Avatar of Miyke
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    1. Miyke 2 mos ago
    2. ████ 2 yrs ago


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Imagine if you did, though. Double the Gale and Breeze.
Today's the day! Time to put my dream into action!

Dewdrop made her way out of her home. The wind brushed by her, a gentle breeze that beckoned her toward the ocean. The shiny Oshawott followed the pull as she always did, the large water drew her to it, and she was unable to resist the call. Not even for the fact that she was a Water-type, and the sea was her world, it went much deeper than that simple fact.

The otter had been found outside the village without any memory of who she was or what had happened to her. Dewdrop wasn't her real name as far as she knew, having been given it by the loving couple that took her in. They hadn't had to do such a thing, but she would be forever grateful to them.

Her father had been a well-known pirate back in his prime. As she grew older under the watchful eye of her adoptive parents, she longed to sail the seas like her dad had done in his youth. Even if he wasn't her real parent, Dewdrop could tell that pirating was in her blood. She had spent many times trying to sneak onto ships that were sailing off into the never ending deeps of water, only to be caught before she could.

Always a bit of a troublemaker she was, getting into mischief, as well as adventurous. She was always looking for new things to explore and discover. The true making of a pirate she was. One with honor, that helped others that couldn't defend themselves. A pirate that, unknown to her at the time, would save the world from evil.

Now, she was old enough to make that choice for herself. While her parents didn't want her to go or follow such a dangerous path, the Oshawott knew it was her calling. Her destiny to be a world-famous pirate. Her destiny to save the world, and all Pokémon on it.

Before she could, she had to make her first step at her friend's house. Chomper had been her friend since she had been taken in when she was younger, only a few years old. The Todadile always believed in her dream to be a pirate when no one else had. He stuck by her, supported her, even when with her whenever she wanted adventure, knowing it would get them both into trouble. He was a loyal friend, and the first member of her crew she wanted on board.

Dewdrop made her way over to the other Water-type's house, knocking on the door.

Aw, I love Gale so much.
@Ammokkx Ah, alright. I look forward to seeing them when you post them.
Names can be tricky at times. Do you want help picking a name?
Name: Dewdrop

Gender: Female


Type: Water

Razor Shell, Quick Attack, Water Gun, Water Pulse, Aqua Tail, Iron Tail

Occupation: Pirate (Pirate Captain)

Team Name: Golden Otter Pirates

Team Members: Chomper

Appearance: Golden bandana on her head with a belt to hold her sword, map, and scope in.









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