Avatar of MechonRaptor
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 470 (0.15 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. MechonRaptor 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current It's... been so long. Life sure has a way of screwing with you and getting in the way. I'm so sorry everyone for my sudden disappearance! Hopefully I'll be back from now on if you'll have me!
7 yrs ago
There will always be a song out there that fits how one can feel, though unfortunately it seems life favors sad songs the most.
1 like
7 yrs ago
That boy is staring and I feel a chill...
8 yrs ago
Nothing like making a pointless status update after 4 months!
8 yrs ago
It's good to get back in the swing of things after a couple weeks away. And hopefully, this time, I plan to stay!


I'm just your average, everyday roleplayer who mainly resides in Terraria's community forums.

Lots of stuff has happened in my life the last few months that I needed to dedicate my time to until I could reach a stable, well, time again. I'm so sorry if I worried anyone here, I made a lot of friends that I feel I abandoned with no explanation as to why. But what matters is, I think I've reached enough stability to RP again!

Anyway, generally speaking, I try to be a good person. I do my best to improve, I try to listen to criticism with an open ear, and I don't like to argue. There's so much potential here... It's awesome really. I just hope I can contribute something worthwhile.

Most Recent Posts

- Pokedex Line --> Route 9
- Interacting with: Euphoria Caulfield (@Lichthart)

What would happen next, Ryan did not expect, nor never would have expected. In a swift motion, he watched as the Professor snatched the Pokedex that Euphie was given, promptly hitting her on the head with it. Such an act was unheard of it Ryan, mainly because it was coming from a Pokemon Professor, and they didn't seem like the scolding type. Then again, his only interactions with Professor Grevillia was getting a Pokedex from her, and she seemed relatively nice then. But, he supposed, being nice wasn't an immediate indicator that they would take someone like Euphie and her... harsh mannerisms lightly. Ryan himself wasn't particularly fond of her after her display, but seeing her get hit made him tense up and withdraw his hand back to his side. As the girl groaned in an angry fashion when she turned to Professor Grevillia, Ryan slowly brought his two hands together near the middle of his chest, soon poking the tips of his index fingers together lightly as the scene unfolded.

It was only a matter of time before the girl he had tried to introduce stomped away, having snatched her Pokedex and gone a decent distance away. For a moment he felt that the fiasco was over, giving off a sigh of relief that it had ended faster than he had thought. But that wishful thinking was soon interrupted by the shouts of the girl once more. "You... y-you don't know just whom you're dealing with! Damn you!" He heard, causing him to wince and look at the Professor for a second, raising his left hand slightly as if he were going to make some sort of comment, but unfortunately it was cut off by Euphie continuing her rather nonthreatening promises. It... was almost sad, really. Ryan couldn't understand why she was making such a big deal out of what had happened, especially because she got what was coming to her. What went around, Euphie's insults to the Professor, came around in the form of discipline. And even though she tried to sound furious, to sound threatening, but to Ryan... It just seemed that her heart wasn't in it. Maybe it had sparked something that had happened in her past, bad memories... He couldn't tell, but he did have a feeling that there was more going on beneath the surface.

Which is why when she asked him to come with her, he was shocked. His eyes widened, and he must of looked like a statue for a second as he couldn't believe what he was hearing. Someone wanted his company. And the worst part was, he could hear her distress when she pleaded for him to join her. It made his heart ache for her despite what had just happened, a sense of pity that he didn't expect at all. Here was this supposed, rough and rude teenager his age doing her best to, well, do something, and the next minute, she wasn't the same person at all. He saw that it was genuine, but he couldn't believe it. Maybe... he thought, maybe this girl has been through a lot more than he has, and all she needs now is someone who won't abandon her.

He took a deep breath this time, but instead of using it to calm down, he used it to get excited. When he reopened his eyes this time, he smiled in her direction, willing to go with her and, maybe... help her. He wasn't sure what the future would hold, or if she even liked him, but he felt that she needed someone to stay by her side, moreso than he needed to be alone with his Pokemon. And when he got to her side, he nodded at her with a reassuring smile, though not saying a word. He knew he wasn't the best when it came to getting the right words out, or even saying them properly, so he hoped she'd understand that he was by her side for now.

He didn't say much as time went on, letting Euphie do her own thing. He thought of taking Pixie out on multiple occasions to give him a companion he could talk to, but... he felt that would be a bit rude to Euphie. After all, one of them had to be a good example for what was to come. "Don't forget about me... Besides, I... Don't think things will get worse, at least so long as you're with your partner. But, uh, hey! We'll be fine." He replied, trying his best to counter her negativity with his own positivity. "Just, uh, lead the way, and I'll be here too."

