Avatar of MechonRaptor
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 470 (0.15 / day)
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    1. MechonRaptor 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current It's... been so long. Life sure has a way of screwing with you and getting in the way. I'm so sorry everyone for my sudden disappearance! Hopefully I'll be back from now on if you'll have me!
7 yrs ago
There will always be a song out there that fits how one can feel, though unfortunately it seems life favors sad songs the most.
1 like
7 yrs ago
That boy is staring and I feel a chill...
8 yrs ago
Nothing like making a pointless status update after 4 months!
8 yrs ago
It's good to get back in the swing of things after a couple weeks away. And hopefully, this time, I plan to stay!


I'm just your average, everyday roleplayer who mainly resides in Terraria's community forums.

Lots of stuff has happened in my life the last few months that I needed to dedicate my time to until I could reach a stable, well, time again. I'm so sorry if I worried anyone here, I made a lot of friends that I feel I abandoned with no explanation as to why. But what matters is, I think I've reached enough stability to RP again!

Anyway, generally speaking, I try to be a good person. I do my best to improve, I try to listen to criticism with an open ear, and I don't like to argue. There's so much potential here... It's awesome really. I just hope I can contribute something worthwhile.

Most Recent Posts

Oh she's still mortal in the sense she can die, it just takes an extra step which I'll cover in my app later today!
I'm thinking of doing Amethyst from Steven Universe, but I was wondering if there should be any limitations to her, seeing as gem's are a unique race in terms of how they can be killed. Ex: You have to shatter or break the gem that they are.
Alina was lucky that she had focused a majority of her light into the barrier around her and Eantu, having closed her eyes when he had thrown his sword. When she could feel the dust settling, she opened them to reveal a large amount of debris surrounding their area, all of which could have been deadly, she assumed. The dome of light faded and dispersed, and she could only thank the Light that they had somehow survived this ordeal. When she looked at the Demon Lord, she could hardly believe her eyes at the damage done to him. The tower hadn't collapsed as she expected, but rather the explosion had caused various sections of the buildings to skewer it until it was barely recognizable. But, she supposed a win was a win.

Turning her attention to her comrades, she was glad to see that a majority of them had made it out of the situation unscathed... all but the rogue. She had seen them use that elixir before, the vial of what she considered red goop, disgusting and yet oddly effective for healing purposes. But no elixir could match the healing of the light. Though, she decided against sending a plea to the light for a heal, believing that he would not appreciate the small effort it would be. Instead, she simply walked up to them, pulling her hood down so that her face could more easily be seen. It revealed an almost bob-like haircut, short and a nice shade of red. She smirked at Thalion, patting his back for a second before speaking.

"It would appear so, Elf, though you should be lucky. Not everyone has an elixir that begins to heal on their own terms."
Sounds like it could be fun, I'm interested.
I'll make a post tonight, though I apologize in advance if it seems rushed, I have a project due tomorrow and a lot of work for it tonight to finish.
Leo Lapis Rooke

“I gave up trying to get my old life back a long time ago...”

All Leo could do was stare at the floor of his bed, eyes wide in disbelief that he was going to be taken... Taken by mysterious strangers, given away by his family... Isolated. He didn't want to accept it. He had worked so hard to be a child that his parents would care for, someone that they'd love and he would be happy from that love. An older brother who would eventually be really smart and be able to help his younger siblings... and yet everything around him was shattering and he could do nothing to defend himself against it. All he could do was stare at the ground, desperate to cry but no tears forming in his eyes. He closed them for a bit when he heard the rushing of footsteps...

There were kids who were handcuffed in the gym. Leo didn't recognize any of them, and those that had them looked battered and beaten. It terrified him. Was the same thing going to happen to him? Was it punishment for not protecting his siblings? All he knew was that he was not allowed to speak, to talk to anyone. Even with so many around him, he still felt lonely, trapped in his own thoughts and left helpless to stare. Leo didn't know how long he was there, numb and scared on the gymnasium floor before they finally began to move once more.

The bus felt cramped and awful, but Leo dared not to move. He was too terrified to do so, having noticed those armed with guns. He didn't know what kind of guns, but he knew that they were weapons, and they weren't there for protecting him or any of the children. It made him think that they were just going to be driven off somewhere, towards a desert or something, and killed... It gave him shivers just thinking about it. His heart ached for those younger than him, whimpering behind him. He thought that they must be even more lost, scared, and confused than he was. They reminded him of Skyla, his sister who died while he was reading to her to try to calm her down. He wanted to try and comfort them, but his own sorrow planted him in his place, knowing fully well that he would most likely be hurt or dead if he even moved. So he stayed still as a statue, his eyes gazing out the window...

