Tested Adventurer:Go to giant computer thing
oh, hey It's you again. I guess you should sufficiently entertain us while we wait for the humans to do something. Perhaps you should check-out that giant computer thing.The giant computer is a very menacing looking device,all the weird horns and spiny-looking details,ya know.
The keyboard has some strange alphabet that seems vaguely familiar. But, thankfully, there is an inscription on the wall translating it into something you actually understand.The code (now translated) is some sort of program that, for whatver reason is set up like a game.
you decide to hit launch. Nothing happens...{or does it?} however it somehow activated the weird co-ordinate thing and sent something from an apearifier years far into the past the past .You didn't know this place had an apearifier until just now... and you didn't even know this place had a secret upper level,Which is surprisingly large.
Years in the past on Alternia,but not many.
"Lyalli Dihcro, you got mail!" says the email alert. But it is not an email as your apearifier has a package on it. you don't know who sent the package as you are not the most social of people but you open it anyway, seeing it's not everyday you get to do something more interesting than using your Retrotop to look up funny domestic pawbeast videos and garden day after day. The item in question is some type of a floppy disc in a captcha card .It came with a note that says:"To whom this may concern,
please insert this disc into a computer(straightforward enough, I know) and it will activate a time capsule.When the time capsule counts all the way down, the game will begin...
Very ominous indeed. You put the floppy into the Retrotop, the countdown begins and it lasts for several years. Shouldn't worry about that...
for now...