Alexandra Andonova
You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
Location: Ville au Camp - Oak Tree (Refreshments Table) ⇢ Room 208 (Bedroom)
Skills: Rusyn Language
Skills: Rusyn Language
Alexandra absentmindedly drummed her fingers against the cellophane wrapping of the Twinkie that she held in her hands. Mind you, as it turns out, the beat she was drumming out to was the song "This is Me." It was a song she was meant to sing and perform to alongside her fellow Russian Imperial Circus folk. It was to be a performance to beat all performances with the sole purpose of Russia gaining a seat on the council. Unfortunately, Alexandra's untimely death meant she was unable to take part in what was meant to be a truly momentous event for her people. Nevertheless, it would seem that even now the song still struck a chord with her. Perhaps it was subconsciously a lifeline back to home. Perhaps.
She glanced around at the others, arching a brow at Faith and smiling softly at Gilbert. "Understood, old man," she replied, albeit a bit half-heartedly for her. At the moment, she was just sort of going through the motions so to speak. Her mind just kept going back to that odd feeling she had detected within herself, and her stubbornness made it practically impossible to just let the matter go. She looked sharply over at James, her eyes widening slightly at his exclamation. However, her attention was soon diverted again when she heard someone speaking to her. She looked back at Belladonna, blinking a few times as it sunk in that the woman was speaking a language that was familiar to her. It was the Rusyn language, a language she had been trained in back in her homeland. "Știi ce e în neregulă cu mine?" Alexandra asked inquisitively, though she ended up not waiting for the woman's reply at all. She was just too impatient to get answers. "Da, da, vă rog să mă urmați."
Alexandra placed the Twinkie back on the table and then gestured for the woman to follow her. She lead the woman back up the road to the Main House, her steps as quick as she dared with her still bare feet and all. She then lead the woman through the passageway and up a couple flights of stairs to the second floor where her room was. She pulled out the key from between her breasts and unlocked the door. And once she and Belladonna were inside, she quietly shut the door behind them. "Nov, vhat do you knov of my apparent predicament? That feeling that something is off vith me, it means something, da?" she inquired, turning to face the woman.