He heard her words in his head. Her threats meant nothing to him. As she approached he stood in his human form unfazed. "Your threats mean nothing." He stated bluntly "I follow my own path even if it leads me to my death. That is my way not the way of a tribe that had faded into the shadows of myth and history long ago." Her eyes meant his but his eyes showed no emotion no sign of caring or humanity in them like any alpha would have for his pack. He had not changed since coming here five years ago. The only thing that had changed was he was responsible for more than himself now.
"If you wish to hunt fine. But I will follow no one." His whole life he had been alone even with his grandfathers teachings he chose to stay alone. But his people were a peculiar kind. They attracted people, drew them to becoming groups. He had always found this annoying.
As he looked into her eyes he saw she had no fear but also something different. Something all to familiar "вы, кажется, потеряли свой свет, а (it seems you have lost your light as well)" he spoke in his native tongue which was rare since he came to America. He looked to the younger wolf pass the rouge "Aurora stand down." His order strange but filled with his authority. He continued to watch Freya