Avatar of MysT3CH
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: myst3ch
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 503 (0.13 / day)
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    1. MysT3CH 11 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
Current Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans.
8 yrs ago
It always seems impossible, until it's done.
9 yrs ago
Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.
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10 yrs ago
Currenlly seeking 1x1s


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Thanks. :)

Edit: A question actually, were humans widely aware of the existence of the other species prior to thier fall from grace, or did most of the interaction happen during our "sleep"?

Or is that also up to us?
Name: Riel Noctis (Re-el Knock-teese)

Date of Birth: 03/30/2172 (33)

Place of Birth: Eior District, Marius VI, Varmulus Sector

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Height: 5' 11"

Weight: 216 lbs


Personality: Although generally taciturn and introverted among strangers, Riel is best described as thrill seeking and outgoing. He is full of contradictions, yet rarely a hypocrite, and never willingly so. Priding himself on his creed of honesty and devotion, Riel possesses an unnatural degree of determination. Once he makes up his mind to accomplish something, he literally stops at nothing until he has done so. Those who are close to him often claim he possesses a radiant personality, and that he is often capable of unintentionally imprinting his moods onto others.

While the emotionless or grim look that usually lines his face my suggest otherwise, Riel is in actuality a deeply loving and protective individual. Something which causes him to immediately hate any person or thing that causes harm to the things he cares for. As well as resent those that cause needless suffering. Interestingly, Riel also possesses a heavy cynical outlook on life. As an individual with a high level of self discipline, he is also impossibly slow to anger, and even harder to distract. Making him an formidably efficient worker when coupled with his genius leveled intellect and photographic memory.

Unfortunately, this, and his love of tinkering, often results in him being consumed by his work. So much so that he becomes inattentive or 'numbed' to the world around him. While this usually isn't a problem within the confines of an lab, it has frequently caused him to become a burden in the field. It should be noted that Riel also possesses a superiority complex, believing he is better than others because he is smarter than them. Thus, finds most of his species to be slow witted and uninteresting.

Likes: Challenges, Chess, Tinkering

Dislikes: Drinking, Smoking, The untruthful

Ambitions: Hopes to unravel the mystery of humanity's fall and use technology to reverse it.

Strengths: Technological Expertise, Photographic Memory, Cybernetic limbs

Weaknesses: One Track Mind, Superiority Complex, Overly Curious, Easily bruised


Fears: Going Insane, Being forcfully dependent on others/ helplessness

Interests: Science/technology, History, Women

History: Marius VI
Marius VI is one of the five small planet within the Varmulus Sector. Marius VI, unlike its siblings, Marius II - V, was once the only life-sustaining planet within said sector. The planets themselves orbit a trio of small stars which wad locally referred to as 'Trias'. Though it remains unknown as to how this phenomenon occurred, it is known that this was not always the case. As it was during
the formation of Trias that Marius Prime was destroyed. It is also because of Trias that Marius IV & V are eventually became uninhabitable, with one possessing oceans of lava upon its surface, and the other a desert planet on which water no longer remains.

Having always been a planet known for its technological superiority, Marius VI was once a global metropolis comprised of impressive architecture and beautiful landscaping. At one time, it was also one of the richest human colonies in the cosmos. However, following the 'Trias Event', two thirds of the planet's surface was destroyed. The remainder having been spared only due to the erection of a globally commissioned barrier. The likes of which was designed solely for the purpose of reflecting solar flares. Yet, despite this great feat, billions of lives had been lost. Along with most of the planet's wealth.

Since then the rest of the planet had become a wasteland. There the wreckage of the old cities remained, half swallowed up by the planet and buried by sand. Over time, these 'dead lands' became the place of exile for the undesirables of 'New Marius'. Banishment equalled death. The planet's core, which now possessed the only available drinking water, had since been hollowed out in the area beneath New Marius City. There they created the planet's only accessible well. Which the locals eventually came to call 'the hidden sea'.

Riel Noctis
Born to a post-Trias Marius VI, Riel had the fortune, and curse, of being the son of a prominent scientist. Which on Marius VI, had become equivalent to being born into nobility. Thus, Riel had been raised in a life of luxury, and robbed of a childhood. As his father, Andeal, had always forced the path of a Technologist upon him. Just as those who knew Riel always expected greatness from him.

Driven by the desire to impress his father, Riel spent every living moment studying. If it wasn't for a class test, then it was for his father's private ones. If his father wasn't around to quiz him, then it was so that he could impress him the next time he was. Still, to his disbelief, it was never enough. No matter how many perfect scores he achieved, or how many certificates of excellence he received, to his father, it was never enough. Within Riel's logic, there was always some sort of flaw. Some ghost calculation that he some how failed to see.

