- Unknown
Location: The Castle - Attic (Inside)
Lyra's blue eyes widened, and a small strangled gasp left her pale lips at the raw intensity behind Myrus's reaction. As the attic wall exploded, followed promptly by several more small explosions, she quickly stumbled backwards, shielding her face with her arm. At the same time, she made a beeline for her young charge Queen Valda, whose words were mostly drowned out in the ruckus.
To her absolute horror, Valda was going straight towards Myrus and worse yet foolishly attempting to bring him into a hug. Though she didn't doubt that Myrus would never intentionally harm someone, especially not his family, it was clear as day to her that he lacked proper control of his powers. He was unstable, a ticking timebomb until he got some help.
"Valda NOO!!" she yelled, rushing towards her to stop her from touching him.
Yet, it was too late. She made contact with Myrus, yet the results were not at all as she had anticipated. She had anticipated Valda to be blown apart into bloody pieces, leaving the Castle without a queen and Myrus so mentally scarred he would likely be beyond help. However, that is not what happened. Instead Valda was completely unharmed and the red energy faded from Myrus's hands as he hugged his sister back and started to cry.
Lyra felt her heart restart in her chest, and her breaths were a bit ragged until she got her bearings again. Her gaze flitted over to Luna, and she gave her small nod, before her attention turned to Amarantha. She gave attic a quick onceover, before nodding her head in agreement. She walked approached Valda and Myrus, clearing her throat a bit.
"Your Highnesses, I'm sorry to break up the moment, but we really need to evacuate the room," she spoke up, her voice a bit curt in manner.

- Polish Proverb
Location: The Castle - Away from the Infirmary (Outside)
Tristan quickly made his escape from the infirmary, desperately needing a breath of fresh air. However, it quickly became apparent that relief or any sort of peace of mind would be evading him for some time. He came to a grinding halt just outside the infirmary, his gaze landing on the spot where he had seen his best friend collapse. The spot he had seen Fyror--
die. He took in a shaky inhale before doubling over as he tried to hold back the sobs ravaging his body.
In the back of his mind, he vaguely realized that he shouldn't do this out in the open, if only to save face. He knew that the
Physik woman was right. He had to remain strong for the sake of his kingdom. But how could he stay strong when his best friend had just been murdered right before his very eyes?
He felt sick to his stomach, and this time it wasn't due to the posion coursing through his system. He leaned back against the wall for support as he tried to regain a semblance of his composure. He roughly wiped the tears from his eyes with his sleeve, sniffling before he eventually straightened. He stared straight ahead, his blue eyes bloodshot. His movements felt forced, mechanical almost, as he walked down the hallway in the opposite direction that Skaoi ended up going. Right then, he felt numb to everything but the pain of true loss.