Avatar of MechonRaptor
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 470 (0.15 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. MechonRaptor 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current It's... been so long. Life sure has a way of screwing with you and getting in the way. I'm so sorry everyone for my sudden disappearance! Hopefully I'll be back from now on if you'll have me!
7 yrs ago
There will always be a song out there that fits how one can feel, though unfortunately it seems life favors sad songs the most.
1 like
7 yrs ago
That boy is staring and I feel a chill...
8 yrs ago
Nothing like making a pointless status update after 4 months!
8 yrs ago
It's good to get back in the swing of things after a couple weeks away. And hopefully, this time, I plan to stay!


I'm just your average, everyday roleplayer who mainly resides in Terraria's community forums.

Lots of stuff has happened in my life the last few months that I needed to dedicate my time to until I could reach a stable, well, time again. I'm so sorry if I worried anyone here, I made a lot of friends that I feel I abandoned with no explanation as to why. But what matters is, I think I've reached enough stability to RP again!

Anyway, generally speaking, I try to be a good person. I do my best to improve, I try to listen to criticism with an open ear, and I don't like to argue. There's so much potential here... It's awesome really. I just hope I can contribute something worthwhile.

Most Recent Posts

I'm not sure when I'll have a post up today, but I'll do my best to get one up. Luckily, Nathan isn't one to go out of his way to converse with people, so it'll make the process a bit easier for me.
Is it bad I may have screamed like a giddy school girl when I read that?
I feel like there should be something like pokemon go in the RP just as like a side thing, gives our characters something to argue over. Then we can argue about teams here and in the RP!
You mystic and instinct scrubs! Valor all the way!
I'll do my best to not give Anderson another reason to be pissed then!
So @BlackSam3091, did Rayes manage to get all the data and finish his download, or are you leaving that up to me?
I'm sure Nathan will probably have that class as well, along with music if he can.

Looks like we will be working together, so now is as good a time as any to see if our characters may know of each other :3 if not that's fine, as it'll make for an interesting start, but there's always a chance of at least knowing someone, even if you don't know much else except a name.
I refresh my subscription page so that I can check if anyone has posted in the rps I'm in.
Maybe he's a mellow fellow.
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