the squadron unanimously agreed it is some sort of a creature. They took defensive measures IMMEDIATELY the grabbed Javier and put him in a safe place and camouflaged him the best they could. They also fashioned various basic weapons,and grabbed what they were supplied with to defend themselves, for they knew the possibly had to fight against an unknown enemy...
It never showed itself. all that was left when the explorers wandered the area was the bloodied remains of a giant herbivore ( which looked very much like a reptile.) as they ran back to the make-shift camp,Nathan said to Dave: "If this thing was able to kill that, then we are most likely screwed." Dave replied with: "I honestly think this is more likely a pack of smaller animals than a large predator,based on sound."
Either way, the men knew at some point,all hell could possibly to break loose...
It never showed itself. all that was left when the explorers wandered the area was the bloodied remains of a giant herbivore ( which looked very much like a reptile.) as they ran back to the make-shift camp,Nathan said to Dave: "If this thing was able to kill that, then we are most likely screwed." Dave replied with: "I honestly think this is more likely a pack of smaller animals than a large predator,based on sound."
Either way, the men knew at some point,all hell could possibly to break loose...