By the time Riel had reached his late teens, it had just about drove him insane. That was, until he applied to the Marius Academy of Technology. Where, as was standardly required by MAT, Riel was made to under go an I.Q. test. Ironically, despite all his achievements, and having built his first space capable engine at age twelve. It was only after he got his results that the genius he was, was recognized. Graduating with scores which rivaled those of the late Technologist Legend Brax Ular, the designer and builder of Marius' protection field. Riel not only surpassed his father's impossible expectations, but also became globally revered as the most promising mind of his time. Among his people, he was almost a king.

As the years went by, Riel would go on to make several advances in technology. The most notable of which was done under the employment of 'ScionTech'. The company responsible for the mass production of Marius' two core sources of income, Weaponry and Spacecrafts. There Riel designed the 'Energy Recycling Converter'. Which when used in conjunction with Marius' protection field, would in theory allow the inhabitants of Marius VI to safely channel Trias' energy for a variety of uses. Potentially creating the first true method of clean, renewable energy.

Unfortunately, it would be that particular accomplishment, that would change Riel's life forever.

Civil Unrest on Marius VI
Shortly after the completion of Riel's device, Marius' government confiscated it and ordered Riel turn over all research related it. Which he reluctantly destroyed instead, fully aware of the political game that had now come into effect. While half of the government wished to use the device as it was intended, as i means of immediately bettering Marius VI's quality of life. The other half sought to additionally profit, thus proposed weaponizing the device. Thus, as time dragged on and tempers began to flare, the people of Marius VI also begun to divide. The planet came under threat of its first civil war.

As a means of avoiding this, Riel was left but with one choice. To destroy his device. Although doing so had brought a fragile peace to his world, the ensuing explosion had also robbed him of both his arms. Nearly causing him to bleed to death and bringing what looked to be a permanent end to his scientific career.

A Journey's beginning
It was only weeks following his accident that Riel was visited by the (insert name of intergalactic human military here) at his residence on Marius VI. Brandishing an offer which Riel was in no position to refuse. In exchange for his unconditional services, they would restore his arms, and with it his life as a scientist. Hence, it was with great joy that Noctis agreed to under go cybernetic surgery and became outfitted with what was at the time, the latest military grade cybernectic implants.

What happened next still remains a opaque blur. As the last moments Riel can remember was are falling asleep within his pod.

Romance: Yes

Sexual preference: Heterosexual

Military Rank: N/A

Combat Skills: Minimal, combative capabilities based on superior strength of cybernetic limbs.
Myviewing said
I think we might be able to form enough to have something going. I kind of had a feeling turnout would be like this so just a final bit I'll be giving faction control to everyone participating. If that's cool then I'll get an OOC up as soon as possible. It's getting late on my end right now.

Sweet. In that case i guess activity check?! 0.o

I'll cast my vote for Mercs as well.

Interested in playing a human adept.
^ This

NAME: Embrul Lod

CLASS: Varies (See lightsaber)

POSITION: Jedi Battle Master


AGE: 33


PERSONALITY: Embrul is genuinely cold and heartless. Always picking the most logical choice over the morally correct one. Due to his military based upbringing, he is also extremely disciplined. Taking and executing orders without hesitation or second thought on the matter. While generally quiet and mysterious from the get-go, Lod has proven to have a serenely sadistic side. Although it only appears when he is forced into a life or death situation, seeing as that is when he is 'having fun'. However, despite his stoned exterior, he also has a softer side. Revealing himself to be a true romanticist as well as poet when around certain females. On top of this he also possesses a vast understanding of warfare, giving him the ability to analyze most of the situations he encounters fully and develop the most effective strategy mostly without fail. Embrul as the Battle Master of the Jedi Order, has never been seen to show any signs of emotion when engaged in a mission or fight, regardless of the circumstance or foe. Due to his steeled manner, he was often referred to as a "Demon of the Order" by some of his fellow masters.

As far as Embrul goes in regards to views, he is basically neutral. He finds elements of both the Sith and Jedi interesting, though he claims they are one. He believes that there is always a time and place for everything, and that all is as relative as it is absolute. At times he will agree strongly that a more passive and lenient approach is required to meet victory, while at other times he agrees that a vicious, remorseless and savage assault is the only way to prevail. Lod's philosophical belief in regards to the force is that, regardless of it's nature, it is always one. Because of this he will sometimes choose to do nothing to help ether side of a struggle. This way of viewing the force would later become Known as the Potentium Perspective in 132 BBY (3823 ABC).

