Avatar of MechonRaptor
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 470 (0.15 / day)
  • VMs: 2
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    1. MechonRaptor 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current It's... been so long. Life sure has a way of screwing with you and getting in the way. I'm so sorry everyone for my sudden disappearance! Hopefully I'll be back from now on if you'll have me!
7 yrs ago
There will always be a song out there that fits how one can feel, though unfortunately it seems life favors sad songs the most.
1 like
7 yrs ago
That boy is staring and I feel a chill...
8 yrs ago
Nothing like making a pointless status update after 4 months!
8 yrs ago
It's good to get back in the swing of things after a couple weeks away. And hopefully, this time, I plan to stay!


I'm just your average, everyday roleplayer who mainly resides in Terraria's community forums.

Lots of stuff has happened in my life the last few months that I needed to dedicate my time to until I could reach a stable, well, time again. I'm so sorry if I worried anyone here, I made a lot of friends that I feel I abandoned with no explanation as to why. But what matters is, I think I've reached enough stability to RP again!

Anyway, generally speaking, I try to be a good person. I do my best to improve, I try to listen to criticism with an open ear, and I don't like to argue. There's so much potential here... It's awesome really. I just hope I can contribute something worthwhile.

Most Recent Posts

Not the puppies!
Fatigue was starting to settle in on Emerald's horse, his pace having slowed down by a wide margin since starting. Though, Emerald kept him at the speed he was now going, a feeling inside telling her that she was near. That feeling was all but confirmed when she heard a voice up ahead yelling about how there was a war about to break out, causing Emerald to give a sigh of relief. She wasn't late to the party after all, and it seemed she was almost earlier than she expected. Though, tracing where she heard the voice, she noticed some sort of knight up ahead, going full sprint. He must have passed her, which made sense seeing as her horse was tiring out.

She could only watch as he tripped and fell with a loud thud, her eyes widening when he didn't get back him. "Whoa!" She told her horse, causing him to come to a halt near the fallen soldier. Emerald swiftly jumped off his back, grabbing her heal staff in a rush as she had done a thousand times before. He didn't seem like a Nohrian, as his armor was silver, but he didn't look like a Hoshidan either. Was he some type of sellsword? Whatever the case, she did not care as he was in need of her help, and so she bent down to face him, noticing him struggle to get back up. Maybe he was just as tired as Aegis was...
"It appears like you could use some help... Here, allow me." She said in a warm, comforting voice, raising her staff up above her head and watching as her magic poured out in a burst of light towards Audric. Maybe, she thought, that would help him, or at least ease his pain.
"Faster Aegis, these prints are becoming more fresh as we ride on." Emerald told her horse as they galloped swiftly in the direction of the Nohrian army's shadow, petting Aegis lightly as a sign of thanks. She soon clutched the reins in front of her, deciding it was time to take an alternate route. If she knew anything of battle, and while her knowledge was limited, she would arrive near the rear of the army, but all the conflict, if they were in battle, would be near the front. So, she thought, if she cut north a little, and then went diagonal into the middle of the conflict, she'd be right where she was needed. Either that, or she would be separated from everyone else, and while that wasn't a bad thing, it left her more open than her first plan... Even if it wasn't that sound. Though, she knew someone was bound to bite more than they could chew when it came to the Norhians and those they hired. They weren't like the Hoshidans from what Emerald's Aunt told her, and from her small encounters with soldiers passing through, they were less than ideal people she'd want to know. But, she knew she could help them, even if they were brutes in her eyes.
So, with a quick change in direction, she began to ride slightly more northward than the tracks she followed, believing that they wouldn't go in any other direction anyway. Unknown to her, she was inching forward towards the army she was attempting to catch up upon.

Sometime tonight, if everything goes well.
How odd. Alina was expecting some sort of snarky or overly angered tone that most of these knights had whenever a priest offered them healing, but instead she found herself picking up a hint of warmth, something she would have never expected, from the death knight. It was certainly a different reaction that caught her off guard, but luckily she would have time to recover when a new voice approached the scene. This time it was one of the wardens they were traveling with, and she was most likely some sort of medic at that. After all, she wouldn't have mentioned tending to wounds if she wasn't, though her curiosity to see if Alina's shadow mend would actually work was rather normal. With the few times she had used it, it was often followed with some sort of lingering pain in the area despite being healed, one that often got her scolded for not using the Light, but she still used this technique on occasion anyway. After all, she found it proved useful when it came to torturing captured enemies that needed to be healed, as they wouldn't die, but would suffer as if the wound was still there for a short while.

So, knowing that a Death Knight shouldn't feel any pain, except if it is the Light, the antithesis should actually prove to be quite useful in healing her. After all, the pain would be nulled by how a Death Knight is just a walking corpse with thought processes, and if it didn't, then at least she was one step closer to not having to deal with them anymore. At least the pain, if it did occur, would be nothing compared to if she used the Light.

