Avatar of MysT3CH
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: myst3ch
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 503 (0.12 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. MysT3CH 11 yrs ago


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Current Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans.
8 yrs ago
It always seems impossible, until it's done.
9 yrs ago
Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.
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Currenlly seeking 1x1s


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Morning Shifter!
BrassOtter said
Heeeey my internet ate my post. Fan fucking tastic.

Please copy your post before you submit in case the server is having trouble. That way you won't lose your post if you end up on an error page.

^ This. Lol <3

- Added Lilith's post to the IC.
Finally got a chance to post for Verin. TT_TT I'll edit in Lilith's once i get it done.
Breathing deeply, Verin flexed and relaxed his arm before standing. He hadn't been down long, but already the Wyvern had once again been engaged by both Chloe and Rurik. Both of which assaulted the beast via an impressive display of their proficiency with magic. However, just like before, they were each pushed back. Unfortunately, the moment Verin stood, the mountainous green beast had made him it's target.

Leaping agilely into the air, it roared as it barreled towards him. It's large wings spread open widely as it dive down upon him. More out of instinct than will, the young mage quickly leapt to his right. He completed his evasive roll just as its powerful hind legs clawed at the earth were he had just been. With an heavy bang, the Wyvern then landed, having been left without room to maintain a low altitude flight within the small clearing.

Without hesitation, he then pivoted as to once again face the beast. His crimson eyes slits as he stared daggers at the winged creature. Watching as it once again lowered itself onto all four limbs before finally turning to face Verin for the second time. Having noticed his sword protruding from the earth not two feet ahead of him, Verin had hoped he could slowly make his way to it. It was only after he had taken his first step, when the Wyvern had charged at him, that he quickly broke into sprint. Attempting to reach his polished black steel weapon before the monstrous lizard could reach him.

He would have too, were it not for a stretching horizontal slash from one of the beast's winged forward limbs. To close in proximity to successfully retreat, and left without time to effectively counter, Verin's only option was to evade. Hence he hastily jumped upwards in an attempt hurdle the Wyvern's attack. Still, he was too slow, and the was knocked off his balance as the lizard's claw skimmed the one of his feet. As a result, he landed on his back with a painful thud next to the large creature's feet.

Without thinking, he then inhaled, channeling his magic into his lungs as an black magic circle briefly appeared in the air just above his mouth. Realizing where he had landed, the Wyvern immediately pounced. Yet, just as it was about to claim victory with an heavy downward stomp, the magic circle vanished. Only to be replaced with an intensely hot torrent of black flame as Verin exhaled, releasing the spell he had been preparing since he first struck the ground.

The Flame God's Bellow. Even without an incantation, it instantaneously rocked the green giant, who quickly ducked it's head behind the set of wings it now used to block Verin's shadow-like flames. Loudly, it roared in defiance as the scorching fire began to burn both the skin and scales off of it's wings. However, it wasn't until the Wyvern had flinched, momentarily yanking open it wings as to save them from further damage, that the spell yanked the beast off of it's feet and sent it reeling away from the young mage. The creature had been launched about a meter into the air before it thunderously slammed against the hard earth a few feet away.

"We need to work together!!!" The words escaped him as he rose to his feet and began rushing back toward his comrades. Attentive eyes trained upon the beast the entire way. He had had to yell in order to be heard over the deep and menacing growls the furious Wyvern had now begun to make. As his eyes fell upon Chloe, something clicked, and an idea suddenly flooded his brain.

The Hammer. He had witnessed the way Chloe had used it to nearly beat the beast into submission. Alone, her attack had dealt more damage than any of the attack Rurik and himself had managed to throw it's way. Not to mention, that after what had just happened, Verin had proved it wasn't immune to the heat of his flames. A smile lined his face.

"Hey Chloe! Wha-do-ya think about introducing a hot hammer to it's face?"

-=\ Ω /=-

Within the confines of a large and stone walled cavern, Lilith sat mounted upon the corpse of a long deceased Mountain Vulcan. The former inhabitant of the spacious cave. Its corpse, in its entirety, dwindled away in a rot, causing the stench of death within the room to thicken and stain the immediate air around it. Just as its coagulated blood had stained the cold rock beneath it. Overhead, a single row of ten troches protruded, mounted upon the lip of an slightly elongated ledge. Her face hidden by the shadow of the aforementioned ledge, Lilith trained her disinterested gaze upon the five rune knight in restrains before her. Patiently, she waited to see if any were now willing to speak.

When they remained quiet, she idly flicked her wrist, instantly killing one of them. She sighed as he shrieked. With another flick of her wrist, his limp body fell to the floor.

