Avatar of ManiacMaestro
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 461 (0.13 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. ManiacMaestro 10 yrs ago


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Most of the time, I am a up and coming gm. Other times, I am in the forums screwing around. And there are times when I get caught up in life and I am not on for weeks at a time.

This is my story

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You want it as A document or a picture? @RhineQueen
E is for existential crisis
U wat M8? uou want an RP with dank memes and THE most meta of fiction available? Looks like you came to the right place scrub. This is IRONYQUEST: the dankest RP on RPG.

*One must be able to Notbe triggered by every little thing. this is not an RP for tumblr Scrubs and SJWHOREIORS.This is not supposed to be a serious RP anyway, take a joke for once in your life.
*You must have knowledge of memes.
*Take note there are Two worlds: The "real" world and the "Internet" world (Like a modern matrix.)
*Don't be butthurt cause your fandom/subculture is poorly represented. (read rule 1 again. Ya fricken fricks!)
*Follow RPG Rules and guidelines. (No smut allowed is the biggest rule relating to this.)
* You are allowed to link to other sites.
* I reserve the right to change this list if necessary.
*have fun
I think I will call it Ironyquest.
I thought this would be an interesting little idea I want to try out. The internet is a dimension of it's own in this scenario, much like the matrix (sadly no slow-mo back flips and stuff. :( ) but still a very distopian world where (flame) wars run rampant, Where terrible creatures like Neckbeards and SJWs dwell, where every day the there are fictional characters that must survive, fight , and try to escape being forcibly shipped with each other, well, you get the point, and it is not to be taken seriously ( yet it is fun to act like it should be.)
Who is with me?
Well, for me, I have always had a fascination with the middle ages (particularly, the late middle ages is my favorite part of that period, When there was plate armor and hand cannons, that kind of stuff.) But in more recent years, I have taken a liking to the Victorian era as well as the Renaissance. It seems like a very interesting period of time to me. With all of the artists, the inventions, the architecture, the famous paintings, the culture and ideas spreading without censorship. I got into the Victorian era due to the steampunk subculture, as some of you may know. I started learning more and more about it (which also branched out into the me liking the wild west, and going back a further to the civil war,revolutionary war, and age of exploration!) I don't know about you though, but I would rather sit here with a wonderful machine known as a computer, not dying of dysentery in a wagon out in a desert or something. But, I guess it's better than the plague.(though both sound horrendous.)
"No, just wanting to see your abilities is all." Adus Said with a bit of a humorous tone. he then ran away from Jason. still close enough to see him, but enough to keep some distance (about 15-16 ft). "How about this!" he shouted as a bolt of electricity escaped his hand, headed towards Jason's general direction.
Charles Harmond is a bombastic, fight loving adventurer. who has spent his entire thirty-two years of his life throwing punches and laughing his danger loving laugh. He usually wears a full-face helmet with a small slit for his eyes, a permanent sly-smile painted onto where his mouth would be.

Most of his skin is infact, covered by armor, leather, chain, gauntlets and braces, to create a brown-and-grey color scheme. He's never still for long. His weapons are his leather-gauntlets on his hands, and, if he needs it, a shortsword on his belt, although he prefers not to unsheath it.

Sorry, I didn't update the status, because I am fighting right now. however, I would love to fight you after that.
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