Avatar of MrZerkon
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  • Posts: 96 (0.03 / day)
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    1. MrZerkon 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current Onions are the new 42.


Sup. Call me Zerkon.
21 years old guy from the Netherlands.
Been into RP sites for like 9 years.
I like Games, Writing, listening music, Photography, Anime, Birds, and meeting up with friends.

Birds are important.

I photography cosplayers and nature, and I'm always looking to experiment in my pictures, which can result in either really awesome or really weird photo's.

The music I listen to vary very much, since I listen whatever appeals to me. However, most bands/artist are listen to are of the metal genre, and include, but are not limited to: Alestorm, Nightwish, Dragonland, Shattered Skies, Babymetal, Eluveitie, Cradle of Filth, Omnia and Faun. The last two are more of the Pagan folk music.

The games I play vary very much, since I play whatever appeals to me. Games that I concider "Good" include, but are not limited too: Child of Eden, Monster Hunter, F-Zero, Undertale, the Persona games, as well as the Blazblue games, Half Life 2, The Witcher 3, The Elderscroll games (All), The Fallout games (All).

The Anime I watch vary very much as well, since I watch whatever appeals to me. Animes that I concider "good" include, but are not limited too: Death Note, Cowboy Bebop, Kaichou-wa Maid Sama!, The Seven Deadly Sins, One Piece, Kantai Collection, Elfen Lied, Soul Eater, Baccano!, Cromartie Highschool.

That wraps it up I think?

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Most Recent Posts

Alrightie, the Ben post is done. Took longer then expected.
Ben Winters

Ben was lying on the sofa in the living room. Enjoying a nice glass of mint tea. He had decided to stay in the manor to watch over the kid, and maybe learn him a thing or two about using his powers. Just like Ben did when he was turned into one. However, he had to learn and control his powers all by himself. He also had to learn to supress bloodlust. Bloodlust was the biggest enemy of a Vampire, as it reduced you simply to a beast, longing for more and more. Never forget your roots was one of Ben's motto. Most Vampires are still humans after all. He just hoped for the kid that bloodlust won't take him over. If that happend he had to kill the kid, or at least repel him no matter what. Let's just hope that didn't need to happen.

He was still thinking of the proposal he had gotten from Grant yesterday. That guy wanted to trigger a whole paradigm of new faiths and events. What an intersting worldline this was...first the blood compact broken, and now somebody wanted to kill Dracula and that somebody had actually a pretty legit plan. Two events that already had sat this world on several different faiths and worldlines. The thought of kicking Dracula's ass was a very appealing one. That made it a dangerous thought as well. Because it was so appealing, one is easily willing to accomplish it. This wasn't just a random thought as well. It was a thought of killing Dracula. The symbol of Vampires all around the world. If you said Vampire, ones first thought was almost always the word Dracula. Now that he thought of it. He had some run ins with that old geezer in the past. Although they were briefly, they were almost always met with violence. He had lost one of his eyes in one of those run ins. So he had a reason to kill Dracula. Well sort of, since he now had learned to live with only one eye, and it wasn't really bothering him. Eh, why the fuck not? Let's just join this carnaval of madness, and see what comes out of it. If things go wrong, he could always disappear again. Now..how to contact that Grant.. Then he remembered that he had a phone. He never really used that thing, because those things were always so complicated for him. Yet he always carried one with him. For cases such as these. He searched his pockets for his phone. He then got it out. It was an old Nokia 3310. He got it a while ago from an old friend who thought it would be funny to give the then newest technology to an age old being. He then saw that he had one missed call. Since Ben never used his phone, he always had it on silent. He also preffered to call people, rather then be called. Since it was always unexpected and the ringtones those old phones had hurted his ears always. He checked from who had missed the call. It was from Nora. It was with voicemail however. He chuckled. He had forgotten that she had his number. He decided to listen the voicemail. Nora wished to speak with him before he took off. Sure why not? It was nice if he could speak to her once in a while. He decided to call back, but got voicemail. "Yo Nora this is Ben. Of course I would like to speak with you. However, could it maybe be in person. I hate using mobile devices." He chuckled, and then hung up. Weird things..those mobiles. He then stood up, to eventually get Grants number from one of the servants. He then dailed it in. Using one finger for each number. It seemed that he got Grant's voicemail as well. "Yo Grant, this is Ben Winters speaking. You have my cooperation for your plan. I would like to hear the details the next time we meet." He then hung up, and smiled. He was glad he was born within this worldline.

@Wick @Ojo chan 42 @dabombjk
Ben would like Dantis for sure
@wick What Ojo says. However, I can always type Ben's post out on my phone. However, I generally have more difficulty to post from there, since I always have music on to help my inspiration for posts, and I can't play that and type a post at the same time on here.
Still, I can always try I guess.

I'm just afraid that my posts will lower in quality.
Calis Everglad and Sasha O'Neill
Collaboration post with ojo chan 42

Calis was sitting in his usual chair, playing with his thumbs. Now what did he had to do… There weren’t many things for him to do here, besides walking around and waiting. He was looking at Sasha from his sides, as she approached the chair where he was sitting in. Then she asked the question he had been waiting for all the time. A sinister smile formed for a moment. “I will gladly accompany you on your trip Miss O’Neill.” He said in his friendliest voice.

After a while, they were walking on a forest path. It was pretty far away from the mansion. “Thank you for coming with me, I feel a bit safer now.” Miss O’Neill smiled as she said that. Calis grinned. Soon she won’t be smiling anymore. “Oh, the pleasure is mines. We can’t have you get killed by the Vampire that’s after you right?” He laughed in thought. Ooh how delightfully hypocrite from him. “I would not like that indeed, though I am kind of waiting for him to show himself.” Calis chuckled. Well she wouldn’t have to wait long for that now. But now he was curious. Why would she want to wait for the killer? “Oh really? And why is that?” “Because I wish to speak to him.” Alright, well time to reveal the killer then.