It was gruesome, even worst than the others, as she had only broken the other two's necks. What had once been a human body was now only a bloody mound of broken flesh, weakly held together by the shattered pieces of bone protruding from it's exterior. Crossing her exposed long legs, the ginger-haired teen continued to look on. Silently pleased with the way the remaining men now frantically squirmed against their knotted restraints. Two of which were clearly on the verge of hurling up the contents of their stomachs, as they repeatedly made sounds reminiscent of gaging as a look of terror washed over each one's face. Maliciously, she then parted her lips. The innocently sweet sound of her voice only became eerily unsettling as her words left her lips.

"So extraneously pusillanimous. I grow weary of you pretentious hominids." She didn't say it, but Internally, Lilith now regretted having taken hostages. As they increasingly proved to be little more than an waste of her time. Thus, it was with a forward thrust of her left hand that she sent the one of the more unshaken men soaring towards the cavern's far wall. There, he splattered against the stone with a sickening crunch, nigh-exploding in a misted burst of bone and blood.

Lilith, whose petite yet curvaceous figure now twisted in search of an more comfortable position in which to sit, now leaned forward. Revealing herself under the dim light. Though still cross-legged, the eighteen-year-old's head now rested upon a closed fist. Her arm's elbow seated upon left thigh. Her moderate but heavy chest threatening to fall out of her yellow tank-top as she moved hair long pinkish-red hair behind an ear, and out of her face. Her lower half covered by an mostly hidden pair of tight white short-shorts. She would have definitely have been considered attractive, were it not for the black tendril shaped marks spread across her flesh, and her threateningly blanked face.
For a moment, Verin had frozen in disbelief. A single cold sweat falling from his brow as he quickly heaved himself off of the ground. Though he had been prepared to counter an rapid attack, he was grateful that Rurik had intervened when he had. Even if he had hated the manner in which it had been done.

"Tch. At least I drew the damned thing out." As he took up a stoop, carefully maneuvering around the small clearing that had so suddenly become their battle ground, Verin watched as his two comrades engaged the large Wyvern. However, it was only after Chloe had blocked a blow from the Wyvern, that he finally reached over his shoulder and drew Esclarin from it's sheath. Skillfully, he then maneuvered it so that its blade would be parallel to his frame. Holding it within his right hand, arm outstretched, as he shot into a forward sprint.

His first couple strides was short, and focused on accelerating the movements of his limbs. The next two, long and leaping, as the young mage adjusted his angle of approach. Aiming himself directly at the Wyvern while making sure to keep Chloe between it and himself. Hoping to stay out of it's line of sight. Verin knew they wouldn't win in a slug-fest with such a naturally powerful beast, and for the most part, was sure that his comrades now did as well. Thus, it was his third sequence of movements that set his plan into play.

With an frontal leap, Verin shot forward, and utilizing his magic, summoned forth flames at the soles of his feet. Through them he boosted his momentum while in mid-air. Twisting about as to be upside down as he flew towards the beast, he then slammed Esclarin deeply into the earth below and before him with purpose. The results were instantaneous. With his flames still propelling him forward, Verin brought his feet together and tucked his legs in close to his frame. Just in time for his weapon, which had viciously whiplashed, to swing forward and make contact with the soles of his feet. Uprooting both dirt and stone with it as aided Verin on his way, acting as slingshot for him as he shot a mighty kick against his weapon and pushed off of it. The action caused him to again fly towards the Wyvern, albiet at a more rapid pace.

He then focused on increasing the output of his feet's flames. Intent on further increasing his speed. Thus, Verin now flew towards the Wyvern at blindingly speeds. Having just delivered a blow to Chloe, the beast was blind-sided, hence could only cry out as it begun to spin in an attempt to intercept the airborne Verin with its tail. It was only at the last second, just as the Wyvern's tail was about to reach him, that the mage then channeled all his focus into surrounding his right arm with his God Slayer Flames.

The explosion was brilliant.

While the Wyvern had remained relatively unscathed, having only been momentarily knocked of its balance, causing it to stumble over from its own weight. It was the resulting flash of black light, as well as the heavy concussive force of the attack, that left the creature momentarily dazed. Verin, who had been knocked to the ground by the force of the impact, then struggled to his feet. Breathing heavily as he gingerly clenched his right arm in pain.

For most mages, even ones with enhancement magic such as Rurik's, an attack like that would have left their arm badly broken and mangled. As the amount of force Verin had just funneled behind it was insane. It was only thanks to the scale-like armor composition of his arm, that Verin had managed not to brake it. However, even that didn't stop it from throbbing immensly with a sharp crippling pain.
Marc said
Mystech we should probably collab for Riley and Lilith's encounter, and Shifter we should also collab for Alex meeting the ring leader.

Agreed. Just let me know when you're ready to start.
Ok, i'll shoot you both a PM soon.
@Rune + Killa: Was just wondering, would you two be intrested in collaberating the rest of the Wyvern fight via PMs?
Lol, slight miscalculation. :P
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