She put her arm in his and walked out with him, then slapped him with her fan, but still held his arm, "Keep your hands off my Reaitsu" she said blushing at him, she didn't have to force it, she could call any emotion she wanted, when she wanted, "A Gentleman doesn't touch a lady like that... Just as bad as you trying to Grope me thank you" she said, sounding hurt, she wasn't, but she liked being Miss Reka, she didn't want to change her name or have to leave. "Now that that is out of the way, though being groped and massaged feels good, what do you want with me?" she asked, "There are plenty of those black robed people, and a creepy girl out there for you to go after, why do you want just a human giving off unusual Spirit power?" she asked, "And Yes I can see you, I made you visible the moment you walked in, I also held back most of your pressure... so talk before I let go, and let the men in black find out you are here."