As she was walking down a hill, he stopped for a moment, then looked around. Maybe that Jean was in the area, spying on her or so. Vladimir could be the area as well. However, he would’ve smelled both, and he couldn’t smell any of their scents nearby. Now was his chance. He smiled, and then he disappeared in a little cloud of black mist. He reappeared behind Sasha. Holding her body and arm, and then putting his now extended nails on her throat. “If you yell, I will cut your throat in half.” He whispered. He saw that Sasha moved her free hand to her neck. “Mr Sanders?” He chuckled. No. Mr Sanders was no more. Time to go in his killer mode. “Well you asked for the killer to show himself right? So here I am. Calis Everglade. At your service…” he said the last part in an ice cold voice. He felt Sacha struggle a bit. However, he as a Vampire was stronger than a human. He tightened his grip nonetheless. “You got to be kidding me. You...you asked for refugee at Vladimir's house. Why in heavens name would you reveal yourself like that?” She was right. While it was a rather risky method, it was an effective method nonetheless. Otherwise, he could’ve never gotten this close to miss O’Neill. “Because a good assassination is about blending in and waiting for the right moment. Get to know your target and their friends a little bit.” When he said that, he got his free hand higher from her neck, to her left cheek. "And then bam.” With the last word a cut a little mark on that cheek. “you strike.” He felt her body tremble a bit. Yes..be scared of your doom Sasha O’Neill. Soon it will be over. “Calis Everglade... I suppose you are not the type to talk about this. I do not wish for violence.” Just like in their first conversation. Did she really think it would be more threatening now that the killer got her? “Oh, is that a treath I hear Miss O'Neill?” He tightened his grip even further. “What you gonna do huh? A pathetic female human as you can't win from a Vampire.” However, he saw Miss O’Neill getting something out of her corset. Then in a quick move, he saw a knife. Suddenly, he became very afraid. “What in lucifers…” His grip loosened on Sasha. Then Sasha used to knife to stab him in his arm. A sharp, burning pain, which he could feel through his whole body fell to him. “Argh…” he grabbed his arm. Immediately applying the healing factor to it. He then saw Sasha running away. Ooh now that bitch really had to pay… his eyes turned red, and he sprinted after her, with a vicious look in his eyes. Since he was a Vampire, he caught up quite fast with Sasha. He heard Sasha saying something about the hybrid. “No please Mr Everglade…” He grinned. “Yes Mr Everglade…” he then dived to Miss O’Neill, wanting to bite her. However, she hauled once more with her knife. Calis quickly dodged this time, and bit her in her neck, and sucked her blood. However, he didn’t suck that much, since he still wanted his payback for that stab she gave him. He heard her say something, before she fell unconscious. “You are coming with me…” He then took Sasha with his only good arm and dropped her over his one shoulder that wasn’t stabbed. He grinned. “Oooh the fun we will have...” He then saw the knife. Lying on the ground. He immediately felt that uneasy feeling again. “Blasted thing…” He then took off with Sasha into the forest.

@ojo chan 42 @blackpanther
Ben Winters

He followed the conversation between Rick and Grant. Still with folded arms. However, he was very much intrigued. Suddenly, the Piper girl ran in. Saying something about a transformation. Ah yes, it was full moon tonight… he chuckled as she ran out of the door. He chuckled. Well, there she goes again…

Sacha O’Neill…Why did the name sound so familiar to him? He did know that he heard the name somewhere else… Well those were later worries. For now, this Grant fellow, said that he would kill Dracula. Contradicting with what he first said. So now there were two individuals who wanted to destroy the lord of darkness? Interesting. He smiled. This could lead to a whole new lot of faith of this world… No doubt even a whole different timeline. However, there was always a chance that Grant was lying. He could always been send by Dracula to kill him. Ben knew that Dracula knew of his existence. He also could really think that Dracula considered him a ‘stray bullet’ as well. He could imagine that his powers were almost equal to that of that old geezer. However, he never really intended to seek beef with the old man, as he could never escape the wrath of his servants, should Dracuul ever be killed.

“Go ahead Grant. I won’t stop you.” Said Ben after Rick specifically asked Grant to bite him. That was slight relief for Ben. At least he won’t have to do it. He always hated biting humans. After the bite was done, he sighed. It was still kind of difficult to see a human being bitten. Even when he knew the kid requested it himself. Still, Ben knew the kid was going to be alright. The kid was smart; he could see that as well. Rick would be just fine.

Then here it came. His assistance was required. This was very a very difficult request, since he had always chosen to be neutral. Not to help faith, but let it play out by itself. Well…most of the times. Sometimes he helped a little bit. To let faith, play out in his favor. Still, this was a very big and important faith. This could mean a whole different timeline in itself when succeeded. “Well Grant, as much as I don’t like that old Vampire like every other being next door, I still have to think about this one.” If Ben was a servant from Dracula, he must have heard the name Ben Winters at least once. So Grant of course knew who he was asking for help. “As an elder Vampire, I’d rather prefer to be a watcher rather than somebody who acts.” He then decided to feel out Grant’s lie. He was also was intrigued. What Vampire could be on equal with Dracula himself? “Also, may I ask the name of your master Grant?”

@dabombjk @ojo chan 42

@BlackPanther I did that some times as well xD
@wick That's good. Nora and Ben could use some some interaction.
And no worries about his internet. We all have lives as well ^^
I can post tomorrow due to having no internet at all.
Because Ben doesn't like Dracula, and knowing that Grant serves him, immediately leads to Bem disliking Grant. He can say all he wants, but Grant has to convince Ben with actions, not with words.
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