APPEARANCE: Originally standing at five feet eleven inches with a weight of a hundred and seventy-five pounds, Embrul appears appears as a powerful and robust individual. He possesses a slim yet athletic build, which is well toned. A by-product of his years of training. Said body is also covered in numerous burn scars, which he received over the years during his time as a Jedi. His hair, which is of an dominantly dark brown color, with subtile streaks of both blonde and red hair, is of medium length and is usually styled in loose upwards spikes. His eyes, which were originally a dark brown in color, are now marred by a horizontal burn spanning from eye to eye. The result of direct exposure to a dry chemical which robbed him of his sight and caused his irises to become a pale yellow in color. It is because of this that Embrul always wears a cloth bandage over his eyes.

In terms of clothing, Lod wears a uniquely designed Jedi battlesuit. Which increases his height to six-feet one inch, and his weight to one hundred and ninety-five pounds. While it was constructed with the means to provide conventional protection, it should be noted that it's primary function is not to serve as an armor, but as a medical apparatus meant to provide a steady dose of analgesics. A treatment required due to a severe spinal injury he received during his first conflict with the sith. Said armor is white in color with black cloth undergarments. The helmet possesses a built in communicator, while the left gauntlet possesses a hologram emitter. The likes of which can be used to both recieve and transmit holocommunications. Emburl is also known to wear white jedi robes atop his armor. However, this is only done when he is attending formal business within a Jedi Temple. When in the field, he merely wears a white sleeveless hooded robe atop of his armor.
LIGHTSABER: Embrul wields a single Custom built lightsaber with a dark blue crystal. Lod's lightsaber, is actually an mutli-stage saber custom built by Embrul himself. It's hilt, which appears to be slightly longer than most standard lightsaber hilts, is actually two smaller hilts designed for agile dual wielding combat. When connected however, they also have the ability to be simultaneously activated. Allowing Lod to use them like a pseudo-saber staff.

It's most notable feature however, is the way it functions as a single bladed saber. By drawing on the power of the second crystal, the saber is capable of augmenting the output of its blade. Allowing it to increase the potency of the blade and enable it to burn hotter. Thusly increasing its potential cutting power. Allowing Embrul to cut through substances with less effort, and gradually cause an opponent's saber to become unstable the more his makes contact. Due solely to the different resonating frequency of his lightsaber's blade in this state.

However, prolonged use of this state will eventually cause the weapon to overload. Effectively disabling its functionality for a twenty-four hour day. The lightsaber can switch between stages by utilizing three additional switches upon its hilt.

COMBAT STYLE: Although Lod is well versed in all forms of lightsaber combat. Embrul's preferred combative choice is a personalized style he refers to as "Warutsu" or "The extirpating Waltz". While it is not an official form, Warutsu is the practice of the combined use of Form VII: Juyo, Form IV: Ataru and Form V: Djem So. While it primarily focuses around the use of Juyo, it also incorporates elements of Ataru as a means of using the intensity of Juyo to increase the overall fluidity of movement. As well as elements of Djem So as a means of using intensity to increase the power of one's strikes. The result being a wild, unpredictable style fueled by explosive movements that uses acrobatic prowess to increase the power and effectiveness of each strike. It operates on a greater risk equals greater reward system. Meaning that the more dangerous the maneuver attempted by the user is, the deadlier said move is to the target.

FORCE POWERS: Although Embrul isn't as well known for is mastery of the force as he is for his mastery of the lightsaber, he is still capable of using it exceptionally well. Having mastered a degree of abilities to great effect. They are as follows;

Force Absorption - Lod's most notable ability. His mastery of this is so great that he is rumored capable of both deflecting blaster bolts and catching lightsaber strikes with his hands.

Force Sight - Due to his extensive use of this ability after loosing his sight, Embrul has become so proficient in its use that his prowess has been compared to that of a Miraluka's on more than one occasion.

Moderate Telekinesis - Aside from the force, pull, push, throw and move objects techniques, Lod is only capable of using this to perform telekinetic lightsaber combat. Though his skill with a saber through the force is minimal compared to his skill using his hands.

Force Speed

Force Body

Alter Damage

Force Jump

Cleanse Mind

BIOGRAPHY: Embrul was raised and trained at the Jedi temple on Alpharidies since the age of five. There he studied under a Zabrak Jedi by the name of Mit Nuagi. He was later transferred to Coruscant for his Jedi trails where he became the padawan of a Miralukan Jedi master by the name of Draga Psi. However, Embrul failed his trails, having been judged to be vastly proficient with a lightsaber yet lacking in his under standing of the force. Thus Embrul continued to serve the order as a padawan for nearly a decade before he was hesitantly deemed worthy of potentially becoming a Jedi Knight.

