Avatar of Minato Namikaze
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    1. Minato Namikaze 9 yrs ago


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Artorias the Divine

Age: 32

Deity: Ares
Divine Blessing:
Stats: (level (exp))
Strength: G (10)
Constitution: G (10)
Agility: H (2)
Speed: H (1)
Will: H (1)
Power: G (10)


Burn: Small flames erupt from Atorias's hand.

Illusion image: An image of something is created.

Divine Skills:

Sword play

Battle Tactics


Divine Judgement
Artorias's sword, only weldable by two hands; and can only be truly mastered by a follower of Ares. It channels the battle energy of the user and allows them to utilize it in combat. It has some magical enhancements and is slightly stronger than regular steel.
Max strength: G, Max power: G

Crimson Knight Armor
The armor of warrior, offers great protection but slows down the user considerably.

Mundane skills:




Personality: Artorias is short tempered and swift to jump into a conflict, but not before carefully planning his first move; and maybe his second, third, and fourth moves as well. Some people admire him for his strength and divine linage, while others dislike his flaring hot temper and habit of starting conflict. However in the battlefield he can rally troops regardless of their opinions of him and has the spirit and charisma of a natural commander.

History/Bio: Artorias's mother was a blacksmith, she had a strong will and rough hands; probably why Ares took a liking to her. Although not enough to stay with her after getting her pregnant, he did leave his future son some gifts. His inheritance so to speak. After Ares left his mother to return to Olympus, she was very distraught. But she didn't want the village to see her as weak, so she married a rich and brash man by the name of Brandon shortly after the god's departure.

Brandon stayed with her throughout the pregnancy and was there when Artorias was born, effectively making him the boys father. Although it wasn't exactly a healthy relationship, Brandon was out most of the day during Artorias's early childhood and his mother had to attend to her forge. So during his free time alone Artorias learned how to read, it was difficult with nobody to help him during the day but after a few years he had mastered it.

It was around this time that it was becoming apparent that Ares was his father. He was very strong for an eight year old and got into alot of fights with other children in his village, this was all small evidence compared to the crimson arcane runes starting to show on his body. Once when he was twelve a child made the mistake of picking on him for the markings in his ignorance of their power, Artorias got very angered and for the first time his power manifested and the bully was set on fire by the power of his divine blessing markings; kinda ironic huh?

When Artorias was thirteen he apprenticed with his mother at the forge and learned basic weapon and armor smithing, but he decided it wasn't really his calling. He wanted to be a warrior, the thick of the action was his dream. In hopes of bettering his skills for this he enrolled at the soldier's academy in his village, where he studied for several years and learned the bulk of his combat knowledge. He was at the top of his class upon graduation and was easily the most powerful warrior in his village. When he returned home from his graduation ceremony at the academy his mother was waiting for him, with the gifts that Ares had put aside before he left her.

She bestowed upon him a two handed battle sword and a crimson suit of armor, of finer quality than even she herself couldn't create. This was the best present Artorias had ever recieved, he was thrilled; and couldn't wait to test them out in the heat of battle. Everyone told him that he had huge prospects as a guardsman, but he thought that was a boring lifeless husk of a career. and decided that he wanted to become a sellsword. It wasn't difficult to get business being the best in the village and all, after several successful jobs Artorias became known as one of the best out there; not just in his village. That kind of attention attracted all sorts of people, especially with the knowledge that he is the child of Ares. He began hearing whispers of a group called "rogues", he didn't know much at all; only that they had something to do with the divine and that they were bad news. Seeing this as a business opportunity, Artorias had advertisements established in the big city. He hoped to attract the enemies of these "rogues" and to charge them a pretty penny for his services.
@Masaki Haruna Looks good but it's missing a few things. The history needs some work, saying that most of it is unknown isn't really acceptable; but you can have it so that the IC players don't know your backstory. If you could elaborate on the personal reasons for wanting to become Hokage as well I'll accept her. Also you have one unspent skill point.

@Shard I love this character as I can personally relate to it, and your flashy format is nice :) Its accepted as soon as the history is finished.

@The Mad Hatter I like it and everything is in order, except I think you misunderstood the stats system. You have a total of 15 skill points to put in as you see fit, so your total stat numbers should equal 15. Other than that you are accepted.
Haha, Ive been checking the thread every night. Just been waiting for the sheets to be done really
Post them in OOC first
How close is everyone to being done their character sheets?
Hey. You got room for one more?

I just have a few questions before I officially apply for this.

1) I hate to point fingers and stuff like that, but you (the GM) made it rule number one that our characters not be overpowered, "this means no Jinchuuriki or other OP abilities from the get go." ... And yet, the first CS in the tab is a Jinchuuriken..? I don't exactly have a problem with someone being a Jinchuuriken, but if that is how little the rules and such will be enforced, this is no place for me.

2) The stats... How will this come into play? Will our foes have stats as well? Or is it for sparring matches and such between PCs? You mentioned that every battle will be decided by die rolls, but the stats will still have effect and all that, so I'm just wondering.

3) Since the RP is stat based, will one's "specialty/ies" have an effect on those stats? If I, for instance, make a character that I give a specialty for puzzle-solving and/or math or something that requires some brain-juices, then roll a 1 for intelligence, how will that work out? Or should we base our characters around the stats?

As Wayout stated, her character is only jin because she PM'ed me and we had a long discussion about limitations and restrictions; as such your character would be just as strong as her or even stronger without a tailed beast.

For your second question, The enemies will have stats; theoretically. But you won't ever see them, I'll be doing all the dmg calculations off chat; and then I will simply relay the results, how much dmg they dealt, ect. But I will describe your foes before you battle them so you have an idea of what they can take and deal out.

If your character has a specialty in something, then yes it would give a roll bonus to that action. Hope I could help!
I kinda wanna get this stared soon, assuming you guys are almost done with your character sheets. Does Sunday sound good?
Just as a heads up. I am putting together an explosive release from Iwagakure.

Im sure it'll "rock" my world
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