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Yeah @Sightseer, hop to it
Why not, I'll throw my hat in here as well.
At this point there's probably enough money in that jar for a really nice dinner in Manhattan, sooooo

Oh boy, time to break out the "forgot to tag my post" jar again.
Sibley opened her eyes, her head still turned to the ground, as she felt a small nudge at her boots. The badger was curiously examining her - where did this badger come from? It looked not unlike the ones she saw scampering around in the forest behind her farm. A knot of fear rose in her throat. Were they near - did this place used to be -

She forced herself away from the thought as another woman stepped toward her, offering a cloak of what appeared to be forest debris. Sibley lifted her eyes to look the woman over as she carefully accepted the offer. "Thank you for your kindness." Her voice was small and weak, her words raspy from the pain in her mouth and throat.

The woman looked startlingly familiar. Sibley hesitated a moment, looking her over again and again. The cloak now wrapped tightly around herself, she looked again at the badger nudging at her boots.

No, it can't be.

Sibley turned and glanced once again at the others in the group. The woman who introduced herself as Ravness Beoulve seemed to think that the group was made up of heroes... from "throughout the ages"? The man dressed in scraps was asking about his home, and the man wearing equally bizarre dress read aloud notes detailing the peace and ultimate destruction of the kingdom, only to beckon forth a reanimated crow not a moment later. The old man who had offered his jacket to the scrap-wearing man was apologising for not recognising anyone present (in truth, Sibley herself didn't recognise very many present here; nor did she immediately want to be recognised until she was certain the company was good).

Perhaps it wasn't so impossible after all.

"Pardon me, ma'am," she nearly whispered, turning once again to the rugged woman who had generously given up her cloak. "Forgive my intrusion, but are you -" a brief pause as she coughed dryly. "By chance, are you the Green Sage?"
Valerie ~ Last Minute Party Prep
11:24 AM

Valerie skated full-speed down an empty side street, a canvas bag filled with groceries slung over her shoulder. She knew she needed to hurry - the beans for her plato típico were still on heat, and the last thing she wanted to do was burn them. It wasn’t her decision to go out and get more food - but Helen had insisted, and Val didn’t really mind. But the line at the grocery store was much longer than she’d anticipated, and the trip took far more time than she felt acceptable. Valerie would be damned if her main course was ruined because some lady threw a fit about the cashier not accepting her expired coupons.

She turned a corner and glanced at her watch. All she could think about was how close she was cutting it. She looked up to find herself nearly flattened by a grey minivan driving too fast for the residential area they were in. The driver slammed his brakes, and Val quickly stopped herself as well. “WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH -” she began shouting, but stopped as the driver - her older brother - stepped out of the car. He opened his mouth to speak, but she cut him off with a wave of her hand. “I’m running very late. I’ll see you next week.” And with that, she was off again, throwing another quick wave and a bright smile to her nieces in the backseat. As much as she loved to see her brother and his family, she just didn’t have the time to catch up right now.

Besides, she reasoned with herself, they did have plans for her brother’s birthday next Saturday. She would see them all then, and in a much more pleasant situation.

Not five minutes later, Valerie was back at the house. Helen was not on the front porch, where she had been when Val left, but she didn’t think anything of it as she skated around to the back door. She dropped to her bottom at the threshold and unlaced her skates as quickly as she could, and ran into the kitchen to save her beans - just in time, she found with relief, pulling the pot off heat and tasting it to find it cooked to perfection. Breathing a soft sigh, she turned to the counter where the homemade tortilla chips and salsa were -


She found herself face-to-face with Helen, a dish rag stained with her salsa clutched in her boney hands, the bowl up-ended on the floor and most of the tortilla chips gone. Val immediately realised what happened. Taking a deep breath, she put on the most gentle smile she could manage. “I’m sorry,” she almost whispered, as if to offset her previous volume. “Let me take care of this.” She carefully took the rag and threw it into the sink, and cleaned up the remaining mess as quickly and thoroughly as possible.

No salsa and chips. That’s fine, she told herself. There was enough other food to feed eight people. The burner was turned to its lowest heat and the beans were replaced on top - just enough to keep them warm. Taking a deep breath, Valerie found her boots, pulled them on, and went outside to finish preparations. She flicked on the small bluetooth boombox she’d set up, and trad jazz began flowing out of it. Dancing a little to the music, she added the new food she’d purchased to the buffet, arranging it as close to specifications as possible; once that was done, she stepped away and danced more freely, surveying the area to be sure everything was perfect.
@Rockin Strings you can click the "raw" button at the top-right corner of the post, that'll give you the raw code/text of the post that you can copy/paste.

Just be sure to only copy your sheet since there's other text on the post as well
Interested, I'll work on my character tomorrow
"The Flightless Pegasus," Torielle echoed softly. "Expensive and out of the way. Hmm. Perhaps Your Majesty will pay enough that I could afford it." It was supposed to be a joke, but her tone didn't support it. She turned her eyes to the ground as she realised how regretful a thing it was to say.

The heat of the building forced Torielle to turn her head further, bracing herself against the extreme difference across the threshold. As the doors were closed behind her, she shifted her scarf away from her face and head, revealing herself as she looked around with feigned interest. Her eyes swept across the interior, noting the polished stone and perfectly laundered linens that surrounded her.

More impressive than the outside, at least; but not nearly as impressive as the frozen water.

Her gaze continued sweeping as she followed the old guard, searching for something new and exciting. Finding nothing, she took a deep breath as she was led into the hall, a gaggle of strangers waiting for something to happen being their only greeting. Torielle shook her head as she looked each over in kind, careful to avoid eye-contact with anyone.

The guard apologised kindly for the delay; Torielle turned her attention back to him. "Forgive me, sir, but my tea?" She had better control over her tone this time, and smiled weakly, trying to exude a polite kindness in turn, but still pushing for that small comfort that was promised to her just moments before.
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