However, before he could retake the trails, he and his master encountered a powerful sith warrior during a mission on Mandalore. It was during this enconuter that the Padawan suffered his spinal injury and was robbed of his vision at the hand of the sith. Who was also responsible for a majority of the scars now preset upon his body, as well as the death of Draga Psi. Who gave his life to preserve Embrul's.

Thus, it was months later after Emburl had returned to Coruscant that the Jedi council commissioned his armor and placed him under guidance of a new mentor. Unfortunately, it wasn't until almost a year later that Embrul was actually capable of Physically accompanying his master on missions. During which time he studied the philosophical aspects of the force. Eventually developing the ability to see through the force after embracing a view eventually known as the "Potentium Perspective". Which states that the force, regardless of its nature, is one universal entity. Thus implying that there is no dark or light side of the force, just the force and how one uses it.

Having spent years dutifully following his new master, Jacen Rabba. In an attempt to prove, both to himself and the order, that he is worthy of indeed becoming a Jedi Knight. Embrul was finally given his chance when the duo later encountered the same sith warrior that had crippled Lod upon Ord Mantell. Where, during a mission to retrieve a kidnapped republic senator, they discovered a group of smugglers had been running an illegal slave ring. Under orders from said sith. While they two were able to defeat the sith, it was Embrul who managed to not only subdue and capture the sith, but free the slaves as well. A feat which earned him the favor of the Jedi counsel, as well as the rank of jedi knight.

As the years progressed, Embrul began to grow in strength. Having taken it upon himself to learn all the forms of lightsaber combat, a feat that, after many years, he was able to complete much to the council's disbelief. He eventually became revered as one of the most talented Jedi within the order. Having come to possess a master of the lightsaber once believed to be unattainable. After being moved by his philosophy of the force, the council later made Lod a Jedi Battle Master, and charged him with the task of overseeing the physical training of the future generations. Sadly, even he wasn't ready for battle soon to come.

After barely surviving the battle of Coruscant and the collapse of the Jedi Order, Embrul gradually found himself among one of the remaining Enclaves of the Jedi Order. Where he continued to serve in hopes of one day reuniting the Jedi, and restoring order to galaxy.

Highly interested in this.
"Make yourself presentable. We're opening the door."

At this Tyler jumped, her bright eyes glaring at the door with excitement as she quickly sat up upon her bed. Although she was already partially covered by her neon orange jumpsuit, she quickly hoisted her arms into it's sleeves and zipped it up as to cover her bare chest. Finch then leapt up and off of the bed. Feeling uncomfortable under the tight clothing, which was only so because she had long out grown it yet didn't care to request a new one, Tyler then unzipped the top of the jumpsuit as to reveal her cleavage and lessen the tightness in her chest. The girl had only just bent down as to tighten the laces of her black steel toed boots when the door shot open.

A mere meter for the doorway, Tyler was clearly visible in the moment that the steel door electronically opened. As she had looked up, hoping to catch the faces of the men whom had been sent to retrieve her, she was caught of guard by the sudden mass of white light emanating from the bright hallway. Thus, she was temporarily blinded and unable to notice the manner in which the shorter of the two men hungrily stared down her shirt. Smirkingly eyeing her whiles as his companion spoke. It was only after she had decided to stand in compliance with their request to exit her room that she noticed the shorter man suddenly avert his gaze.

She growled audibly. The words "I'm up here dwarf" being spat at him the instant she moved passed up and began to follow the apparently more profession of the two security officers. Her eyes an continuous squint as she tried to adjust to the bright lighting of the hallway.
Never drop your fucking guard!

Repetitively slamming a thumb against the circular buttons upon her wireless game console controller, making an occasional awkward jerk away from the television before her as to nearly destroy the controller's analog sticks, Tyler Finch spat a cry of frustration at the small screen. Watching with annoyance as an dagger wielding gladiator was decapitated by another warrior wielding a sword and shield combo.

"Oh, come on!" The girl let the black controller fall from between her small hands. Leaning back, Tyler also let her lean body fall back, allowing her head to fall upon her bed moments after the controller had landed in her cross legged lap. "How can Spartacus suck ass when the game's called 'Spartacus'?" As she spoke, she let her hazel eyes trail over the ceiling of her room before moving them over the rest of it.

Her 'den', as she often referred to it, was of standard Foundation layout. Its floor littered with old magazines and white walls filled with tiny fist sized holes. All in all, it was what many would call a mess, save for the little section next to her television in which her game console sat. After arriving, it had been the only thing she had asked the Foundation for. Since then, she had made a habit of asking for a new game every time she helped with a new specimen, the last of which she had been disappointed with.

With a sigh, Tyler rolled over onto her side. Trying to recall all the specimens she had worked with in an attempt to keep her mind busy. To remind herself that her life had made a difference.
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