Avatar of Meowloi
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 67 (0.02 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Meowloi 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

9 yrs ago
Current Leaving for Mexico on Monday, I'll be gone a week, so sorry if replies are slow
9 yrs ago
Sorry I've been absent for a couple days, I promise I'll start replying soon!
9 yrs ago
Pretty sure I've been talking to a catfish… hmm
9 yrs ago
Feeling sad and anxious, ughhhhhh


I'm always looking for new 1x1 partners so pm me if you have an idea or want to work something out together! I enjoy both modern and historical settings, and I love realistic or fantasy/supernatural type roleplays. I have a wide range of interests when it comes to plot and setting! I only do MxM or FxF roleplays.

Most Recent Posts


There isn't much left of the world. It has been torn apart by wars. We don't know how many of us are out there anymore. We know the government is tracking us down, because of our abilities. We don't know what they do to the ones they catch. We just know we have to avoid them. The police aren't our only problem though; we need food, shelter, water. Our main goal right now is to survive.

The Main Idea

A small group of people are trying to escape persecution from what little government still remains because of the supernatural powers they possess. The people who want to arrest them blame them for the wars that destroyed most of the planet.

Rules and Guidelines

I'm not going to post many rules here. Just follow the rules of the site and use common sense.
You can play up to three characters: If you make three characters, at least one of them must be an officer.
Post character sheets on character page
Officers should be at least 21.

Character Sheet

Member of group or officer:
Other: (Things like sexuality, important character traits, etc.)
Ava Carpio
Height; Weight:
5'8", 130 lbs
Years in Blackwing:
1 year
Apartment Number:
Room Description:
The room is generally messy, with oil and water color paintings hung all around the walls. Her bed is always made, though the other bed is always a mess. There is a bookshelf in one corner with books filling every shelf, and the floor as well. In spite of the rest of the apartment, the bathroom is relatively clean.
Odd Trait:
She is an insomniac. She also has the habit of slipping into Spanish when she gets over excited.
Physical Descriptions:
Ava is tall with a lean build. She has dark skin, with faint freckles across her nose and splattered on her cheeks. Her dark brown hair is cut in a pixie cut, with feather bangs and a few lighter streaks throughout it from the sun. Her eyes are dark brown prominent. She wears a lot of makeup, to make them really pop. She experiments with makeup a lot so it is always done differently. She has a small nose and round cheeks. She has several ear piercings, and a small, faint scar along her jaw, and on down her upper left arm.
Background Info:
Ava was raised with her twin brother by their neglectful, and often abusive stepdad. When he found out that not just one, but both of them were gay he kicked them out. This was when she was fourteen. They lived with their stepbrother for a few years, but decided to leave because she felt guilty for the financial strain they were putting on him.

Josh Carpio
Height; Weight:
5'7", 130 lbs
Years in Blackwing:
1 year
Apartment Number:
Room Description:
The room is generally messy, with oil and water color paintings hung all around the walls. His bed is almost never made, though the other is always straightened up. There is a bookshelf in one corner with books filling every shelf, and the floor as well. In spite of the rest of the apartment, the bathroom is relatively clean.
Odd Trait:
He is very reckless. He gets very irritated over tiny things, such as the sound of someone chewing. He has a strange love for birds.
Physical Descriptions:
Josh is thin and about average height. He has dark skin with a few faint freckles on his cheeks. More on the right than the left. He has dark brown hair that is shorter on the sides and fluffier on top. It is usually pushed back, but when he wears it forward his bangs fall just above his eyebrows. He has dark brown, almond shaped eyes. His nose is small and he has round cheeks. He has a few scars on his back.
Background Info:
Josh was raised with his twin sister by their neglectful, and often abusive stepdad. When he found out that not just one, but both of them were gay he kicked them out. This was when he was fourteen. They lived with their stepbrother for a few years, but decided to leave because he felt guilty for the financial strain they were putting on him.
He is an artist, prefers painting and drawing. He also plays the guitar.
I'm glad to know you're all interested! I'll start a page for it in a bit. And in the mean time, if anyone else is interested you can still post here to let me know!
Great! :) If I get at least one or so other people showing interest pretty soon I'll go ahead and start on it.
So I was thinking of a roleplay about a small group of people with special abilities/traits or something, living in some kind of post-apocalyptic setting. They're mainly trying to survive while also avoiding being rounded up because of their abilities. Members could play either the people in the group, the people trying to capture/arrest them, or both. Would anyone be interested in something like this, and maybe help develop it and get it started with me?
Nevermind didn't see the full status on top, ignore this.
*Edit Later*
Name: Ava Aldana
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: Ava is tall, at a height of about 5'8", and lean. She has tan skin and prominent, dark brown eyes, which she usually frames with eyeliner and mascara, though she likes to experiment with makeup and clothing style. She has round cheeks and faint freckles across the bridge of her nose. She has a small, faint scar across her jaw. She has pixie cut dark brown hair with feathery bangs.
Personality: Ava is very outgoing and enthusiastic about life. She is an extrovert and loves to spend time with groups of people. She can talk a person's ear off over almost any topic. She can be arrogant and hotheaded at times.
Power: She can create and control fire
Sexuality: Gay
Other: Finley is her twin brother. She was raised by her neglectful, mean stepdad, who kicked her and her brother out when he discovered their powers. They have been living with their stepbrother for a couple of years. She speaks both Spanish and English.

Name: Finley Aldana
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Appearance: Finley is lean and stands at about 5'8". He has tan skin, and dark brown almond shaped eyes. He has faint freckles on his cheeks and across his nose, and a roundish face. He has dark brown hair with a few lighter streaks in it. It is shorter on the sides and back, and fluffier on top, usually pushed back, although sometimes he wears it swept partially to the side just above his dark eyebrows. He doesn't have a consistent style, because his sister likes to experiment with clothing for him.
Personality: He is more of an introvert, and prefers to spend time alone, although once he gets close to someone he will spend a lot of time at their side. He has a sharp tongue and often comes off as rude when he first meets someone; he doesn't make a very good first impression. He can be very reckless at times. He is compassionate and empathetic.
Power: Telekinesis
Sexuality: Gay
Other: Ava is his twin sister. He was raised by a neglectful, mean stepfather, who kicked him and his sister out when he discovered their powers. The two have been living with their stepbrother. He speaks both Spanish and English.

Welcome to Green Hill high school. If you have been accepted to our school it is because you possess unnatural, seemingly impossible abilities. You may not have been accepted in other schools. You may have been deemed dangerous or made to feel like an outsider. However, here you will be in a safe, supportive environment that celebrates your differences, rather than shuns and fears them. Here you will be given a traditional curriculum, as well as learn to control, master, embrace, and respect your powers. You have been accepted into our school because you are special. We hope you will attend so you may have an opportunity to nurture your gift.


Each person may play up to three characters.
Be respectful OOC
No explicit sexual content
Follow the moderation policy and use common sense.

Character Sheet

Appearance: (I prefer descriptions or realistic pictures, no anime)
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