Avatar of Malice


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Apologies for being offline. As if the break up wasn't enough, my parents' house caught fire and is now uninhabitable and, despite the lockdown, I've been helping them sort all that out.
5 yrs ago
To my partners; apologies for the lax responses, I just split up with my boyfriend so things are a bit crazy.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Playing catch up; I haven't (intentionally) ghosted anyone, sorry for my disappearance. <3
5 yrs ago
Apologies for disappearing; had a uni deadline. Will be responding to OC and IC posts this weekend. Thank you all for your patience. <3
1 like
5 yrs ago
Apologies for the delay in responses; I kinda quit my job for a whole host of reasons, so needless to say, things are hectic.


Malice [mal-is] - noun -
  • Just your friendly neighbourhood goth
  • A drinker of obscene quantities of gin

British // Mid-twenties // Protector of Guinea Pigs
[[PhD Student :: Death Academic :: Forensic Anthropologist]]

  • Casual/Advanced Roleplayer
  • 10+ years experience
  • Plays M, F and NB (plus all pairings)
  • Likes dark, gritty fantasy
  • Also likes dumb, supernatural comedy
  • Dislikes having character traits dictated (e.g., must play dom/M)
  • Romance optional
  • Hit me up (or don't)

★ Current Games ★
  • Siege at Swordeye (high fantasy/expansive world/warfare) - Lysander L'Ecuyer, NB
  • Isle of Legends (reimagined Arthurian Legend) - Arturia Pendragon, F
  • They Walk Among Us (supernatural/slice of life) - Cosmin Ardelean, M
  • Contradictory (supernatural/slice of life) - Sam, FtM
  • Bayonetta May Cry (Bayonetta x Devil May Cry crossover) - Dante, M
  • The Devil You Know (Neptunia x Devil May Cry x Persona crossover) - Dante, M
  • You're My Heroin (contemporary/dark/gangs/sex work) - Zach Miller, M
  • Come As You Are (sci-fi/human experiments/war) - Tristan Verney, M
  • Luxor: Realm of Romance (isekai/otome) - Esther Arceneaux, F
  • Souls of Prejudice (high fantasy/exploration of oppression) - Khyren Iadian, M
  • Obsession of Red (supernatural/drugs/addiction) - Felix Webb, M

Most Recent Posts

Heyhey! Just posting so you know I have read this! Nor responded yet because my head is really stuffy and I'm struggling to write anything decent.

Quick query though; is my reaper already human at this point? Or is Lee's near death the catalyst (or, hey, time can work differently for reapers so could be both).
Discord link is still broken for the record (but I was able to join the server with Q9ZTgtT for anyone else trying.)
Uh, yes please.

Hello and welcome to my humble 1x1 interest check. My name is Malice, your friendly neighbourhood goth-kid who never grew up. I'm a twenty-something Brit with over a decade of roleplaying experience both on and offline; everything from one liners on MSN (those were the days) right through to DMing my own D&D campaigns. (I'm a horrible DM, by the way, because I love creating chaos.) I'm currently working as a lecturer, but I'm a trained forensic anthropologist, so feel free to ask about the literal skeletons in my closet. If you love tea, gin or guinea-pigs, we'll get along just fine.

[[Update: Jan '21]]

New year, new me! Or something. Yeah, definitely something. I've been out of the roleplaying scene for the last year, but I figure it would be fun to get back into it. So help a guy, gal, non-binary pal out? I do need to go through my plots at some point, but the list is there for your perusal. Look forward to hearing from you soon, ey?

[[Update: Dec '19]]

I do owe replies, as I have fallen behind on everything due to my PhD. However, I am hoping to get things back on track this week. Due to a couple of my partners taking their leave due to illness, I have a couple of cravings, which is really what I'm looking for at the moment (listed below).

[[Update: Sep '19]]

Tentatively returning to the site, but potentially open to a few more roleplays. I am predominantly now writing on Discord/Google Docs, but can be persuaded to go for threads or PMs here, though it would not be my preference. Also, I have become much pickier about who I write with now, as I prefer a few, solid partners who I can write well with. Please, please read through my criteria before messaging me, as I'd rather not waste your time. =)

[[What I Can Offer]]

