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    1. MrDevious 10 yrs ago


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I just hope more people join!
Thanks. I will edit some stuff now that I have a free moment.

Actually upon re reading it, I suppose it works. I wrote that his father knew the times have changed, and that Hyrule is a different place. But the prophecies are what Aryeh held onto until his elder years.
Okay. Will edit as necessary.
Name: Aryeh
Age: 21
Social Class: Wandering Warrior
Race: Sheikah

Personality: Aryeh looks at life as something to be lived, even if his personality doesn't really resonate with that. He's been alone for quite some time, so he has internal conversations often, and to others he may seem stone cold, and blunt. But deep down, he's a very kind, warm hearted individual. Selfless at times, especially if there's someone he considers a friend in danger. Wandering from place to place, doing odd jobs, and mercenary work, has broadened his mind a lot these past 7 years. His faith in the Golden Goddesses is unwavering, but he isn't ignorant about the learning of other cultures. He has a natural ability to fight, though he is only average in most martial arts, it's his will to win, his courage that usually gets him through. He fears death, among other things, but he embraces death, just as one would life... a necessary step. Only just arriving in the city, he's almost outcasted immediately, as the Hylians are extremely arrogant, and single minded. He doesn't pass judgement upon them, only wishes for a warm bed, warm meal, and maybe a job or two, and he would be on his way.

Backstory: Born to a family of four, Aryeh was the youngest of his siblings. His family lived in a small, isolated village near Lake Hylia. His father taught him and his 2 older brothers the history of the Sheikah, and how they were to protect the royal family of Hyrule. But times have changed, in the past, the royal family was different, this had turned into a dictatorship. The Sheikah were hated among their Hylian counterparts, for their devotion to the three Golden Goddesses. His father told them of the various prophecies, and visions that were to one day come. Aryeh was a proud, wide eyed boy at learning of all of this. As the years went by, he simply trained with his brother and father, hoping these prophecies would come in his lifetime. He was taught the basics of martial arts, sword fighting, spear use, kunai throwing, and archery among other things. On his 13th birthday his father gave him a small jewel with the Sheikah eye on it. His father was to explain more to him the following night, but but a passing garrison of Hylian troops were coming. They were declaring that this small village needed to be used by the Empire, and that if they didn't comply, only death would be promised. His father, being the leader of the village, made sure that the villagers listened listened and moved out. But Ayrehs brothers would not stand for it, as this was their home. Against their fathers word, they fought back, but we're ultimately no match for the garrison. The commander ordered the execution of the village, and for it to be burned to the ground. His father turned to him, "Aryeh, run, and do not look back. Run until your legs can no longer move!" So she did so, running in a direction he didn't know. He ran until the cries and pleas of help were no longer heard. He ran and ran, until he could no longer move, until he fell, and passed out of exhaustion. When he awoke, he couldn't bring himself to go back. He surveyed his surroundings, and the things his father taught him about survival kicked in.

That night, forever skewed his views of the Sheikah, and why they should protect the royal family. While the belief and worship of the Golden Goddesses remained, he no longer believed in his people's way. The vile Hylian empire had become something to destroy, rather than protect. For the next year or so, he would travel the lands, joining pocket resistances as a young mercenary. When he turned 15, after after a battle with one of the resistances he was apart of, he found a wounded Hylian soldier on the outskirts of the battle. Drawing his blade, Aryeh was going to end it quickly, hatred in his heart, his eyes. The Hylian flinched upon noticing Aryeh approaching. Tears welled up in his eyes as the moonlight gleamed from Aryehs blade. Aryeh watched the man a moment longer, and noticed the man clutching a cloth. He kneeled next next to next to the soldier, and took the cloth from him. The man, clearly fearing for his life, tried to lash out at Aryeh for grabbing it, but with his injuries Aryeh easily pushed the man down. Inside the cloth, was a ring, and a crumpled up flower. "This means something to you?" Aryeh asked, examining the items. The Infantryman answered, in pain, "M-my wife, and child...a gift for going away." Aryeh stood now, looking at the items, remembering his own family. Moments ago, Aryeh would have murdered this man, without a second thought. His fathers words rang out in his mind, his teachings. Forgiveness. Let it go. Aryeh tossed the items near the man, and sat the guy up. He tore off his armor, his mail, and tossed his shield away. The soldier was now in a simple shirt, and trousers. "If you wish to live, you are now a traveling merchant who was robbed by bandits, understand?" Aryeh reached into a pouch, and handed the man medicine, and walked away. He learned that not all Hylians are inherently bad, only that they are raised that way. "Try to be better than the rest of your people." He said, as he went out of view of the soldier, who sat there, in awe that his life was his own still.