- Pokedex Line
- Interacting with: Euphoria Caulfield (@Lichthart)

Her... Her tone shifted. After she was extremely rude to the professor... She just... shifted personalities almost. If he was being honest to himself, he had no idea what was going on now. Instead, as she continued to speak about, well, whatever she was going on about, he simply acted like he was paying attention, instead attempting to solve this problem in his head. Did everyone seem to act like that? No, they certainly didn't from his experience, even if it was few and far in between. Comparing her to the others here he'd interacted with so far, they certainly didn't seem similar to her in the least.

And yet, she seemed off. Not your typical off, but the kind of off that made it seem you hiding something, or messing with someone. He wasn't sure what that meant, but he assumed she was either acting rude or acting nice, and neither explanation seemed reasonable to him. So as she continued her speech, he continued to silently observe her, watch her movements, take note of her tone of voice. A part of him wanted to believe she was being decent, but another part of him screamed something was off, and it was just getting louder. But he wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt, give her a pass on her actions, and maybe start anew.

After all, she was willing to tell him her name, so he could at the least return that kindness. He did his best to smile, and even held out his left hand for a handshake, although his movements were obviously filled with slight hesitation as he did so. "Oh, well... hello there Euphie. I'm uh, Ryan Frost. It's good to meet you."
It's really just rudeness more so than edge. Like Gladion was an edgelord compared to Euphie xD

- Pokedex Line
- Interacting with: Euphoria Caulfield (@Lichthart) in the presence of Professor Grevillia (@Sho Minazuki)

Ryan took a deep breath of relief when her heard the Professor's words, a content smile finding its way across his face despite feeling semi like an idiot. He hadn't taken notice of the box that was filled with pokedexes just for the occasion, making him laugh rather silently to himself as his smile turned into that of a embarrassed wince. The smile was still there, but his left arm was now scratching the back of his neck, along with his eyes being closed. And even though he felt somewhat out of place, he did feel a tad bit of assurance in his actions. After all, even if she had teased him a bit, it was good news that she had such a surplus, which made sense given the situation.

Which soon took a drastic shift shortly after he received his pokedex. The once clean smell of the air around him was tainted with the stench of smoke emitting from someone approaching. He coughed a bit due to the smell, soon noticing a girl somewhere around his own age cutting everyone off and soon demanding her own Pokedex. Well, at least it was said somewhat nicely with the kindly part, he thought, but he wasn't prepared for what she said next. It caused him to freeze up like he'd done a thousand times before, his eyes widening when she insulted him basically to his face. He... He wouldn't get lost, he thought! Sure he was getting a pokedex, but he had a plan of where he wanted to go already. But, that wasn't the main problem in her evaluation of him.

It was how she made him notice he was being much more awkward than he had originally thought. Was he really mumbling that bad? It made his embarrassment become replaced with a kind of shame, the same kind of shame he often felt when in the presence of his mother. Critical, rude, and kicking him while he was down... And yet, all he felt he could do was freeze. At least, until the professor began speaking about how smoking was basically banned in the place. That made sense, and right now he needed some sort of logical thinking to keep him from doing something stupid. Because deep inside him, he wanted to do something rash like tell her off, but a majority of him silenced that voice, silenced like it had been on multiple occasions.

Instead, he took another deep breath, this time to calm him down from this intrusion of this girl, whom, if Ryan was being honest, wasn't entirely sure how he felt about her. His first impression was that she was probably just another rude person, but maybe she was just condescending? He wasn't sure how that made her better, but it sorta did in his mind. He turned to face her this time, placing the Pokedex in his pocket just in case.

"I, uh, don't mean to be rude, but um, you could... probably treat others with, uh, a bit more respect..." He said with uttermost confidence, or at least with his very best. Though, his constant uh's and um's made it seem less so.
Lichthart will be traveling with my character, so he is going south as well.

- In the Pokemon League Line --> Pokedex Line
- Interacting with: Professor Grevillia (@Sho Minazuki)

Holding Pixie for a long time as he waited patiently in line was starting to wear Ryan's arms out, to which he set her down so that he could get some rest. "Sorry girl, I just need a couple minutes to give my arms rest. After awhile, you start to get heavy." He told her, to which she gave a soft whimper of disapproval, reluctantly leaning against his legs instead. "Aw come on Pixie, I'm sorry. I'll pick you up once again after I'm done registering, alright?" He asked his partner, looking down to see her smile up at him and give a soft, happy cry now. Leaning down, he petted her softly for a bit before standing back up, placing both hands in his pockets as he looked around a tad before it was his turn.