Leo froze when the electricity and fire went around the room. What was going on? Why was there electricity and fire? Why were people wanting to run? A small voice inside him said to do so as well, but then he realized he had nowhere to run to. Where would he go? How would they escape this place? Why would they want to escape it? So far, all that has happened was silence and a sinking feeling of despair, but was that really bad? At least they were alive. Or maybe they wanted to die... Did they have hope that things would be different away from here? Leo could not answer any of these questions, and in an instant he fell to the floor, attempting to cover his ears from the excruciating pain he felt inside his head. he didn't know what he had done wrong, but he was immediately sorry for it. He thought that it was for thinking of escaping, that they had somehow known his tiny thought and were punishing him for it. He wanted to plead for forgiveness, but all he could do was scream in pain on the ground.

They must have heard him again, for the pain finally subsided, leaving behind a shell of a boy. He didn't want to get up, but someone made him. He couldn't believe his eyes with what was ahead. Lieutenant Colonel Aiden Anderson, standing behind a group of 5 kids, one of which was shot, explaining the rules or guidelines of the place, one of which gave Leo a spark of hope. So long as he did what he was told, his time here wouldn't be that bad. Maybe it'd be like school, but with less talking and less death and despair...

The man was quite energetic, or maybe hyper? Leo wasn't sure, only that it was making his time in this strange room go awfully quick.
"What do you do?"
"I...I moved something?"
"Ah... so a blue..."
"How old are you?"
He was then in the machine...
"What's your name?"
"Leo Rooke."
"Good good, now get out."

He wasn't really sure what just happened, other than that he was classified as a blue with a blue x on him. They were separated... But it was here that Leo realized something. Nowhere else in the world wanted him, nowhere but this place. Here he was wanted, and a small, almost unseen smile arose, which quickly broke when someone spoke. Looking up, he hardly reacted to the kid's bruises and beaten up state. He was already in shock, and he didn't think it could get any worse.
It... It may not be all that bad if we listen to them... He thought, remembering this was a kid who had slightly moved in line, only to be hit and fall to his knees. Leo wasn't sure what to think of him... He didn't seem like a bad kid, even if he was beaten... Maybe he was just misunderstood? But he didn't follow the rules, and that was slightly scary to Leo. He didn't want to look like that kid looked, and it only gave him more incentive to stay quiet for now.
Oh, I should say the same thing! Though, I'm not sure if any of you would want to hang out with Leo xD
The voice acting sounds really interesting, though I'd be more embarrassed about it as I feel I'd do a terrible job. But as I said, it sounds interesting.
I'm still here, just been busy with a project and other rps.
Alina immediately regretted her positioning when the shockwave was sent, feeling as if she had gotten to close, or perhaps it was how she was rather frail physically that had her getting sent a reasonable distance away. It took her a second to realize that what she saw in front of her was not the ground, but rather the sky, felbats swooping in various directions and causing the Priestess to hastily push herself to a kneel in hopes of recuperating. As she kneel there, regaining her composure, she stared at the battlefield ahead attempting to find a solution to the problem. She knew her own light spells were having little if no effect, and it frustrated her... Just like how the forsaken was frustrating her when Alina realized she had made her way to the fray with little to no plan except cause havoc. Sure, she was slaying demons left and right, but perhaps her own prejudices were clouding her judgement.

Though, thoughts of the monk were interrupted when she heard some sort of whistle, looking over in the direction and following the pointing to the tower. For a brief moment Alina was confused as she stared at it until she began to notice their rather rough shape and location. It was then that she heard someone shout to take it down by any means necessary, and immediately realized the plan. Taking another look at the battlefield, some were going after the demon, however this time it would most likely be a distraction. Turning to her Alliance Paladin, she noticed that he was channeling the light into his sword, and she rushed to his side.

Upon arriving next to him, she allowed her own light to manifest itself into a barrier in their small area, protecting them from outer attacks so that they could better charge their light.
"That should help us focus on getting this done right." She told him, this time channeling the light into herself, her hands glowing brightly as she awaited for the word for when to lower her barrier.
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