Avatar of MissIndependent
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 60 (0.02 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. MissIndependent 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Hey guys! Holidays are over (yay!) but tomorrow afternoon I will be out of town this rest of the weekend visiting family in MI. Will be back Sunday evening!
6 yrs ago
Starting Monday (12-17) I'll be off for a couple weeks for vacation and to spend the holidays with family. I'll reply as much and best as I can!
6 yrs ago
I'm back! Check out my new/updated interest thread an let's get something going!
7 yrs ago
Looking for a few more partners. ♥ Please PM if interested. :)
1 like
7 yrs ago
Back after a long hiatus!


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Most Recent Posts

[center]Hello everyone! Hope everyone is having a good day so far, whatever time it may be where you're at! My name is MissIndependent (Call me Miss for short), or just by my real name, Heaven. I've been a member here a couple years ago, but I've had a lot happen in those years and I couldn't find any previous information, so I had to make a new account, which sucks because I had some good RP's going, but life got in the way, so I'm starting out fresh! So, I guess you're gonna want to know a little bit about me, right? Well here we go!

::Facts About Me::

- I'm 23 years old, I'll be turning 24 in July.
- I have a 5 year old daughter (just turned 5 last week!) who will be going into Kindergarten this coming up school year.
- I've been RPing for about 10 years, give or take, and I really enjoy it. I'm not the best, but I consider myself good given a mistake here or there. But hey, who doesn't make mistakes from time to time?
- My favorite genres are fandoms, fantasy, or crime dramas and of course it's got to have romance. I'm a huge sucker for romance.
- I tend to play female roles more efficiently, but I don't mind doubling or playing a male every now and then. You've got to get out of your comfort zone to find out how good you really are as a writer.
- I play through PM's or threads, but that's it. I don't really like going through my email, mostly because I'm hardly ever checking my email messages, and I don't use IM's of any kind.
- I live in the state of Tennessee.
- I'm a fun person, really, I like to joke and cut up and get to know my partner[s] outside of the RP.

I guess that's about all I've got! If you have any questions feel free to ask, I'm an open book, and I'm really looking forward to RPing with some of you in the future! :-D[/center]
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