Avatar of MatthiasAngel
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: MattEmAngel
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 469 (0.12 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. MatthiasAngel 11 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago


Hi. I'm Matt. You could say I'm a Case of Identity...

1. The Important Stuff: Faith and salvation

I am a Christian. I believe the KJV Bible and that God is real, Jesus died for me, Jesus rose again and offered salvation to the world. Heaven is real, Hell is hot and the only escape is Christ. I accepted salvation the only way you can: by admitting I was a sinner (and I still am), believing that Jesus died for me and rose again, and calling on Him to save me. Anyone can do it anytime and be granted eternal life.

"Matt, why are you saying all of this?" you ask.

Because last time I was here, I did a crap job of establishing that and just tried to 'fit in.' I'm going to add a little more of this to my characters and to my signature, because it's the right thing to do and because there's freedom on these kinds of sites. Not to an extent that interrupts/derails the story, though. Your game, your rules.

2. The Actual Bio:

Hi guys. I'm Matthias Emmanuel Angel, I'm 24, and this is where I spend time when I'm not doing other things (church, homework, studying, video games).

What I like:
-Landscape Management (my major)
-Guitar (over a decade of experience and not much to show for it)
-PC Games (gave up on Xbox, no regrets)
-RPGs (I play them too often though)
-Water instead of soda (oooo look at how healthy I am)
-Google SketchUp (awesome 3D models, free download)
-The number 23 (it's the best number)
What I don't like:
-Profanity (especially when it's just filler in comedy)
-Lewd content and porn (and anyone bragging about it)
-Gory movies (how are they going to get butchered this time?)
-Jerks (you aren't a jerk, are you?)
-Insects (kill them all)
-Dying in video games (and forgetting to save)

I realize, of course, that this site doesn't have limits on profanity of lewd content. No worries. I'll work around it, and won't join up with RPs rated 18+. If you feel like it will be a problem, let me know BEFORE the RP starts.

3. Other Internet Presence:

You can find me in a couple other places.

Armor Games: MattEmAngel
Steam: club_blizzy
...and Comments here, of course.

See you in another world.

Most Recent Posts

I think I like 3 more than 4.

I'm a pretty reliable RPer. I usually post two to three paragraphs of information. However, I don't RP sex or romance. The closest I've been to that is a male-female team that was reached "close friend." Other than that, I fit all of your requirements, but "no romance" is probably a deal-breaker.
I'm intrigued. Only a couple things to note about my writing style:
1. I can write two or three paragraphs every time, unless action is occurring and it wouldn't be appropriate.
2. I don't RP sex and romance.
3. I'm not up-to-date on history, so historical ideas are out, but I have at least one new idea.
Hi. Sounds interesting. Did Vongola take the offer or are you still looking for a male RPer?
On second thought, I'm going to withdraw my submission. I'm not comfortable with the topic material or with my character, and I'd rather play it safe than join and feel the need to withdraw later on when the story is already underway. Plus, I'm in college with a few large tests coming up and I'm trying to avoid getting heavily involved in an RP. I hope you get more submissions, because this sounds well-designed, but I'm not going to participate.
Here you go. It's been a while since I participated in an RP, so please let me know what changes you want me to make (unrealistic details, incorrect assumptions, etc etc).

Name: Matthias Angel (I've been using Matt in RPs for years so I'm going to stick with him)
*Nickname/alias: Angel
Age: 23
This is a futuristic picture I drew for the heck of it. Ignore the time-manipulation device, arm computer and chest rig, and that's what he looks like.

