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    1. Miyke 2 mos ago
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Hello there! I never knew you if you had an old account on here since I just joined, but welcome back! I hope you have a fun time on her and rekindle some friendships and writing fun.
@Lord Orgasmo Do you mean for characters or plot?
Hello there! I'm looking for anyone that would love to join a wworld that's inspired by Warrior Cats. Not quite like it, although I did take a lot of inspiration from it. I hope you'll all give it a chance and enjoy it as much as I do. Everything you need to know, and what I have so far is listed below. Thanks for taking your time to check it out!

Name subjected to change. Once we get a lot and stuff. For now, this is a placeholder.

~The Colonies~

Rainclan cats have a wide variety of pelt colors, but the ones that tend to be commonly found are grey, black, and white. These cats lean towards eye colors such as hazel and pale green, but other colors such as blue, yellow, orange, amber, dark blue, and copper can be found.

Fernclan cats are usually born with dark pelts. These cats typically have brown, dark brown, black, and other variations of those colors for pelts. They are born with earthy eye colors such as copper, amber, green, and occasionally yellow, gold, or blue.

Meadowclan cats live in a less dense part of the forest. They have skinny body types, longer legs and tails, making them more aerodynamic than most cats. Coats change colors slightly with the seasons. They've been in the wild for many generations, so their coats evolved to change slightly to blend in with their consistently changing terrain. Like snow foxes. They have a wide variety of pelt colors, same goes for eye colors.

Springclan cats have evolved to have denser, oily, and more insulated coats and slightly larger paws with powerful legs and tails for swimming. They live by a large body of water where they hunt and swim in. Much like Meadowclan, they have a wide variety of pelt colors and eye colors.

Rainclan territory: From afar, the mountains look lifeless and cold. However, Rainclan has adapted to their territory and survived.

There are rivers that run through the mountain and forest parts of their home, where Rainclan draw water from.

Over countless moons, the early founders of this clan mastered the art of hunting in their provided space. This skill has been used to dominate large prey, and it's always evolving.

Rainclan camp: a clearing where they have set up their camp. Their make their dens out of the rock/caves of the mountain side.

where the leader and deputy call upon the clan from:

Prey and Predators of Rainclan:

Cooper's Hawks (Rare)
Golden Eagles
Bald Eagles (Rare)
Stoats (Uncommon)
Mountain Bluebirds
White-Footed Mice
Cotton Mice

Grizzly Bears (Rare)
Black bears
Birds of Prey

Fernclan camp: Fernclan cats like to stay unnoticed. They reside in a hidden, shaded rock hollow, with neighboring trees and undergrowth used for extra purposes and protection. From the front, the camp seems like a pile of rocks. But from behind, it opens up into the hollow.

The hollow has all sorts of cracks and crevices - this is an asset when storing prey and herbs, along with making dens and nests. Most warriors and apprentices sleep wherever they please or bother to make a nest around camp.

Territory: Besides the camp, there are a few other things that highlight what Fernclan territory is like. These nimble cats are trained to navigate rocky and thick-vegetation terrain to avoid injury.

During any sort of infiltration or invasion by another clan, Fernclan is at an advantage due to the thick undergrowth only they know how to navigate.

They like being in the shadows, even during leaf-bare. Cats have claimed it makes them feel protected. There are some streams that run through their territory.

Near camp is the Crepscule Tree. When ordered to go on night watch, a warrior will climb its branches to oversee the territory for threat. Prisoners and very sick cats are held here when needed.

prey and predators of fernclan:

Wood Mice
Deer Mice
Woodrats (Rare)
Rats (Rare, Uncommon to be caught thanks to often carrying illnesses)
Woodpeckers (Rare, Uncommon to be caught)
Small Types of Fish (In Ponds)
Insects (Rare, Uncommon to be caught, only if a cat is in desperate need will they eat insects)

Birds of Prey

meadowclan territory: they live in a less dense part of the forest with wide gaps between trees and some open plains for them to be able to run and hunt faster prey like rabbit and hare.


Prey and Predators of Meadowclan:

Field Mice
Mourning Doves

Birds of Prey

Springclan territory and camp: Springclan's camp is surrounded by the lake. The only way to be able to reach it is to swim or to cross it by a bridge/stone path.

They also have a wooded area to hunt in when the lake freezes over durning Leafbare.