As he finished and started to leave the line, a sense of wonder and joy hit him in the heart, causing him to internally jump for joy, while externally he picked up Pixie and placed her on his shoulder. While it wasn't exactly what she wanted, she went with it, allowing Ryan to continue on his rather slow pace as he began to think to himself. He had registered for both Contests and the League, he had his own pokemon, and he believed he had all the necessary supplies for the journey ahead. Sliding his backpack off his free shoulder, he found a spot away from the others to shift around in it, eventually finding the small pocket notebook Ryan was looking for.

He flipped it to the first page, grabbing a pencil from inside his bag so that he could check off his supplies one last time.
"Sleeping bag, check. Rations, check. Poke-food, check. Pokedex... Ah crap..." He facepalmed to himself, sighing slightly before he put a big x next to that line. "Oh well... I don't want to bother the Professor right now, so I guess I'll just come back later after I've explored Chromis for awhile." He told Pixie, who now jumped off his right shoulder and landed in front of him, nodding.

"Yeah, maybe it'll be better this way. With how much I had to study in school, along with endless hours of TV and internet watching pokemon battles or contests, or even performances, I'm sure I can do this without a pokedex. It'll let me get to know you guys better too! Or maybe it won't..." He told her, to which she gave him a puzzled look. "I'm sorry I'm going back and forth with myself... But maybe a crutch wouldn't hurt, especially because I don't think I know every pokemon..."

Though slightly annoyed with her partner, Pixie eventually shrugged it off, instead prodding and nudging him every couple seconds as he put his notebook away. She was poking the pokeball that was in his pocket that was hers, probably just wanting some rest herself. He nodded, understanding what she wanted, and soon she was inside her pokeball, allowing Ryan to focus on the task at hand.

Picking himself up, he made his way to the professor's line for pokedex's, his confidence that he had when he was alone with Pixie shattering into silent nervousness. This was someone really important, he thought, and he didn't want to mess up with something as simple as a question for a pokedex, but at the same time he wanted to make a good impression. Not like she'd remember him after this, but still, it was the thought that counts. So as he waited patiently, soon getting towards the front, he approached her as he took a deep breath.

"Sorry to intrude Professor, but I, er, was wondering if I could also get a Pokedex, maybe? Unless you don't have anymore, of course, then I'll leave if that's the case..." He said, progressively getting faster and quieter as time went on. Man, if he felt like he hadn't blown it yet, he was definitely feeling that now.
I'm considering having Ryan go down towards Brittanium City, and taking a ferry from there to Cobalt through route 8.

- In the Pokemon Contest Line --> League Line
- Interacting with: Chance (@ZachChase)

"I'm Chance, nice to meet you Ryan, and... this little skitty here is Blitzy."
So, his name was Chance... That seemed like an odd name if Ryan was being honest to himself. He probably must have heard a thousand jokes about that name too, or maybe there was a chance that he hadn't. Slightly laughing in his own mind at the joke he'd made, his attention turned to the Skitty, or how Chance called her, Blitzy. He had made eye contact with the little fellow earlier, just for a brief moment, and the Skitty seemed a lot more open than her trainer.

Though, Ryan wasn't exactly expecting it to jump onto his shoulder. As soon as he saw it move, he immediately braced himself, feeling the pokemon land on his shoulder and being greeted with a meow into the ear. At least, he thought, she weighed around the same as Pixie did, and Pixie did like to hop and balance on his shoulders whenever he would stand still. He would have actually had Pixie on his shoulders now, had it not been for the fact that they were in line, as it seemed to be moving at a rather steady pace now.

"Heh... don't mind Blitzy- she's very ... 'open' when it comes to meeting new people." Chase told him, to which Ryan did an awkward laugh to himself, scratching the back of his neck with the arm whose shoudler side was not the one Blitzy was on. Then, after a slight delay, he switched to petting Blitzy for a bit before setting her down on the ground and turning to face her trainer.