After everything was said and done, Alina simply nodded, allowing the power of the void to assist her this time. As the darkness coursed through her, she watched as her hands were entirely engulfed in shadow spheres, dark and prime to be casted. Aiming at Rina, she allowed these healing shadows to find their way to the wound in question, and only time would tell if it would hurt or not.

I was actually going to have it where she would get a little lost on the way there, and end up encountering someone such as Audric, seeing as he is on Nohrian side of the battlefield. I'm not sure if that'll help with your decision, but I suppose it doesn't hurt to know.
"Pardon me, but what do you mean they've already left?"

Emerald and her tiny group, all of which but here was there to deliver medical supplies, stared dumbfounded at how they had essentially been late. Looking at the empty Nohrian camp, she wasn't sure how long they'd been gone and marching. All she knew was that they were marching off to war with Hoshido, and without her. Oh, she would scold herself later for being late, guilt already stinging at the thought of someone dying because she wasn't there to use her healing magic to save them. And not just on the Nohrian too, but that was a different matter entirely. Turning to the others, she looked at them as if she was fine, holding a smile while hiding her disappointment in herself.

"Stay here if they come back, I shall ride ahead and catch up with them. I do not want you all to get caught in the battle." She told them, to which the majority agreed. They weren't here to fight, they were just here to deliver medicine and other healing items for the battle before they could go back to the safety of Macarath. She understood why they would want to too, as she herself wanted to do the same thing, but obligation made her convicted to try and rush towards the Army. Petting her horse and taking one final glance at the others, she nodded to them before rushing off in the direction she supposed they went. She only knew because they had left horseprints in a direction, and she was simply following that. She didn't know, however, that at her current pace she wouldn't catch up to them before the battle started.

Perhaps that was for the best. As she rode onward, a wave of uncertainty swept across her. She wasn't stupid, she knew of the atrocities she was supporting by going off to heal the Nohrian army. Word spreads fast in Nohr, especially when it is about a supposed victory over Hoshido with the death of the late Queen Mikoto. Emerald had never met her, but she always had wanted to from the stories her aunt would tell her. And, she was supposedly a much more benevolent ruler than King Garon ever was, and just thinking of him gave her shivers. He had a villa in Macarath, and whenever he would stop to visit Emerald always made sure to stray as far away as possible from him. She didn't want to support such a brutal king, but alas that was not up to her. She had chosen the path of a healer, and where she lived affected her affiliations. Still, it didn't stop her from feeling sorrowful for the Queen all because of Garon's vileness.

She shook her head away from those thoughts, looking ahead with hope. Maybe if this war ended soon, then there would be peace and no need for a healer like her. And while that was just wishful thinking, she was determined to end this war with ever ounce of power she had. Even if she herself couldn't fight, she would make sure that everyone else could continue to do so, so that this conflict would end. Now, if only she had been on time... Then she wouldn't have to feel the slight sting of worry that gnawed at her. Nonetheless, she continued onward as fast as she could, offering a small prayer to the gods to allow her a swift and timely arrival.
Alina kept a steady walk behind the Paladin and Death Knight, having done so so that she could keep an eye out on what she considered an abomination in its own right. The Light and the undead were always at ends, and while Alina herself had studied and learned several spells from the void, she often did not use them. To her, it was information, information needed to balance out the Light she used, and maybe even hurt those who were at odds with her. Unfortunately, she knew these spells would not to much, if anything to the Death Knight, knowing that the Light was a much more powerful tool against them and the legion alike.

So when Eantu told Rina that he could heal her, it almost made her scoff under her breath, and to a further extent under her hood. She expected a Draenei to know what the Light would do to the Death Knight. Sure, it would heal them, but it wouldn't feel like that. In the simplest terms she could think of, Alina compared it to burning them alive. A scorching feeling that you can't get rid of, and besides, it wasn't like that wound was going to hurt the Death Knight anyway. As she said, torching it would do less damage, seeing as Death Knight's don't feel regular pain.

Still, as much as she didn't want to, she couldn't have an ally be injured, not one who could be an unstoppable killing machine. They were deadly, she gave them that, but alas they were also the antithesis of what the Light stood for. Luckily for her, she wasn't going to use the Light.

"If I may be so bold, Death Knight, I could just as easily heal that wound," She told Rina, her hands becoming enveloped in spheres of darkness before continuing, "If you were a regular person, I wouldn't use this form of healing as it also inflicts pain, but, seeing as you don't feel pain and you can't be healed by the Light without burning from it, I'm willing to use the Shadows to mend you."

No worries, I haven't been home all day, so I'll definitely have a post up tomorrow ^_^
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