying was something I enjoyed tremendously, regardless of its format. I enjoyed a variety of settings/genres, from dystopian cyberpunk to high fantasy to 'slice of life', and brought along with me a myriad of bright and colourful (and sometimes very morose) characters. Even ten years on, I can still recall some of my favourite characters, whether they were of my creation or whether they belonged to the partner I was roleplaying with.

I do hope that I can find some of that old joy here! I look forward to meeting some of you (and your characters) and, hopefully, becoming a regular member of this community.

Can I hear a huzzah for roleplaying?
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