For the next six years, Aryeh wandered the lands, still training, the same regiment he would do with his father. Still taking on mercenary work. Still learning everything he could, from everyone he came across. His heart had somewhat softened, no longer the anger and hatred filled boy he was long ago. He still relishes in battle, but not the kill. He literally decided his destination day by day, and on this day, he decided "Castle Town it is."

Triforce Apparent: Courage.

Skills and Abilities: Through his years alone, he's become an avid observer, so one skill he picked up was empathy, he can read most like an open book. His fighting ability is average, though he is speedier than most, his will to win and survive is his greatest ability. Also, he is skilled in smithing, but only for repairs. He couldn't forge a weapon.

Equipment: Cloth Armor, nothing special. Grey in color, the over coat hangs to the ground, and is somewhat tattered. A brown belt at his waist, along with a black scabbard containing his longsword, which is sharpened to a Keen edged blade. Around his chest is a leather strap attached to his belt, that holds a small quill of arrows. Also around his chest is a short composite bow.
Definitely interested. I'm going to go to work on a cs right away. Also, nice touch with the music, put me right into the world.
Username: MrDevious

Posting Habits: Will check up and post pretty much every other day or so.

RP Peeves: God Modding, inconsideration for other players, and having certain people make the whole thing centered around a group, and excluding the rest of the players.

Anything Else: Pretty much just working fulltime, and gaming.

Character's Name: Daniel James Acosta

Age: 26


Occupation: Odd jobs, anything that pays well really. Also, a part time cook at a small dive.

Beliefs/Religion: He was raised as a Christian from a young age, but he really believes in nothing now. He watched the church turn on his mother when he was young, so he ended up feigning away from religion, as he viewed it as skewed, and broken. If anything, he believes there is a God, but not to the point of prayer and worship.

+Very funny, at least to his friends. He tries to make people laugh all the time, through whatever means he has at the moment. Usually dry sarcasm.
-Also, he usually hides his true emotions behind the "funny guy" aspect of his personality. He's extremely shy, but one would never know.
+Very empathetic. He is an observer by nature, able to read peoples emotion through the slightest body language, ticks or other gives. He will usually act as though he doesn'tknow how others feel, just because he usually is trying to help the person open up to him.
-Selfless to the point of not caring about himself over every other person. Sure, its a good thing, but he's even willing to be hurt, and stay hurt just so someone else can crack a smile. He knows this isn't a good thing, as in his darkest moments, he beats himself up mentally about it. His biggest judge is himself.
+Loyal beyond measure. If you do open up to him, show him you're a true friend,who doesn't lie, he will ride with you through hell and back, without hesitation. He has been alone most of his life, and the one thing he feels, is that no one, absolutely no one should go through life alone.

Cause of Death: Ironically, after visiting his parents grave, he was in a car accident, that left him in a coma for several weeks, until his body finally failed, and he passed away.

Hobbies: Reading, writing, and playing videogames.

Fears: He truly fears being alone. Its something he deals with, but is also a constant fear in the back of his mind. He doesn't want to be truly alone.
So, I'm interested in this. Going to go to work on a cs.
So I haven't RPed in a long time, a very long time. But I figure, I used to love it, so why not give it a go again. So, with that said, name is MrDevious, call me that or Dev, nice to be around.
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