Prey and Predators of Springclan:

Smallmouth Bass
Rock Bass
Mallard Ducks
Other Woodland prey

Alligator Gars
Other Predatory Fish


border between meadowclan and fernclan:

border between springclan and fernclan:

border between meadowclan and springclan:

border between meadowclan and rainclan:

border between rainclan and springclan:

border between rainclan and fernclan:


Summer Solstice celebrates kittens. Kittens get extra toys and attention and generally are treated extremely well. Expecting mothers get first choice of prey and special treatment. Kittens born on the solstice are considered extra lucky and will usually be named after the sun in some way.

Because cats don't know what summer is, they call it the Longest Day.

It's the same thing for the Winter Solstice, though they call it the Longest Night. Everything is the same as the Longest Day, kittens born during the Winter Solstice are often named after the moon, or winter-themed names.

Any cat that's an outsider that wishes to join the clan will be put through a challenge to see if they have what it takes to become a member of their clan. If they have the heart and soul to be a warrior. To prove themselves, after all, the clan isn't going to waste their time, energy, and prey on a cat that has no drive, no determination, not the heart and soul to be a warrior.

Participates must go out of camp alone at night, and bring back items requested by the leader. The items in question are different for every clan. They must do all of this alone and return by sunrise.

If the items brought back are deemed good, then the cat will be welcomed into the clan officially, and the clan celebrates with a ceremony. The cat is now, body, and soul, a part of the clan. If a cat fails, then the cat is exiled from the territory.

If a member of the clan still doesn't believe that the outsider should be welcomed in, they will need to prove themselves in a fight. If they win, they can stay. If they lose, then they must leave, and never come back.

Spirits Beyond are those who have died. They give omens, visions, and prophecies to living cats.

Spirits can pledge their soul to a leader. Nine spirits can do this, thus giving the leader nine lives. The spirit isn't separate from the leader. They can't hear or see the spirit once one has pledged themselves. Good and bad cats can pledge their soul.

A spirit can expend their power to help protect a leader; say if a leader got bit by a fox or wolf that would be fatal, the spirit would make it to where it didn't kill the leader.

The wound will not be healed instantly, and the cat doesn't die. The wound will need time to heal, and the leader will need time to recover.

Once a spirit has used up their energy, they will leave the leader, going back to the Beyond. Thus making the leader have lost a life.

Good and evil cats go to Spirits Beyond.


To be added.
This world is split into two different realms. At least the main ones. There are others beyond the two. The Dragon Realms and the Lost Realm. Dragons from the Lost Realm used to be part of the main Realm, but were banished years ago by the first set of Elders. The reason behind it is still unknown, lost to time. The dragons there split off into their own groups within the Realm, much like what happened in the Dragon Realms. All was peaceful within the Lost Realm until a wicked tyrant declared war. Some were all too eager to take part in it, others were against the idea and thus formed a rebellion to put a stop to it.

The dragons that wanted no part in the war to take over created a safe place to live and any young that were born, were trained to fight in the battle, safe and sound in the temple that was meant to hide them and keep them safe. A prophecy has foretold the birth of a legendary hero that would stop the tyrant that threatened the lands. The dark forces attacked the temple, hoping they would be able to get rid of the one that was meant to beat their master before the prophecy could come to light. They failed, however, as some escaped the raid, going deeper into hiding, now on their own without any Elder to teach them. They now had to fend for themselves in a dark world that was out to get them.

The fate of not only the Lost Realm and Dragon Realms, but even those beyond rest in the paws of one small dragon and her allies that will have to save the world from the dark threat that looms over them like a poisonous shadow.

Elemental powers Dragons (and other elemental creatures) can have:

Dream Manipulation (includes nightmares)
Dark Aether

Dual-types and multi-elemental dragons are a thing as well. Though these are rare and few and far in between. Other creatures can have elemental magic as well, such as a fire elemental fox or ice wolf. Though, the main focus is still going to be dragons. Just to make it a bit different and spice things up. Dragons are the only ones that can control time, aether, and dark aether. Not to say that others can't, but dragons have a stronger connection to those three and dark aether corrupts, so one must be careful upon trying to control it, no matter the species.

Are you brave enough to step foot in this world and help to save it? Or will you be the one trying to stop the heroes from completing their goal, wishing for the tyrant to win the war and rule overall?

If anyone's interested, please lemme know! If you have any questions, feel free to ask! I'll answer as best I can.

Thank you! ^^

Hello! Thank you very much! I'm happy to be here.
Hello there everyone! You can call me Miles. I'm an aspiring writer that loves to roleplay and make new friends. I came across this site looking for a new place to write and share my work with the world, as well as take part in other people's too!