Three Greatest Skills
1) Above-average hearing.
2) Talented in unarmed combat, both offense and defensive.
3) Capable of using adrenaline at will.
Three greatest weaknesses
1) Constantly ready to fight rather than retreat when outnumbered.
2) Waves of depression/apathy (history).
3) When the adrenaline wears off, it resulting in uncontrollable nausea, shakiness and exhaustion for an extended period of time.
One Greatest love: Amie Jane (history)
Your Characters Motivation: Fulfillment of a promise
Personality: Matt is a two-sided coin. When it comes to general interaction with common folk and authority, he is optimistic and relatively sociable. He treats superiors with appropriate respect and isn't too proud to bow to an elder. When he's on his own, whether training, working or investigating, he becomes silent and serious. All sense of courtesy vanishes and brute force is always an option. It can haunt him after an assignment is over, and he generally needs a while to "cool down" before taking on another assignment.
History: (This will involve the Silver, so I will wait for a little more detail before posting).
Gear: Two 18" daggers (one strapped to each leg) colored flat black to avoid reflecting light. Lockpick set (if allowed). Roll of gauze for emergency temporary treatment and protection.
Other: He carries Amie's necklace at all times. It is his best source of motivation.
Well first of all, just to let you know, good and bad guys are not so dry cut in Elid. A person, take a priest for example, may seem like a good person, doing what is best for others, and priests of Eia preach purity. But every living person has prices and sometimes does things that might not be considered so righteous. For example, while our priest is generally a good person, he sometimes has to resort to contacting a criminal to take care of something. Or perhaps he is promised a huge amount of money to get some person kicked out of the church, for enough benefit to himself he will, its human nature.

Alright. I like this idea. But you did say "contacting a criminal," so a player could be a straight-up criminal with all the worst intentions, but they could also be a normal person forced into desperation.

Now on to your second point, What you are describing is a character that to me sounds quite like they could be one of the silver (ill have more info on them later), though they could very easily work alone. And yes, there is a city guard.

A ex-Silver with more good intentions than bad, perhaps?

Now, lastly, as far as weapons go, Elid is somewhere between the medieval times and Renaissance-esque times, as such, there are swords, lances, spears, etc. of all shapes and sizes, and bows and crossbows that cover most of the weapons. Also, basic siege weapons exist (though I dont see why or how you could get one of these) and while poisons do exist, they are not the kind you find in fantasy that you rub on a dagger and after stabbing someone they begin feeling weary and then die.

Fantastic. How about control? Is it a place where anyone can carry a sword, or are only the guards supposed to have weapons? That would change whether my weapon is a special hand-crafted blade or if is just whatever I could find, although I would expect a mercenary to be allowed to carry a weapon of some kind.

Any poisons that would be discovered yet would be things that work best over long periods of time of being fed in food and drink. Any poisoned weapons would just help infect the wound rather than actually poisoning them. However, this can be effective if you done need them to die right away, as doctors and medicine is not very advanced yet.

Good. I wasn't planning on working with poison anyway. As a holy city, though, I would expect that medicine be relatively advanced.

I'll post a character sheet later today for your review.
This is where you come in, you are part of this dark underworld and life as a thug is not always easy.

Okay, quick story and question. A few months back I got involved in a semi-fantasy RP (weapons and physics were a tad unrealistic), in which one was either one of the "bad guys in a mass gang" or one of the "good guys sort of doing their own thing." I opted to be the town mercenary, on-call by the mayor (or whoever) to take care of potential problems and rumors that were too vague or risky for police investigation. It actually worked well, until the thread spontaneously exploded. My character somehow ended up between a rogue sniper and a group of armed mercenaries and people weren't sure what to do about it. o_o

In an RP relating to crime in a pristine city, can I play an on-call specialist? It's a bit difficult to explain, but I hope you get the general concept. Listen to rumors, investigate at night, maybe get in a fight or two, and contact the local guards (if the city has them) with info, just to keep the thugs on their toes.

I'd also like you to clarify the extent of weapon and combat evolution in Elid. "No guns" seems like a given, but archery and poison would change things drastically, along with the type of armor available .

Sorry for the long post!
Seems like it has a "Bioshock Infinite" air to it. Beautiful place, everyone seems cool, but there's some dark stuff going on behind the scenes (and in public at times).
Hey guys. I'm Matthias Angel

I was actually a member here before, maybe two years ago. After a "disagreement" with a few other members, I retired and went back to doing other things, like college and drawing stuff. As a fan of good storytelling, I need to get back into writing actively, and this is the best way to do it, since I couldn't get a Lit class this semester.

So here I am again, fresh start, can't wait. "Matt" is fine and yes, I actually drew my profile picture (check out that HD ink sketch). Looking forward to finding a Casual RP based in the real world (no fantasy or superpowers), preferably with an active GM who can give some detail. Action, guns and suspense are good. Zombies and magic, not so much.

Nice to be back, I hope. :D
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