"That's alright, she didn't weigh much more than my partner Pixie. Though, she should probably be careful in the future, shouldn't you yessss." He said, the last part of his sentence being directed towards the Skitty herself. Pixie took this opportunity to leap into Ryan's arms, to which he happily caught her. It was only then that he realized he was now next in line due to several trainers leaving, presumably because the line was much longer at first, causing them to leave for other lines. With his attention turned to registering, he soon was all set for the competition scene. With his business in this line now done, he gave a short, friendly wave to Chase as he made his way into the League line now. After all, it seemed right now that the Professor was still occupied with a line of her own...
Ryan Frost
- In the Pokemon Contest Line.
- Interacting with: Chance (@ZachChase)

Ryan listened to the brief conversation of the trainers he had tried to talk to, though fell short due to his own personal withdrawal from the conversation. Sure, having a few moments to process it, he realized it probably wasn't the best decision he's made, but he couldn't bring himself to just interrupt what they were talking about. He didn't want to seem rude, especially towards someone who seemed very high class and fashionable, along with someone who was just as awkward as he was. And it wasn't like they were bad people either, they both seemed really nice... he could just feel something tugging at him and saying something would go wrong. He felt like they weren't like Pixie, who seemed to just get him, or the various pokemon friends he had left behind in Snowpoint. They just seemed to understand him, and he gladly accepted that understanding with his own in return. But other people or teenagers were different... He knew that was partially ridiculous, but with his mom and barely enough people to fill up one hand's fingers being in the list of people he's managed to talk to, while he had much more pokemon connections... He felt it sorta made sense.

But when he felt the hand on his shoulder suddenly, he froze, and Pixie in return felt his sudden abrasiveness and looked up at who it was, tilting her head slightly as she didn't see a threat. "This wish goes for you too. I would be honored to see a alolan ninetails. I heard stories that they rival the moon with their gleaming tails. It would be a honored pleasure to witness that."
The fashionably dressed guy told Ryan, to which his shyness melted from shock to a surprised smile. Someone wanted to see him have growth, and even encouraged it, which was rather new to the near young adult. His mother was normally very oppressive when it came to what Ryan wanted, so hearing someone else say they looked forward to seeing his pokemon evolve made him happy. And he nodded at that, he himself wanting to see the day when Pixie evolves into the snowy white Ninetails. It would be an amazing experience to watch a pokemon evolve, and he hoped that when that day came, he and Pixie would be in total sync with one another.

"Hm... uh- sorry about that, so many people here today... sooo- what's your name?"

And when the trainer with the Fletchling left, the one with the oddly colored skitty once again tried to start a conversation, but this time Ryan was ready for it. "Oh, uh, yeah it really is," he said in a friendly manner, referring to how busy it was before the kid asked Ryan what his name was, "And it's Ryan, Ryan Frost. I wasn't expecting so many people in the contest line, or else I would have went to sign up for the League first." He continued, lightly laughing to himself awkwardly as he finished the sentence. From random Fletchling's messing around to a very interesting coordinator declaring everyone here her rival, he wondered how the league line was going, only to snap back to reality and remember he was in an actual conversation.
"Oh, sorry, uh, what's your name?"
Ryan Frost
- In the Pokemon Contest Line.
- Interacting with: Almost Chance (@ZachChase) Almost Danilo (@TalijaKey)

His attention with the intrusive Fletchling and his own Vulpix was cut short when he heard a voice behind him, coming from where the Skitty he had noticed earlier was. As he turned to face that direction, he heard him say, presumably directed at Ryan, "Uhhh- hey, hows it goin'?" To which Ryan froze near instantly. He didn't freeze because he was put off by an attempt at interaction, or due to him being rude in an manner, but instead only because he found it very odd that someone would try to take the time and directly talk to him. It was a part of life that he wasn't particularly used to due to his mother and how he often did not need to do the speaking himself. Even at school, no one really made an effort to converse with him, and he wasn't the one who would normally initiate a conversation. It was only after he got on the ship that they made an effort to talk to him, but by then he felt he had no experience with it, usually muttering some sort of random strings of words until he realized they long since left. While he has had some practice since then, he often found it was because he mentally prepared himself for it, and this was just sprung up on him.

He took a deep breath, taking a moment to prepare and find the calmness to smile before he fully turned his attention to Chance. "He-Hey th-"
"My apologies if my friend has in anyway bothered you. My name is Danilo and that is Francis."

To which he was cut off by another trainer dashing to the scene. It was the fancy one he had taken note of, and while he didn't seem threatening or rude, the interaction once more made Ryan feel out of place or awkward.
"Oh, uh, well you know-" He said lightly to himself, to which the trainer's focus had went from Ryan to the Skitty and their trainer. Ryan stood there for a second, wondering what just happened and contemplating if he was to be a part of it. On the bright side to him, it meant that he could start preparing for if they wanted to speak to him again. He looked down at Pixie, the vuplix seemingly laughing with a gleeful smile on her face. He laughed slightly to himself, kneeling down and petting her again as he waited for the line to move...

Sure is a lot more busier than he expected.
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