Days said
I'll fix that then.Why is my character not in the accepted CS's?
Andae said
Glad to see that you didn't all jump on the mega powerful Roles.Would if be possible for either Mizuho or Makatsume Haru to use one of the super Roles, that way, we'll be able to balance out the power levels for both factions.Prefferably either Vampire or Summoner, since we appear to have a mainly defence oriented Pulse group (With Anderus and Kiani both having Synergist abilities xD)Also, if you all view my CS, I'd like you to set up your abilities in the same way, listing ALL Abilities available to that role, and then MARK 3 for each role, however, as you noticed with my Juggernaut, not ALL of a certain role's abilities will be available to a character in the grand scheme of things, try to nerf the roles, don't want any world ending battles later on, that is reserved for Fang and Vanille.
Mizuho said
No, I meant as in, can they use abilities on their own, or do they rely solely on summons?
Andae said
No, only the Juggernaut gets a unique ability, as stated in the role description.