I'm over the age of 21, so I'll only do darker themed Roleplays with people who are 18 and above. Don't want to scar any kids!

I'm a huge fan of fantasy, mystery, supernatural, paranormal stuff. I'm pretty chill with most stuff, so don't be afraid to come at me with a plot. I'll most likely be down for it. I like 1v1 stuff, group rps, you name it, I'm pretty easy going.

I'm someone who has terrible anxiety and depression, so I'm sorry in advance for mood swings and all that stuff.

I'm into fandom roleplaying as well as original stuff. I'm in a ton of fandoms and if I listed them all, we'd be here for days. XD

That said, I hope to have a wonderful time writing with you all and making some new friends!
The Pokemon world was once a peaceful place for all Pokemon to live in. However, as of late, things have taken a dark turn. Darkness is spreading across the world, corrupting and tainting others with the dark power, turning them evil. It's up to those brave and strong enough to fight the darkness and save the world!

Lune Guild: A Guild that focuses on recusing Pokemon that are in trouble. That is their main goal, to travel across Horizon to help those in need. The Guild is hidden deep underground. The theme there is night: Stars, moons, things like that you'll fine on bandannas and things. The outside of the Guild even have a moon and star together. Guildmaster: Sarrius the Espeon.

Solem Guild: A Guild that focuses on exploring uncharted territories and far away lands. While that is their main focus, they will help other Pokemon in need or in trouble should they come across them. They are opposite to Lune Guild. They, as their name means Guild of the Sun, have sun-themed things. Their Guild is above ground on the other side of town, with a big golden star on top. Guildmaster: Lula the Umbreon.

The two "rival" Guilds in Daybreak Town, each trying to prove that their way is better and out do each other.

-Locations in Daybreak Village-

Deluxe Square - This features most of the shops and businesses on the island. With item shops, banks, dojos. Everything is here.

Police Station - Daybreak Town's police station. Captured outlaws are kept in jail cells located away from the main offices. They cannot be seen from the main area where such activities as paperwork and interviews are done. When you walk into the station what you will immediately see is the board full of outlaw posters mounted on the wall in a foyer like area. If you turn left and head deeper into the building, you will enter the main office which then branches off into smaller offices. There is a large sofa in the main office for anyone waiting to be interviewed. An Arcaine named Pyro runs the K-9 Police Force.

Training Dojo- The dojo is an establishment built to help other Pokemon train, improve their skills and form new techniques with their current moveset under Eclair's tutelage. There isn't only the Ninetales working at the dojo neither. There are other Pokemon there, each for all the types, able to train them all in their respected element. However, it is still Eclair's dojo and she makes sure things run smoothly.

Shops - There are many shops in Daybreak Village. Some might just sell gummi's while others may provide you with a way to open those annoying treasure chests.

-Locations inside the Guilds-

- Common Room - A place where guild members chill out. They can spend their time here or in the Barracks when not on missions.

- Bedrooms- The places were Pokemon go to rest after a long day's work. You can have up to six members at a time in the room.

- Mess Hall - The Mess Hall is a rather large hall that splits into other, smaller halls to accommodate all of the Guild members for breakfast and dinner each morning and night. On the north side of the hall there is a doorway which leads to an extensive kitchen where all the Guild's cooks create these wonderful meals.

- Bulletin Boards - There are two boards, one for jobs such as escorting or exploring with other Pokemon, and the other for outlaws. This is where Pokemon go to pick a job they wish to tackle. Missions rank from E to S, easiest to hardest.

- Guild Master's Office - No one dares to enter there without being summoned.

Lune Guild

Guildmaster: Sarrius the Espeon

Guild Assistant:




Solem Guild

Guildmaster: Lula the Umbreon

Guild Assistant:




Mystic Guild

Guildmaster: Nepti the Vaporeon

Guild Assistant:




Valor Guild

Guildmaster: Flamea the Flareon

Guild Assistant:




??? Guild

Guildmaster: Verina the Leafeon

Guild Assistant:




??? Guild

Guildmaster: Frici the Glaceon

Guild Assistant:




??? Guild

Guildmaster: Linio the Jolteon

Guild Assistant:




??? Guild

Guildmaster: Sylo the Sylveon

Guild Assistant:




That's all I got for now so far. If anyone is interested in joining, post below so we can have some Pokemon Mystery Dungeon fun!
Hello and welcome! Hope you enjoy your time here!
I'm interested in joining.
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