  • Genders & Pairings - I play male, female, NB and everything in between! For the same reason, I will play any and all pairings (MxM, FxF, MxF and so on). Caveat: just because I am happy to play male characters does not mean you can insist that I play a dom male to your female; that is the quickest way to get me to ignore your request. Having a personal gender preference is one thing, but demanding I play a certain role is quite another. [[EDIT]] I love roleplays where we mess with gender roles, or anything tat is not a more 'usual' dynamic. By that same note, the whole 'strong, gruff male and delicate female' trope bores me to tears; if you want that, look else where, I just can't do it.
  • 18+ Themes - I like exploring mature themes, such as substance abuse, homo/transphobia, mental health, prostitution and so on. However, I do ask that if we are going to include such themes that we do so respectfully. I'm also a fan of horror, so violence and gore is fine by me. (For the record; we do not need to include mature themes, violence, etc. in any of our roleplays; I enjoy light and fluffy! I just wanted to explain my personal limits.)
  • Romance - Can be fun, but absolutely not necessary! I'm just as happy roleplaying platonic relationships as romantic ones. However, when it comes to romance I generally prefer it to be a secondary plot and develop naturally; too often I've have to force a character to be interested in someone they're just not compatible with, and it just ends up clunky and no fun for anyone.
  • Plotting - I enjoy plotting. I enjoy world building and character development. I want to get creative here, I want something long term and lasting.
  • Genres - I love fantasy, be it high, low, dark or otherwise. Cyberpunk and dystopias are my lifeblood and are my preference over inter-planetary sci-fis, but all are good. I enjoy horror and thrillers, but even more than that I adore a good comedy romp (think Sean of the Dead or Terry Pratchett's work). Usually I prefer some element of fantasy in my roleplays, but can definitely be convinced for a real world, modern type with the right plot, cast and partner.
  • Posting - I write at a high casual/low advance level, with posts between 300-1000 words depending on the scene. I generally respond once or twice a week; more if I have the time. I do try to keep my status updated if I think I won't be able to reply within a week, or I will PM you to let you know.
  • Writing Sample - If you are curious to know how I write, feel free to have a read through this sample, which was an intro post of mine to an Arthurian style story.

[[What I Am Looking For]]

  • 18+ - Preferably older; this isn't just because I like mature themes (we don't have to include any in our roleplays if you'd rather not), but I work with teens, so would feel far more comfortable with someone who isn't of an age I could arguably be responsible for.
  • Genders - ideally you will play both male and female characters. If you want a MxF plot, I'd at like to at least be given the opportunity to play the leading lady, please and thank you. [[EDIT]] I play a lot of trans/NB characters; while I am not saying I will, as I play plenty of cis characters too, if this makes you uncomfortable, please look elsewhere. I'm very LGBT+ friendly, and do not like to write alongside people who are not.
  • Posting Level - I'd like someone of a similar roleplaying level to me. Certainly no one liners. However, I do firmly believe that quality is more important than quantity and I'd rather a shorter, more succinct post than one with pointless fluff filler. This means I'm looking for someone who writes 300-1000 words a post and feels they are high casual/low advance level.
  • Posting Frequency - I'm a patient person and for the right partner I'm willing to wait for my responses. Ideally I'd like at least one response a week, but I do understand that real life takes priority, so this isn't a hard rule. All I ask is that you keep me updated; if you don't think you'll be able to post for a fortnight, that's absolutely fine, no explanation necessary, just let me know.
  • Plotting - I'd love for you to be able to contribute to our plotting and world building, rather than having me lead the game. I'm not here to DM; I want a joint endeavour.
  • Long Term - I'd love it if we could create somehing that we're still writing in months or even years.
  • Writing Sample - preferred, but not required. I just think it would give me a chance to see how you write and judge whether I think our styles will meld well together. I can also provide one on request. [[EDIT]] Kind of feel I need to insist on this, as many people I've planned with I've later found out in the first few posts that they do not have a writing style that works with mine.

[[Plots & Prompts]]

I never fully develop a plot, because I enjoy creating it with my partner. I don't want to give you a cookie cutter story for you to place a character in; this is something we will build together. As such, my plots are short and simple, with room for changes and expansion. Pick and mix, add your own ideas, let's get creative! (All plots have the potential for romance elements if desired.)

Currently Craving - Honestly it's been so long, who knows any more? Probably something on the lighter side while I get back into my creative process, although I've a few characters who I'm always up for writing. Message me, and we can discuss.

So there you have it! A plethora of information and ideas that will hopefully lead to us creating worlds together. If you have got this far I'm going to assume you're interested in writing with me, so go ahead and drop me a PM. Tell a bit about yourself, tell me your favourite book/film/animal, tell me what plot(s) have taken your fancy, if any, or let me know you'd like to brainstorm something entirely new.

I look forward to hearing from you.
Cooooooould be interested.
Just posting to signify interest (again). I'm away for a couple of days as of tomorrow, so if I don't get a CS submitted tomorrow then I should hopefully get one to you by Friday! ^_^
This definitely has my interest! Do you want us to submit CS now or when this is more established?
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