I tilted my head, putting a finger to my chin. I thought about it for a second, casting my gaze to the side. "No. It's basically impossible not to run into some type of pest. I mean, even here, while we may not see them out and about, there's likely some sort of pest around, something that's managed to slip through the cracks."
I paused for a second. "Hey, I know that we've just met, but... could I ask you a question...?" Without really waiting for a response, I started. "Doesn't it sometimes feel like the world we live in... just feels wrong? Like, you don't belong here, or that something that is, should not be? Perhaps that... you weren't meant to be born in this world, but another one?" I chuckled and rubbed the back of my head. "On second thought, never mind, it's a silly question. I guess... this whole pest business has never sat well with me, that's all..."