How about this, i can PM you the CS and we can discuss where the chara fits in best?
Edit: or Skype it over if you prefer.I'll just post it here. Feedback's welcomed from everyone.
Name : Aimee Rapport
Nickname/Alias : Lilith
Age : 18
DOB : January 1st
Gender : Female
Sexuality : Bisexual

Other Details: The black marks Lilith possesses across her body are a result of the Dark Art used to create her.
Personality : Once a playful, loving and sympathetic girl who loved of all living things, Aimee, as Lilith, is now cold and calculating. Although her face is, for the most part, always hidden. Lilith appears to be robotic and drone like in nature, consistently exemplifying an apparent inability to experience and express emotion. Due to this, her face always holds a blanked expression, with the only exception being the shocked look she takes on when experiencing pain. It is this zombie-esque demeanor that causes most people to either experience fear, or a feeling of unsettlement in her presence. Lilith is also noted as being an unquestioningly loyal individual. One who will go to any length to fulfill the will of her 'master'. While she is fully independent in thought, and, in actuality, extremely intelligent. Many who are aware of her origin no longer consider her to be human.
Arsenal : Lilith Carries only a white half mask, which she always wears over her face. While this mask does not possess a name, it is capable of magically granting its wearer temporary access to their Second Origin. However, it constantly drains magic from its wearer when active. Lilith is seemingly capable of activating its effects at will, with the mask's eyes, which are usually empty shadowed slots, glowing with a bright yellow upon activation. See Appearance for Visual Reference.
Magic Type : Caster Magic
Mage Rank : B Class Mage (Without Mask), A Class Mage (With Mask)
Magic :
Nullification Magic,
Spells :
Biography: Born to a modest family, Aimee Amelia Rapport grew up comfortable in her home within Balsam Village. As a little girl, she would spend entire days helping her parents manage the Inn. Something she took pride in doing, as the building also served as her home. Her true passion however, was singing. A talent which often earned her praise from many of the Inn's guests. Gifted with a truly beautiful voice, Aimee probably would have been a famous musician, had her father only remained faithful to his vows.
Calum, Aimee's father, had been married to his wife, Maria, for nearly two decades. Yet, despite loving her, he had also been cheating on her for the last six months. Haven fallen in love with Calum, his lover and receptionist, Estelle, eventually asked him to leave his wife. Only to her shame when he explained that he couldn't. It would be her wrath that would irreversibly change Aimee's life forever.
Deciding that she would rather see Calum dead than watch him continue to use both her and his wife, Estelle then issued a job request to all the mage guilds of Fiore. A million Jewels to whoever brought her the head of Calum Rapport. A job that the Dark Guild Lupin Claw accepted without delay. Thus, Estelle had unknowingly sealed Aimee's fate.
When Lupin Claw's hit squad, 'Cerberus', arrived, all hell broke loose. Having been celebrating Aimee's eight-teenth birthday, her entire family, as well as most of the Inn's guests, had gathered with the main hall. Dancing and Clapping as Aimee sung an array of songs, they never stood the slightest chance. Determined not to leave any witnesses, the Dark Mages even slaughtered Aimee's four year old brother Roy. Aimee herself, had been run through before she could scream for help. But death was only the beginning for her.
Having been buried within an unmarked grave, like all the other victims of the 'New Year Massacre', Aimee's body was eventually dug up by a coven of Dark mages. Experimenting with reanimation, and armed with a book of Zeref, the coven repeatedly used multiple corpses as test subjects for various incantations and spells. They knew only failure, until they managed to use Living Magic to breathe new life into Aimee's lifeless corpse. Though she looked and sounded like the young she once was before, the being the coven had created was merely a 'demon' in human skin.
Unable to maintain control of the reincarnated Aimee, the coven was then slaughtered by their own creation. Which, thanks to their efforts, now wielded both Nullification Magic and Telekinesis. Confused and unaware of who, or what, she was. The returned Aimee then aimlessly wondered the world. Without purpose or a sense of self identity.
At some point, she was discovered by (Either Rune_Alchemist's Character or the main villian). (Name) who eventually became aware of what she was, after travelling with her for some time, was the one who then named her Lilith. (He/She/It) also help train her in the use of her magical abilities and gave her mask. As a reward for giving her both a purpose and a identity, Lilith then vowed to always serve (name), whom she began to call 'Master'. Currently, she continues to accompany (name) and aid (him/her/it) on (his/her/it's) quest.
As a creation of Living Magic, Lilith is what is commonly known as an 'Immortal Being'. Meaning, that while attacks and injury can still kill her, she is no longer affected by time. Thus does not age. While she is unaware of it, and does not show it, she is deeply in love with her Master.Lilith does not need to eat, sleep or use the washroom. However, her body still functions as a normal person's does aside from those. Lilith's body is physically fragile. While she possesses an unbelievable degree of stamina, even weak physical strikes tend to do moderate damage to her. Thus, she can be easily crippled or killed by a heavy blow.