I got about another 10 minutes before I have to be at the alley, and I'm about half-a block away as I hear the raid in progress. I wear not all-black for this because wearing all-black is a sure sign of drawing attention to one's self, but the dark colors and hat will help me blend into the alley way. I knew this raid was coming tonight and I wish I could've told my contact to avoid this area, but I wasn't be sure who it was although after some thinking I got an idea who it is.
One of the advantages of being a Prefect is I can stand off to the side and try not to blend in with the other police officers and just say I am observing the raid and making notes. Episodes like these are actually pretty useful learning tools for both sides mainly because rookies for both sides are sent out. The pawns go forth first while the real power players sit back and watch. They're above the fray and aren't too keen on getting their hand dirty in these situations. The police rookies see if they can track down anyone and the rebels see if they can avoid capture. It's almost like a glorified war games situation. Well except for the fact that live ammo is being used and that people are actually trying to kill one another over a wide landscape, but other than that it's just like war games. Sometimes my logic makes my head hurt.
As I step out of a side alley I hear a voice scream, "You stop right there!"
I pay it no mind and continue to walk and the voice yells again, "I said stop!" Suddenly there is a gun fired and misses me by inches. Okay now this person has my attention.
I raise my hands up and turn around slowly and just glare at him. He approaches me in a almost a sprint as he says, "On the ground now!" I continue my glare at him and he says, "I said on the....oh no...I...I..." The young man realizes what he just did and who I am.
I ask putting my hands down,
"What's your name Officer?"He replies with a shaky voice, "Umm...umm...Jacobs. Office Jacobs sir. With Metro South sector 2-14 sir."
I nod and ask,
"Are you scared Officer Jacobs?"Jacobs shakes his head and says, "No no sir. Just cold sir."
I chuckle and say,
"If you're smart you're scared. You don't know what can happen here on the streets and that fear will help keep you aware of your surroundings, and keep you mindful of your training. You handled the situation with me correctly, but never fire a warning shot. You never know when someone else is armed you fire a warning shot they could return fire. Always go for the wound never a kill shot first off. You don't know what information they might have or who they might be. Understood?" Jacobs nods and replies, "I understand Prefect. Thank you sir."
I nod up the street and say,
"Carry on Officer Jacobs, and so you know I was never here."Jacobs replies, "Yes sir Prefect." He salutes me and I return his salute.
Jacobs heads up the street I say to myself,
"There goes the future of Law Enforcement." I shake my head and roll my eyes as I make my way to the alley and wait.